
Category: Pol124



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. A primary purpose of

government is ------

2 / 50

2. In Britain, members of the

Upper House, the House of

Lords, are ----- while

members of the House of

Commons are__

3 / 50

3. The system is a process or the machinery through which citizens in any given democratic state elect their representatives in competitive elections held at periodic intervals.

4 / 50

4. In totalitarian states, the law

is used to serve the interest

of the ----- to the detriment

of the weak.

5 / 50

5. Which of these is an

element of the State ---

6 / 50

6. In 1914, the _and_protectorates were amalgamated.

7 / 50

7. Public Administration is organized in two basis namely and _basis.

8 / 50

8. In Nigeria members of both

Upper and Lower

Legislative Houses are -----

9 / 50

9. The following except ------

are the forms of

government identified by


10 / 50

10. The following are the

characteristics of a state

except ------

11 / 50

11. Which type of bureaucracy functions effectively in an atmosphere of consent and confidence? _.

12 / 50

12. The universal adult suffrage was introduced in the eastern region in the year _.

13 / 50

13. The impeachment of the

former governor

_of Oyo State was declared

illegal and unconstitutional

by the Supreme Court

under the Obasanjo


14 / 50

14. The Northern People’s Congress (NPC), like the AG was also formed in the year _from the Hausa cultural group, Jammiyyar Mutaine Arewa

15 / 50

15. The authoritative direction and superintending of the work of others is regarded as _.

16 / 50

16. In pursuit of some special interests, pressure groups bring pressure to bear upon the administration through officers

17 / 50

17. The two legislative

chambers in Nigeria is

known as

18 / 50

18. The state as an entity has

the right to exercise power

over the ----- and the


19 / 50

19. In the ----- model of

democracy there is ‘fusion

of powers’.

20 / 50

20. The power to influence the heads and staffs of government bureaus is known as _.

21 / 50

21. The separation of the

judiciary from other arms of

government in the

discharge of its


presupposes ------

22 / 50

22. The extent and nature of

duties undertaken by

government in the modern

societies are functions of

one of the following ------

23 / 50

23. The direct election of a

president through popular

votes or indirectly via the

collegiate system is known


24 / 50

24. Montesquieu, held that

States are of three types




25 / 50

25. In public administration, is basically concerned with the scientific study of human behaviour in diverse social settings

26 / 50

26. The _constitution introduced the elective principle.

27 / 50

27. The fundamental principle of a is the division of power between the federal and the constituent governments.

28 / 50

28. The quasi￾parliamentary/presidential

model of executive system

of government is linked to --


29 / 50

29. In the performance of its

functions, the local

government chairperson is

assisted by -----

30 / 50

30. The Legislature can upturn

the power of assent of Mr.

President by the use of -----

31 / 50

31. The State is permanent

while the government is ----


32 / 50

32. Which model of

government imbibes some

features of both

parliamentary and

presidential forms of

governments? -----

33 / 50

33. The authority from which

the Constitution of Nigeria,

1999 (as amended) is

made is contained in the ---


Preface Proposal Statute Preamble D


34 / 50

34. The horizontal structuring of civil services into classes was abolished by the 19 Civil Service Reforms

35 / 50

35. Britain operates a unitary government but with a legislature.

36 / 50

36. When the president

withholds his/her assent to

a bill, it amounts to an

exercise of ------

37 / 50

37. When a state or

government is in the hands

of a few people, it is said to

be an

38 / 50

38. In which weekly meeting

are major policy decisions

concerning the country

deliberated? -----

39 / 50

39. The mechanism adopted to

defend a country's

corporate existence from

either external invasion or

internal insurrection

includes all of the following

except ------

40 / 50

40. In a federal system, a

bicameral legislature

ensures that a balance is

maintained between the

_and the


41 / 50

41. In Nigeria as well as the

world, when judicial officers

are appointed by the

President/Governors it is

usually on the

recommendation of the

42 / 50

42. The fundamental human

rights of the citizens are

defined and enforced by the


43 / 50

43. Who presides over the

weekly meeting of the

Federal Executive Council?


44 / 50

44. The Economic and

Financial Crimes

Commission (EFCC) was

established by the ------


45 / 50

45. who defined bureaucracy in terms of its structural characteristics? _.

46 / 50

46. The charging of judicial

salaries based on first line

presupposes the existence

of an existence of a -----

which only the council can

manipulate for a purpose.

47 / 50

47. The Babangida’s regime,

experimented with all sorts

of political contrivances

under the guise of -----

48 / 50

48. The law-interpreting organs

of government in Nigeria is

composed of the following

bodies except -----

49 / 50


The Economic and
Financial Crimes
Commission (EFCC) was
first under the chairmanship
of ------

50 / 50


In the parliamentary system
there is
_among the three organs of

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