Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
One of the purposes of the__ is to ensure orderliness and peaceful co-existence
2 / 50
_is any offence which is punishable without proof of previous conviction with death or imprisonment of three years or more
3 / 50
For__to be sustained and consolidated, the Rule of Law must prevail
4 / 50
Criminal proceedings brought by the state in Nigeria is prosecuted in the __of a State
5 / 50
law comprises the rule of law and legal principles that define the existence of a right or liability
6 / 50
Political democracy without respect for the Constitution is as good as a benevolent__
7 / 50
Which of the following best describes the Nigerian legal system__
8 / 50
The doctrine of enjoins that earlier decisions should be binding authorities for subsequent cases
9 / 50
The attributes of the Nigerian law are as listed below except__
10 / 50
The process of submission of a controversy between two parties to a judge of their choice, for out-of-court settlement is called _.
11 / 50
Summary refers to any offence which is not indictable
12 / 50
__is a set of laws regulating the conduct of persons’ interpersonal dealings, conferring right, status and obligations of individuals or corporate persons
13 / 50
All but one of the followings, is not a legislation__
14 / 50
Civil law has its origin in the__
15 / 50
15. The duty of the law is to
16 / 50
Nigeria may be classified under the common law system because_
17 / 50
The right to life is classified as a__
18 / 50
The legislative powers are divided by the Nigerian between___ Authorities
19 / 50
Nigeria constitution can be classified as
20 / 50
means laws that are constant, everlasting and universal
21 / 50
The school of thought which insists that surists should study the actual social effects of legal institution and ensure effectiveness is the __.
22 / 50
A technique of social control that established rules, standard and principles which tend to correct in case of breech is known as .
23 / 50
The military government rule by the use of _.
24 / 50
A statute which re-enacts the content of earlier statute with such modifications and necessary addition is known as Act
25 / 50
The laws and injunctions contained in the Holy scriptures are perfect examples of__ Law
26 / 50
__posited that nothing is law except the one laid by the svereign or his agents
27 / 50
The legislations passed by various legislative authorities in Nigeria, prior to 1954 are called__
28 / 50
The Court whose decision could not be reviewed in Nigeria is
29 / 50
A writ of fiefa issued by a law Court directing the _to sieze a debtor 's goods or properties for the satisfaction of debt.
30 / 50
Which of the following best describes law and morals__
31 / 50
The legislative process does not end until__
32 / 50
Right to fair hearing is enshrined in Section__ of the Nigerian Constitution, 1999, as amended
33 / 50
Warrant of must not be issued unless the complainant or material witness refused appearance
34 / 50
The term “legal system” means__
35 / 50
The court of appeal is essentially one with jurisdiction.
36 / 50
__are set set of laws regulating the conduct of persons, interpersonal dealings, confering rights, status and obligations of individuals or corporate persons
37 / 50
The features of eternal law are the following except_
38 / 50
The organ of government whose primary duty is to make law for the Country
39 / 50
Law and morality are said to be mutually__ because positive laws does not derive its validity from moral values
40 / 50
A reference to a settled case by a Judge in relation to the matter before the Court, constitutes what is called__
41 / 50
The following are contained in the Exclusive legislative list except__
42 / 50
The laws of gravity, floating and motion, are examples of__ Law
43 / 50
A defendant enters appearance to a writ by
44 / 50
While the juristic persons are the main subjects of municipal laws, international laws deals with__
45 / 50
45. Eudemonia means__
46 / 50
Under a military administration, the highest legislative body in the country is__
47 / 50
The law that was developed by the English Courts from the common customs and practices in England is called
48 / 50
A pronouncement on law by a judge in a matter before the court (jurisdiction) constitutes what is called__
49 / 50
49. A money bill is__
50 / 50
A is usually appointed over a debtor 's property to take over income such as rent and apply it to pay off judgment creditor.
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