
Category: ENT202



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. Organizations do NOT contribute to the present standards of living of people worldwide.

2 / 50

2. __________ regulates the powers of the company and fixes its objects in relation to the outside world.

3 / 50

3.  _________ is the process of arranging and all locating work, authority, and resources among an organization�??s members so they can achieve the organization's goals.

4 / 50

4. A type of company managed by a board of directors is known as__________

5 / 50

5. The process of purchase of goods in huge quantity from producers and their resale to retailers is known as _________

6 / 50

6. __________ is concerned with adding services to the core and formal products.

7 / 50

7. ______the movement of goods through the air by aircrafts

8 / 50

8.  __________ is the amount of capital a firm can issue might not necessarily be the value of shares issued.

9 / 50

9. Where the actual cost of the product is equal to or greater than the estimated price, an adjustment could be made which is known as __________

10 / 50

10.  _________ is the process of stimulating and increasing sales through market awareness and customer service.

11 / 50

11. _______ is the technique of pricing based on the manufacturing cost and the allocated operation overheads of the product

12 / 50

12.  The purchase and sale of goods between two countries are called __________

13 / 50

13. Prospectus is an offer of shares to the public and must also be sent to the Registrar of Companies. True or False_____?

14 / 50

14. Interactive process between a seller and a potential buyer for exchange transaction of goods and services ___________

15 / 50

15.  Which one of the following is NOT a Long-term character of a venture?

16 / 50

16. Purchase of goods from foreign countries to be sold in the home country is called _______

17 / 50

17. A public corporation enjoys a substantial advantage over other forms of public enterprises.

18 / 50

18.  _________ are sent to the Registrar of companies at the same time with the; Memorandum of Association.

19 / 50

19. __________ is the physical nature of a product upon which competition is made.

20 / 50

20. A _________ business includes sole proprietorship and partnership.

21 / 50

21. _________ involves pricing a product at the average level charged in the industry.

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22.  _________ business that is formed and owned, by one man and members of his immediate family.

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23. _________ can be defined as a non- personal paid form of sales presentation through various media by an identified sponsor.

24 / 50

24.  In case the goods produced by an industry are further processed into finished products by another concern they are known as _________

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25. The memorandum of Association regulates the powers of the company and fixes its objects in relation to the outside world. True or False____?

26 / 50

26.  _________ are those industries which extract, raise or fabricate raw materials from above or beneath surface of the earth.

27 / 50

27. When a firm charges a low price on its product to gain market acceptance, it is NOT practicing penetration pricing.

28 / 50

28. __________ concept states that a product passes through a life cycle as human beings.

29 / 50

29. __________ has a relatively short attention span and a chronic need to explore new avenues of experience.

30 / 50

30. __________ is the technique of pricing based on the manufacturing cost and the allocated operation overheads of the product.

31 / 50

31. _________is the process of buying and selling of goods

32 / 50

32. __________ involves the coordination of human and material resources toward objective accomplishment.

33 / 50

33.  _________ business is the type of business organization that is formed without any formal authority from an existing government.

34 / 50

34. An act of separating market into groupings with related consumers needs and wants so that the appropriate marketing programmes are designed for each group is called _________

35 / 50

35. ________ is a partner who has an invested capital in the business and participates actively in running the affairs of the business.

36 / 50

36. ____ is the movement of goods through head- loaded by human porter

37 / 50

37. ____ a form of business where two or more parties come together to undertake a particular business transaction for a common benefit.

38 / 50

38. The process of buying and selling of goods within the edge of a country is called ________

39 / 50

39. _________ refers to the merging of companies to form an organized whole

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40.  __________ is the capital requirement of a firm by the registrar of companies or the corporate Affair of a business.

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41. __________ is the pricing method that calls for setting a price based on consumer perception and demand intensity of the product.

42 / 50

42. _________ of Companies will issue a Certificate of Incorporation

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43. __________ help in carrying goods from the places of production to centers of utilization e.g. Railways, ships, airlines etc.

44 / 50

44. _________ technique of pricing views the pricing of a product on the buyer�??s perception of the product value.

45 / 50

45. Goods purchased in huge quantity from producers and resell to retailers is known as ____________

46 / 50

46. __________ are those which are concerned of converting raw material or semi finished products into finished products. E.g. Shoes Company, Textiles Mills.

47 / 50

47. Examples of convenience goods are bread, biscuits, pure water, newspapers, chew-gum etc. True OR False ____

48 / 50

48. There are __________ different types of meeting are stated in the articles of association.

49 / 50

49. _________is an association of individuals, artificial being, invisible, intangible and only existing in the contemplation of law.

50 / 50

50. __________ is the movement and handling of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption.

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