Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
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1 / 50
min husni Islamil mari'i tarkuhu maa laa ya'niihi This hadith is asking a good Muslim --------
2 / 50
A Hadith that came to us intact generation after generation is in the ________ category
3 / 50
The following are among the six authors of Hadith except _____
4 / 50
______ is the practical deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w.)
5 / 50
The Hadith whose words are reported spoken by Allah is called_____
6 / 50
The collection arranged according to subject-matter is called
7 / 50
By the narraton of Muslim, the Prophet said: He is not powerful he who defeats his opponent but the one who defeats his passion. This Hadith teaches
8 / 50
The reasons why people get married according one hadith of the Prophet are --- ---
9 / 50
No one of you believes in God till he wants for his brother what he wants for himself. This hadith teaches
10 / 50
The theme of the Hadith one of An-Nawawi's collection is the importance of
11 / 50
Rufiatil aqlam wa jaffatis suhf is a hadith talking about
12 / 50
The two main parts of Hadith are and
13 / 50
Hadith is unreliable and unacceptable Hadith
14 / 50
Statements credited to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are known as
15 / 50
Moral practice of the Prophet's companions is
16 / 50
A weak hadith is called hadith
17 / 50
Sahihayn is the term for the books of and
18 / 50
Hadith is the primary source of Shari'ah
19 / 50
The caliph who first made an official statement on the compilation of Hadith is
20 / 50
The Prophet warned that should anybody introduce an innovation in our matter (i.e.Islam) it will be
21 / 50
Of all the 4 Imams of Islamic jurisprudence, the one that is least traveled is
22 / 50
Some of the companions of the prophet who always dedicate their lives to staying in the mosques for devotions are called ------
23 / 50
Moral teachings in Islam is known as _____
24 / 50
The Arabic word for fabricated Hadith is
25 / 50
“Khushu” in salât means ___________
26 / 50
Supply the first part of this Hadith: ‘______ is not one of us’ ( narrated by Muslim)
27 / 50
Among the excellent categories of Hadith, the first is tagged __________
28 / 50
The Hadith that is mainly used to encourage people to do good is known as hadith
29 / 50
The book of Muwatta by Imam Malik is arranged in style
30 / 50
In view of its enriched content and style of information, ______is referred to by some scholars as a book of Fiqh
31 / 50
When we talk of matn of any hadith we mean the of the hadith
32 / 50
The phrase Hadith Nabawi means __________
33 / 50
Hadith collection arranged according to chains of transmitters is called
34 / 50
The Prophet’s Companion who started compilation of Hadith was
35 / 50
A typical Prophetic Tradition can be divided into two parts namely, Isnad and
36 / 50
Unlike text of the Qur'an, can be recited in Salat.
37 / 50
A hadith is classified to be un-authentic when it contradicts a text of the
38 / 50
Only the____________ means the Prophet’s Companions among the terms
39 / 50
Umar Ibn al-Khattab was known for ______during his administration
40 / 50
One of the Sahabahs who heard hadith from the Prophet is --------
41 / 50
Any action that is wajib or fard in Islam is _________
42 / 50
At his farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet recommended to the Muslims that they will not go astray as long as they hold fast to two documents; namely the Quran and
43 / 50
was given to the Prophet as a nick name before his prophethood to attest to the high quality of his character
44 / 50
The first hadith of AnNawawi's collections talke about-------
45 / 50
The book of Muwatta by Imam Malik is arranged in ______ style
46 / 50
A typical Prophetic Tradition can be divided into two parts namely, Isnad and __________
47 / 50
Morality has something to do with human ____
48 / 50
The next in rank to hadith sahih is hadith ___________
49 / 50
The Arabic term for a traditionist is
50 / 50
Imam Malik is popularly known as Imam of the people of Madinah because he _______
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