Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
All the following are characteristics of gifted learners EXCEPT
2 / 50
Language is a challenge to children broadcasting. True or false _?
3 / 50
Educational broadcasting programme in which students of various schools compete by argueing for or against a topical issue is known as
4 / 50
Broadcast media was deregulated in Nigerian in the year _.
5 / 50
Strategy through which broadcast is directed to an unorganised audience is called broadcasting
6 / 50
One of the city chosen for relaying BBC service in the early stage of broadcasting in Nigeria is
7 / 50
When was NBS commissioned?
8 / 50
Town crier is a method of reaching the urban communities educationally. True or false ?
9 / 50
Broadcasting started in Nigeria in the year
10 / 50
has immediacy than other media
11 / 50
All the following include functions of the broadcast media as stated by Sharma (2012) EXCEPT
12 / 50
The transmission of special interest programmes to much smaller audiences is known as
13 / 50
is the leading mass communication medium
14 / 50
The technical term given to all forms of obstacles which reduce the fidelity of communication is _?
15 / 50
Radio can talk back to its audience through
16 / 50
16. learners have gifted hands
17 / 50
educational broadcasting occures when broadcast media are used to propagate formal education.
18 / 50
These are the various ways through which education can appear on television for children EXCEPT
19 / 50
The first form of broadcasting in Nigeria is
20 / 50
In a classroom-setting, students could not be regarded as
21 / 50
A summary of United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) presents adult education as ________
22 / 50
The slogan of Eastern Nigerian Television is
23 / 50
Operation feed the nation (1976) is an example of past mass education programme in the Nigerian masss media
24 / 50
25 / 50
One of the following is the a challenge to children broadcasting
26 / 50
The form of media that is mostlyy utilised in developing world of Asia and Africa is ?
27 / 50
27. Eletronic media includes
28 / 50
Television documentary is a valuable method of reaching the urban communities educationally. True or false __?
29 / 50
Audience of radio are known as
30 / 50
The Nigerian Constitution of provided that regional governments could establish broadcasting services
31 / 50
KISS as a speaking and writing principle means
32 / 50
The classification of educational media according to the senses they stimulate does not include
33 / 50
One of the following is a Method of Reaching the Urban Communities Educationally
34 / 50
Which of the colonial governor commission Nigerian Broadcasting Services (NBS)?
35 / 50
36 / 50
NBS was changed to Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) in
37 / 50
When did the Nigerian currency change from Pound and Shilling to Naira and Kobo
38 / 50
is an electronic device that brings to us informational, educational and entertainment programmes
39 / 50
The reason for maintaining eye contact during presentation is to
40 / 50
type of noise refers to any unfavourable state of mind of the sender and or the reciever at the time of communication
41 / 50
Radio is leading over television in term of
42 / 50
The first indigenous broadcast station in Nigeria was
43 / 50
The primary purpose of WNBS is promotion of
44 / 50
The information, the task; the content, the subject matter, knowledge, attitude, values, beliefs and/or skills designed and planned to be acquired by the decoder is referred to as the
45 / 50
45. BCNN was located in
46 / 50
47 / 50
Broadcasting is synonymous with
48 / 50
Radio rediffusion was later extended to all except
49 / 50
is a technical term that refers to the person who initiates the exchange of idea/information
50 / 50
One of these is not a principle of presentation
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