
Category: POL212



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

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1 / 50

1. In how many ways can the acronyms NOUN be written

2 / 50


All qualitative variables are measured on

3 / 50


A box contains 10 green, 8 yellow and 5 red marbles. If two marbles are
picked at random, what is the probability that one is green and one is red

4 / 50


In a broad sense, _is a diagram that shows
relationships between numbers

5 / 50


A branch of _that deals with analysis and
interpretations of numerical data in terms of sample and population is
called statistics

6 / 50


An advantage of frequency polygon over histogram is that it is easy to

7 / 50

7. Some of the functions of statistics in the society may be

8 / 50


In a class of 181 student, 102 offers POL 212, 64 offer BHM 206, 58 offer
POL 202 and all the students take at least one of the subjects. 20 offer
POL 212 and BHM 206, 15 offer POL 212 and POL 202, 18 offer BHM 206
and POL 212. Find how many students offer BHM 206 and POL 202 only

9 / 50


p <=> q is a statemnent obtaind by using 'if and only if' connective to one
simple statements p and q. When is the resulting statement p <=> q True

10 / 50


In a Political group of 12 members the probability of picking a number from
any one of the six geo-political zones in Nigeria is 2/3. If some members
are to represent the group in a National meeting, find the probability that 8
members are chosen

11 / 50


In a class of 181 student, 102 offers POL 212, 64 offer BHM 206, 58 offer
POL 202 and all the students take at least one of the subjects. 20 offer
POL 212 and BHM 206, 15 offer POL 212 and POL 202, 18 offer BHM 206
and POL 212. Find how many students offer POL 212 only

12 / 50


When an experiments are actually carried out under the same condition
through which an outcome is obtained. The probability of such an event is

13 / 50


A ballot box containing 12 male voter's cards and another box containing
100 female voter's cards. Find the number of ways of selecting 5 male
voter's cards

14 / 50


Two sets X and Y are said to be _if they have
no elements in common

15 / 50

15. Coefficient of variation is equal to

16 / 50


In a particular week, the number of student that enrols at various school at
the National Open University of Nigeria is as follow; School of education
150; School of Arts and Social Sciences 360; School of Law 220; School of
Science and Technology 250; School of management 600; School of Postgraduate Studies 420. If the information is represented on a pie chart, what
angle will the School of Arts & Social Sciences be represented with

17 / 50

17. The two types of statistics are

18 / 50

18. Another name for Cummulative Frequency Curve

19 / 50


An Experiment in which the results are always subject to chances and may
change even if the experiment is repeated under the same condition is
known as

20 / 50


In a class of 181 student, 102 offers POL 212, 64 offer BHM 206, 58 offer
POL 202 and all the students take at least one of the subjects. 20 offer
POL 212 and BHM 206, 15 offer POL 212 and POL 202, 18 offer BHM 206
and POL 212. Find how many students offer POL 202 only

21 / 50

21. A pair of dice is tossed. Find the probability of getting a total of 10

22 / 50


The scientific method for collection, summarisation, presentation, analysis
and interpretation of data is called

23 / 50

23. If sets A={2,5,7,8,9} and B={1,3,5,7}. Then AnB is

24 / 50


One of the class interval for a grouped frequency table is 60 - 66, what is
the class boundary for this class

25 / 50


The probability of an event that can be obtained from an already existing
result, from what is likely to happen or from already known information is

26 / 50


What is the third quatile of the following set of data 16, 25, 14, 18, 21, 23,
19, 18, 21, 49

27 / 50


In an objective test marked out of 40, the marks scored by 40 student are
given in this table Marks % 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40.
Calculate the mean, using an assumed mean of 21 No. of Students 2 7 12
8 5 6

28 / 50


The cardinality of the union of Sets A, B, C, if A = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}, B = {0,
1, 9,} and C = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14} is

29 / 50


Calculate the standard deviation of the following set of numbers:

30 / 50


Find the class mark in a grouped frequency table with the class interval 40 -

31 / 50


When a disfunction (OR) connective is used between two statements p, q,
the statement p OR q is only false when

32 / 50


Politics is a Social Science because it uses
_tools for analysis

33 / 50


Write down the sample space for the experiments. Toss a coin 3 times and
observe the total number of heads

34 / 50

34. A set without any element is called

35 / 50

35. Find the third quartile in the following data set; 22,31,20,24,27,55

36 / 50


p AND q is a compound statement formed from two simple statements p
and q respectively. What is the statement p ^ q

37 / 50


In a class of 181 student, 102 offers POL 212, 64 offer BHM 206, 58 offer
POL 202 and all the students take at least one of the subjects. 20 offer
POL 212 and BHM 206, 15 offer POL 212 and POL 202, 18 offer BHM 206
and POL 212. Find how many students offer BHM and POL 212 only

38 / 50


The scores of 5 students in an examination are: 6, 5, 8, 7 and 4. Find the

39 / 50


Given a set of raw data 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1. The
date with the highest frequency is

40 / 50



41 / 50

41. How many subsets has a set consisting 4 elements

42 / 50


There are basically two methods for assigning probabilities to events. One
of these methods is

43 / 50


Any piece(s) of information that represents the qualitative attributes of a
variable(s) is called

44 / 50


The difference between the largest and smallest scores of ungrouped data
is the

45 / 50

45. The biggest financial in scientific research funding is

46 / 50


In a class of 181 student, 102 offers POL 212, 64 offer BHM 206, 58 offer
POL 202 and all the students take at least one of the subjects. 20 offer
POL 212 and BHM 206, 15 offer POL 212 and POL 202, 18 offer BHM 206
and POL 212. Find how many students offer all the three subjects

47 / 50


In a social research, the act of reading through books by scholars on the
subject matter is called _review

48 / 50


A branch of __that deals with analysis and
interpretation of numerical data in terms of sample and population is called

49 / 50


A folder contains 7 blue biros, 6 red biros and 3 black biros without
replacement, find the probability that the three biros are of different colour

50 / 50


One of the attributes of statistical inquires and sampling is that it enable
researcher get __easily

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