Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
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1 / 50
Aristotle held that the state was originally formed to satisfy ____
2 / 50
Aristotle viewed slaves as piece of live
3 / 50
In the communist society, distribution of surplus will be based on everyone according to
4 / 50
Marriage and ownership of property is the sole preserve of ___ in Plato's ideal state
5 / 50
revolution resulted in the transfer of power from the king to the parliament
6 / 50
The idea that progress in arts and sciences has led to idleness, inequality and luxury was promoted by
7 / 50
held that political carrer has nothing good to offer the good man but will rather extinguish his goodness
8 / 50
is said to be the first to discuss politics and society without any recourse to ethics and jurisprudence
9 / 50
Marsilio held that in addition to its truth, religion has consequences
10 / 50
In Hegel's political thought, the individual actualises his material and spiritual needs in the __
11 / 50
The presence of ___ is the most distinguishing factor between the state and other associations in the political thought of Jean Bodin
12 / 50
The constitution which governs the stoics' world state is
13 / 50
Hobbes' social contract is an agreement between the subject and ___
14 / 50
According to Rousseau, the real and only man of virtue is the
15 / 50
The author of Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation is
16 / 50
Rousseau political thought emphasised the primacy of the ____ in determining political authority
17 / 50
___ brought about the fall of men in Seneca's golden age
18 / 50
Which of these is not among the subjects to which the ruler in Plato's ideal state must be exposed to?
19 / 50
Hobbes' the Leviathan was a ___account of human nature and knowledge
20 / 50
The ultimate rulers in Plato's political thought are the ___
21 / 50
According to Aristotle, the state has its organic origin in the
22 / 50
The citizens of the world state of the stoics consist of __ and ___
23 / 50
Hobbes belief in absolute monarchy led him to self imposed in Holland when parliamentary authority was established in England
24 / 50
Aristotle's Politics studied the constitution of over constitutions
25 / 50
The school where Plato taught his political and other theories is known as the__________
26 / 50
The only condition for peace in the commonwealth as advocated by Hobbes is for all to surrender their powers and rights to ____
27 / 50
Unless the state is a community for ethical purposes it is nothing more than a highway robbery on large scale, is a view attributed to ___
28 / 50
The theory that kings derived their rights to rule directly from God is known as
29 / 50
___ is regarded as the founder of Stoicism
30 / 50
Both Rousseau and Hobbes recognised ___ as the highest law in the state of nature
31 / 50
Aristotle considered the pursuit of ___ as the end or purose of state
32 / 50
According to Cicero, all men are equal because they possess
33 / 50
The soldiers in Plato's state corresponds with part of the human body
34 / 50
Jean Bodin held that for the power kings to remain unquestioned his rules must conform to ____
35 / 50
Aristophanes is famous for defending the ____ nature of Greek society
36 / 50
In Locke's political thought, all men are God's ____
37 / 50
Despite his possession of absolute power, the Roman king was bound to gover his state on the advise of __
38 / 50
Western political thought is said to have its origin in _____
39 / 50
The practice of land ownership held in fief by serfs is called ____
40 / 50
In Aquianas political thought, is a devout Christian bound to obey the orders of a pagan ruler
41 / 50
Aquinas maintained that the main purpose of man on earth is the attainment of ___
42 / 50
tyranny rather than political tyranny, in the view of J. S. Mill poses more challenge to modern nations
43 / 50
Historical idealism is to Hegel as ___ is to Marx
44 / 50
In Hobbes' state of nature man is governed by ___
45 / 50
Aquianas regarded as having supremacy over the state
46 / 50
The conflict between the private and public interest, according to Hegel is resolved by the
47 / 50
Complete this saying of J. S. Mill “over himself, his body and mind, the individual is ___"
48 / 50
Epicureans believe that the do not care about men and do not interfer either for good or bad in their affairs
49 / 50
Which of these is not among the best form of government acoording to Aristotle?
50 / 50
Another name for the Greek city states is
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