
Category: GST102



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

In a_________, the author takes the reader logically and smoothly from one idea to another

2 / 50

Without a proper pronunciation of words, your audience may miss out the ______________ you are trying to express 

3 / 50

Homophones are ___________that have the same pronunciation but differ a little in spelling

4 / 50

4. The present tense forms of the verb 'do' are ________

5 / 50

------------- entails keeping the rules, customs and conventions that are observed in our society

6 / 50

6. Identify the word that does NOT have this consonant / j /.

7 / 50

Contracted forms of language use are allowed in ___________

8 / 50

8. The ________ is used to describe past events, and emphasise their effect on the speaker's present situation.

9 / 50

In English language there are more sounds than there are letters in the __________

10 / 50

The Memorandum is used for __________communication in an organization

11 / 50

11. One of the following is the correct stress pattern for the word 'commerce'

12 / 50

 The letter written to the INEC chairman asking for clarification on voting procedure is a ----------

13 / 50

13. _______is a form of direct statement whereby the subject of a sentence takes an object without any inversion.

14 / 50

Apart from _____stress there is also sentence stress

15 / 50

15. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. It is preferred to basketball. The verb is ______

16 / 50

16. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. It is preferred to basketball. The verb is _____

17 / 50

Deletion is an avoidable thing you must do when ______a passage

18 / 50

18. "Life is great!" is an example of _______ sentence

19 / 50

The application letter is a _________to an advertisement

20 / 50

20. The opening sentence in a paragraph, states the central __________of that paragraph for the reader.

21 / 50

21. A defining relative clause is so called because they define or specify the _______ which they qualify.

22 / 50

22. State if this sentence is FORMAL or INFORMAL: Which street d'you live in?

23 / 50

Being able to _________ yourself well in an interview gives you greater chances of getting the job

24 / 50

24. The ________situation of a country determines the way a speech is presented.

25 / 50

A paragraph is a piece of writing which is unified by a central, controlling idea or _____________

26 / 50

26. In the sentence, 'The President arrives from China tomorrow', the tense form is __________.

27 / 50

__________ are used to represent sounds in the dictionary

28 / 50

28. Beginning a paragraph with a topic sentence helps both the ________ and the reader.

29 / 50

Formal letters are --------- in their styles and phraseology

30 / 50

30. Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence. Choose a car to please yourself, not others. The infinitive phrase is ______

31 / 50

31. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. Today, football is been played by both men and women. The verb is _______

32 / 50

Complex sentences with ______clauses are deployed in summary writing to make the passage shorter

33 / 50

The English vowels and consonants are very important to ______ spoken English

34 / 50

To make your formal letter __________use the same font and the same font size

35 / 50

35. Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence. You may need to do some research. The infinitive phrase is _____

36 / 50

The main _________between the formal and informal letter is in the use of language

37 / 50

In Nigeria languages tone that brings about a change in the meaning while in English a change in meaning is as a result of _________

38 / 50

38. Fill in the blanks with have or has: Now, you _______ learnt the secret of happiness.

39 / 50

A formal letter must have the __________of the sender and the receiver

40 / 50

40. Fill in the blank with do or does: How _______ we get there?

41 / 50

"won", "one", "take", "sit", "bit", "peak" and "come" are all ___________

42 / 50

The words "pocket", "pretend" and "docket" all have ____

43 / 50

43. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. The game of football will keep Nigerians glued to their television sets for a long time to come. The verb is _______

44 / 50

Beginning a paragraph with the topic sentence helps the _________to immediately know what the paragraph is about

45 / 50

45. A long sentence is usually divided into what may be called breath groups, or_________ groups.

46 / 50

46. Which vowel is represented in the word 'whack'?

47 / 50

Wrongly ____a word can lead to wrong meaning being expressed

48 / 50

A letter to your study centre director of your missing scores it is called a letter of _______

49 / 50

49. a' and 'an' are called ______ articles

50 / 50

One difficulty about English pronunciation is that there is no perfect correspondence between _________and sounds

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