
Category: CHM192



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1) The most important applications of magnetic  stirring is stirring in a ________ system.

2 / 50

2) The _________ of a solid is the temperature at which the liquid and solid phases are in equilibrium.

3 / 50

3) In the reaction of KMnO4 and ethene, the KMnO4 is ________

4 / 50

4) The heating mantle is safe because it does not produce _________

5 / 50

5) Elimination reaction of an alcohol is called _________

6 / 50

6) Modern digital weighing scales __________ results very precisely.

7 / 50

7) A medicine dropper is calibrated by counting the number of drops it produces to make up a ________

8 / 50

8) When alcohol is dehydrated, product x is formed. To prevent x from reforming back to alcohol, x is preferably removed by _________

9 / 50

9) Cyclic hydrocarbons are aliphatic compound that have carbon atoms linked _________

10 / 50

10) When heating beakers with a burner, _________ should be placed between the vessel and the flame.

11 / 50

11) Heating mantles must be used with variable _______

12 / 50

12) Aqueous ammonia should be used only in the ________ hood.

13 / 50

13) Modern digital weighing scales have many types, styles and _________ ranges.

14 / 50

14) Most laboratory __________ are equipped with multiple gas nozzles connected to a central gas source.

15 / 50

15) The most common methods of lighting the burner are using a match on a ___________ lighter.

16 / 50

16) One of the reasons for the vast array of organic compounds is the phenomenon of ____________.

17 / 50

17) For temperature above 100oC, __________ baths are generally used

18 / 50

18) Sodium metal _________ on contact with water.

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19) The two types of magnetic stirrers are mechanical and _________

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20) NaOH is ________ and can eat away living tissues.

21 / 50

21) To write the ______________ formula of hydrocarbon, the hydrogen atoms are grouped with their carbon atom.

22 / 50

22) A stirrer hot plate keeps the _________ at a constant temperature while stirring.

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23) Below the _________ point, solvent will be seen running back into the flask.

24 / 50

24) Which of these; ethanol and methanol, has higher boiling point and why?

25 / 50

25) For micro-scale work, a Pasteur dropping ___________ can be used instead of glass funnel.

26 / 50

26) Calcium chloride is mostly used as _____.

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27) All edges of glass tubing must be fine-polished to round off the ________ edges.

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28) _________ is the container used to keep sample dry.

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29) Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons, cycloalkanes are ____________ hydrocarbons.

30 / 50

30) Supercooling occurs when a liquid is cooled __________ its freezing point.

31 / 50

31) The simplest formular for representing hydrocarbon is called __________ formular.

32 / 50

32) ________ are used to heat small quantities of substances to very high temperatures.

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33) __________ flasks are used to prepare solution of a specific concentration.

34 / 50

34) Some solids begin to ___________ a few degrees below their melting point.

35 / 50

35) Bunsen burner is used for heating, sterilization and ________

36 / 50

36) Bromine water is reacted with I. Butane II. Butene III. Butyne. In which of the/these reactions will bromine water be decolourised?

37 / 50

37) The shrinkage of a solid being heated is called _____.

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38) Filtration involves the separation of __________ solid materials from a liquid.

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39) In the laboratory, the most common measuring instrument is _________

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40) Elimination of a molecule of water in alcohol results in Pi-bond formation of _________

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41) BrCH2CH2Br represent _________.

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42) Isomers have different physical properties and _________ chemical properties.

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43) Hydrocarbons consisting of carbon linked in a single chain are chain aliphatic, those linked by branched chain are called ________

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44) Proper selection of a suitable type of stirrer requires that you certain ________ variables.

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45) __________ is the process of boiling reactants while cooling the vapour and returning it to the flask as liquid.

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46) Powerful pumps provide good heat __________ and optimum temperature accuracy.

47 / 50

47) A Bunsen burner was named after _________ Bunsen.

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48) The size of steam bath can be controlled by adding or removing ___________

49 / 50

49) The viscosity of most liquids varies _________ with temperature.

50 / 50

50) A simple oil bath can be made by heating a _________ of oil on a hot plate.

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