Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. A system of government where the
leader engages in excessive use of
power or authority is called
2 / 50
2. The territorial boundary of a country
includes land, airspace and
3 / 50
3. When the whole House of Parliament
dissolves into a committee, the
which is the
House's symbol of authority is also
removed from the table
4 / 50
4. One of the sources of authority that
confers legitimacy by virtue of birth is
5 / 50
5. The surrender note was collected from
Gen. Phillips Effiong of the Biafran Army
to mark the end of the Nigerian civil war
in 1970 by
6 / 50
6. In the Westminster system of
government, the 'shadow cabinet' formed
by the official opposition has no place in
the _system
of government
7 / 50
7. An element of state that states the size of
the inhabitants of the area is
8 / 50
8. One of the followings is not a feature of
9 / 50
9. In Nigeria, the legal bases of political
institutions are found
10 / 50
10. The two major blocs that formed the OAU
were Casablanca and
11 / 50
11. The popular saying that ‘man, by nature,
is a political animal’ is credited
12 / 50
12. The Nigeria's prime Minister in the First
Republic was
13 / 50
13. Col. Muammer Ghaddafi's coup in Libya
in 1969 was against the monarchy led by
14 / 50
14. Military rule is classified as
_because it
is a government by few but powerful
15 / 50
15. A credible and generally acceptable
election is a criterion for examine political
16 / 50
16. A constitutional provision that makes
some public officials literally above the
law is called
17 / 50
17. One of the elements of State that is
18 / 50
18. The concept of power was defined as
“who gets what, how and when” is a
contribution by___________
19 / 50
19. Voting in an election by a citizen is
performing a
20 / 50
20. The electoral constituency within which a
Councilor is elected is called
21 / 50
21. Nigerian Patriots who fought for the
revalidation of 'June 12' election came
under the umbrella organization called
22 / 50
22. Decisions can be democratically taken at
the parliament either by division; show of
hands or by
23 / 50
23. In addition to English language, the
business of the Kaduna State House of
Assembly may be conducted in one of
the following Nigerian
24 / 50
24. The United Nations Organization was
established in the year
25 / 50
25. By the Nigerian constitution of 1999, one
must belong to a
_to stand for
any election
26 / 50
26. By tradition, the military suspends the
constitution to rule by
27 / 50
27. Which of the following statements is NOT
correct about international
28 / 50
28. An order by a Law Court seeking
production of a detainee is
29 / 50
29. One of the methods of studying political
science is__________________
30 / 50
30. According to S.96(1) of the 1999
constitution, the quorum of a House of
Assembly shall be_______________of
all the members
31 / 50
31. The Nigerian Labour Congress is distinct
from the Nigerian Labour Party because
the former is a
32 / 50
32. The theory that explains the legitimacy of
kingship in the political system is
33 / 50
33. The US Constitution was fundamentally
different from that of Nigeria
34 / 50
34. By the Nigerian Constitution of 1999, no
President can serve for more than
35 / 50
35. The political philosopher that describes
life in the state of nature as "solitary,
poor, nasty, brutish and short." was
36 / 50
36. Politics is defined as a social science
because it________________
37 / 50
37. Election by show of hand in such a
manner that others know how one has
voted is an example of
38 / 50
38. In a developing democracy, Fundamental
Human Rights are better guaranteed
under a
39 / 50
39. The Divine Right Theory serves to give
legitimacy to the rule by a
40 / 50
40. The most senior military officer in the
Interim National Government that took
over the reins of power from Gen.
Ibrahim Babangida in 1993
41 / 50
41. The preamble ‘we the people of
Nigeria…’ in the Nigerian Constitution,
1999 is deceptive
42 / 50
42. Safe from her economic resources,
Nigeria is regarded as giant of Africa
because of her
43 / 50
43. A State is an entity that lives in perpetuity
while is her
44 / 50
44. The International Court of Justice's
decision over
Nigeria and Cameroun is an example of
limitation to the sovereignty of the
Nigerian state
45 / 50
45. A country as a political unit could be
defined either as a State or a
because the
two concepts are used interchangeably
46 / 50
46. Oligarchy as a form of government is
defined as a_______________________
47 / 50
47. Military rule is regarded as an aberration
48 / 50
48. One of the major achievements of the
civil rule in the first Republic
49 / 50
49. Political gerrymandering
50 / 50
50. The statement that “power corrupts, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely” by
Lord Acton is emphasizing the doctrine
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