Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
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1 / 50
Critical internal factor causing underdevelopment in Africa is -
2 / 50
The dissillusionment of the two decades of aggression and war gave impetus to school of international politics
3 / 50
All except this is not a mechanism of imperialism
4 / 50
International diplomacy is synonymous to
5 / 50
The headquarters of International Court of Justice is in
6 / 50
Money is to economics, what is to international relations
7 / 50
7. SAP means - - -
8 / 50
Idealism is built on the principles of
9 / 50
is the technique and procedure for conducting relations among states
10 / 50
- theory explains that third world poverty, inequality and crisis are induced by historical subjugation and exploitation of unequal relationship
11 / 50
11. NEPAD means -
12 / 50
Historical subjugation and economic surordination in the world economy is a common similarity of -
13 / 50
A fairly coherent and comprehensive set of ideas that explains and evaluates social conditions, helps understand their places in society and provides a programme for social and political action is called
14 / 50
The strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept, indeed prevails
15 / 50
Dependency has lead to development crisis in third world countries and worsening of -
16 / 50
The discipline that explains political activities across states boundaries is
17 / 50
Which mode of production was broken down for the emergence of Feudalism -
18 / 50
The dominance of relationship between a metropolitian nation and a satellite nation is called -
19 / 50
Undeveloped nations are still in their - stage of advancement -
20 / 50
Dependency theory emerged as a response and reaction to - - - theory
21 / 50
The technique and procedure for conducting relations among states is
22 / 50
is the moral Code of states in international system
23 / 50
The realist approach and the idealist approach belong to which school of thoughts in international relations
24 / 50
International relations theory is basic to the study of
25 / 50
The ability of A to get B to do something it would not otherwise do is
26 / 50
The emergence of the two superpower is due to the
27 / 50
Multiplicity of linkage and interconnectedness which surpasses national boundaries is called -
28 / 50
The two world powers before the breakdown of the Cold War were and
29 / 50
Two competing paradigms have shaped the analysis of third world underdevelopment and dependency -
30 / 50
30. The UNO was formed in -
31 / 50
The key to recognize essentials of the balance of power is
32 / 50
Expansion of capitalism to third world countries gave birth to -
33 / 50
- - - is that which affects significantly every part of the world at the same time politically, economically, technologically and environmentally
34 / 50
- is a system where means of production are unevenly distributed -
35 / 50
A functioning international system requires a high degree of
36 / 50
was the greatest advocate of idealist approach
37 / 50
Transnational Organisations, private banks and other organisations that operate at the international level are described as
38 / 50
The goals which state officials seek to obtain abroad and the instrument to pursue such goals are known as
39 / 50
A dependent nation has no control over its -
40 / 50
Bolshevik revolution in Russia took place in
41 / 50
The dynamic reaction between the forces of politics and economy is called -
42 / 50
International law operates in the shadow of
43 / 50
Behaviour of nations to others are part of their
44 / 50
45 / 50
Peripherial nations are mostly within -
46 / 50
The collapse of Communism signifies a victory for
47 / 50
All, but one of these is not a condition of the IMF in third world
48 / 50
Development of underdevelopment is the notion of the work of -
49 / 50
The moral code of states in the international system is called
50 / 50
50. Imperialism is an ofshot of
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