Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. _______ is the science of man's mental processes.
2 / 50
2. The following are the short coming of the historical school of Jurisprudence except one
3 / 50
3. Thomas Hobbes regarded as the ________ where the strong would deprive the weak of all his rights and where life would be short, brutish etc.
4 / 50
which dominate in some of the northern states are also classified as customary laws
5 / 50
5. Who introduced the technique of factor analysis in intelligence?
6 / 50
6. ___________(1858- 1917) was very much interested in the understanding of social solidarity and type of laws that are associated with it.
7 / 50
The renaissance period followed the _____ ages
8 / 50
8. The Nigerian laws derive mainly from the following sources except one
9 / 50
9. The main belief of the early psychologists is that human processes could be studied _________
10 / 50
10. ____ ____ Is the power to make people act in the conformity with other people’s wishes
11 / 50
Law is the recognized and applied by the state in the administration of justice
12 / 50
Sociology as a discipline which is concerned with "the scientific study of _______ interactions and the products of such interactions".
13 / 50
13. The two basic dimensions of emotional expression are pleasantness and ________
14 / 50
John Austin (a Lawyer) defined law as a "rule laid down for the of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him.
15 / 50
15. _________ focuses on man's activities in relation to production, distribution and consumption of goods.
16 / 50
16. ____ ____ both impose standards of conduct necessary for social order
17 / 50
______ means the ability to do what one wishes without restraint.
18 / 50
18. The natural law school emphasis is the essence, aim and hall mark of any ___ ___ system
19 / 50
David Hume is the founding father of the ___ of Jurisprudence is
20 / 50
20. ___ ___ is not one of the proponents of consensus theories of law
21 / 50
21. The protectorate of northern and southern Nigeria were established in ___ ____
22 / 50
The _______ could be said to be a person whose behavior violates the criminal law
23 / 50
_________ proceed from the promise that the manner of ownership of the means of Production divided society into two major antagonistic classes.
24 / 50
24. The ________ emphasis is the essence, aim and hallmark of any legal system
25 / 50
25. __________ is the liberty to do whatever one wants within the limits imposed by law
26 / 50
________ is the violation of the groups norms, expectations and value
27 / 50
The word sociology came out from two ___ words.
28 / 50
Criminal law refers to those aspects of law dealing with offences or crimes that are _by the state.
29 / 50
29. The first recognized book of psychology was published in the year ________
30 / 50
30. ____ ____ is a yardstick by which many judge the validity of law and whether to obey it or not.
31 / 50
31. The ability to handle long chains of reasoning and to recognise patterns and order in the world is ________ intelligence
32 / 50
32. In 1930 the __________ was formed largely from the remenant of WAFF as well as Hausa constabulary
33 / 50
33. The word sociology came out from two __________ words.
34 / 50
34. The word “sociology” was coined by ___________ the acclaimed father of sociology.
35 / 50
35. The process concerned with thinking, the processing of information, perception, memory, problem solving, and consciousness is __________
36 / 50
The power or ability to enforce one's will is called
37 / 50
37. _______ both impose standards of conduct necessary for social order
38 / 50
38. Who argued that an individual strongly motivated to reach a goal will be instigated to aggression and aggressive forms of behaviour of the goal is unattainable
39 / 50
In _____ the Nigeria police force was formed largely from the remenant of WAFF as well as Hausa constabulary Dogorai in the
40 / 50
40. The birth of psychology was in the year ________
41 / 50
41. The index of brightness is the _________ which indicates how an individual score is relative to others of comparable age
42 / 50
42. thomas Hobbes was one of the exponent of consensus theories of Law
43 / 50
43. Information about the nature and characteristics of the respondents is the part of the questionnaire called _________
44 / 50
44. What is the individual level of intellectual development?
45 / 50
__(1858- 1917) was very much interested in the understanding of social solidarity and type of laws that are associated with it
46 / 50
46. Pound was american ___________ cum law teacher
47 / 50
The natural law school emphasis is the essence, aim and hall mark of any system
48 / 50
48. The Nigerian laws derive mainly from the following sources except one
49 / 50
_____ is the basic source of law in the Islamic Northern part of Nigeria.
50 / 50
50. The ____ could be said to be a person whose behavior violates the criminal law
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