Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. In Britain, members of the
Upper House, the House of
Lords, are ----- while
members of the House of
Commons are__
2 / 50
2. The late President
Yar’Adua in recognition of
the flawed nature of
elections set up the -----
reform panel.
3 / 50
3. The Babangida’s regime,
experimented with all sorts
of political contrivances
under the guise of -----
4 / 50
Nigeria operated the parliamentary system of government in the _Republic
5 / 50
5. The following are the
characteristics of a state
except ------
6 / 50
6. In Nigeria, the appointment
of judicial officers by the
President or /Governors is
usually subject to
ratification by the -----
7 / 50
7. In the ----- model of
democracy there is ‘fusion
of powers’.
8 / 50
8. The executive arm of the
government is composed of
all of the following except --
9 / 50
9. The legislative arm of
honorable men/women
usually elected from -----
10 / 50
10. When the national or central government is supreme over other levels of government that might exist in a given state,it is said to be
11 / 50
11. A primary purpose of
government is ------
12 / 50
The Senate as well as the Congress can remove the president through the process of ------
13 / 50
13. Britain operates a unitary government but with a legislature.
14 / 50
In the parliamentary system there is _among the three organs of government
15 / 50
15. The performance of managerial functions in an organization, can be said to constitute _.
16 / 50
16. who defined bureaucracy in terms of its structural characteristics? _.
17 / 50
17. An administrative/constitutional arrangement in which two or more sovereign and independent states agree to come together to have a central but weak government is known as _.
18 / 50
18. In the parliamentary system
of government, duties like
presiding over important
national functions or
ceremonies, signing bills
into law and addressing the
parliament are
duties performed by the
19 / 50
19. The Legislature can upturn
the power of assent of Mr.
President by the use of -----
20 / 50
20. The division of a country into electoral units is known as _.
21 / 50
21. A
_refers to a group of people
who believe they have the
followings in common:
culture, language, history,
tradition, and religion in a
fixed territory.
22 / 50
22. The Odua Peoples’ Congress (OPC), Arewa Peoples ‘Congress (APC) and Egbesu and Bakassi Boys groups in Nigeria are examples of ethnic
23 / 50
23. Which type of bureaucracy functions effectively in an atmosphere of consent and confidence? _.
24 / 50
24. What principle governs a unitary constitution?
25 / 50
25. The two legislative
chambers in Nigeria is
known as
26 / 50
26. The electoral system was first introduced in the year in Nigeria.
27 / 50
27. Which writ is issued by the superior court and the High court to the inferior court to prohibit a body from proceeding any further with a case in question? _.
28 / 50
28. For service to be effective and efficient, the first principle of good leadership in administration is _of authority.
29 / 50
29. The fundamental human
rights of the citizens are
defined and enforced by the
30 / 50
30. The civil service in Nigeria is organized into the Federal _service, and the state service.
31 / 50
31. Legislatures are either
32 / 50
32. In totalitarian states, the law
is used to serve the interest
of the ----- to the detriment
of the weak.
33 / 50
33. When a state or
government is in the hands
of a few people, it is said to
be an
34 / 50
34. The policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ is treaceable to the _.
35 / 50
35. In a federal system, a
bicameral legislature
ensures that a balance is
maintained between the
_and the
36 / 50
36. In Nigeria, when a judge
retires on the attainment of
65 years of age, their
appointment is
subsequently made on a ---
-- basis after meeting
certain requirements.
37 / 50
37. The system is a process or the machinery through which citizens in any given democratic state elect their representatives in competitive elections held at periodic intervals.
38 / 50
38. The rule – mixed
government is also called --
39 / 50
39. The lower legislative
chamber is generally more
popular in character and
broad based in
representation because ----
40 / 50
40. Who presides over the
weekly meeting of the
Federal Executive Council?
41 / 50
41. The ministerial organization of civil servants is headed by a Secretary.
42 / 50
42. The horizontal structuring of civil services into classes was abolished by the 19 Civil Service Reforms
43 / 50
43. The doctrine of fusion of
powers is practised in the
_system of government
44 / 50
44. The payment of better
salaries to judges
checkmates -----
45 / 50
45. The is a professional body of permanent, paid and skilled officials.
46 / 50
46. The absolute and unlimited
authority which a State
possesses confers on it ----
47 / 50
47. Who performs oversight
functions on the Executive?
48 / 50
48. In the state of nature the life
of man is solitary, nasty,
poor, ----- and -----
49 / 50
The Council Chairman in the local government is assisted by the ---- in the administration of its functions.
50 / 50
50. In Nigeria as well as in
some other countries, the
fear of electing judges is
premised on the liability of -
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