
Category: CSS112



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50


notes that it is not all laws
or all reactions of its agents
that are in favour of one
side only

2 / 50


Norms and customs
express the goals, values
and aspirations of a society
and regulate human

3 / 50

3. The branch of psychology that deals with people who are experiencing behavioral problems is _________

4 / 50

4. The approach to study the functioning of the brain and biochemical processes is _________

5 / 50


The enlightenment period
of intellectual history
followed the _______

6 / 50


_also defines law as "the
body of principles
recognised and applied by
the state in the
administration of justice.

7 / 50

7. __________ notes that it is not all laws or all reactions of its agents that are in favour of one side only

8 / 50

8. According to -intelligence is an important general ability which is super-ordinate to and distinct from special abilities

9 / 50

9. ____ ____ both impose standards of conduct necessary for social order

10 / 50


A major difference between
law and morals is ___

11 / 50

11. The basis of categorizing the physical characteristics,usually culturally defined differences in appearances is the __________ factor

12 / 50


__(1858- 1917) was very
much interested in the
understanding of social
solidarity and type of laws
that are associated with it

13 / 50

13. ______ Is the power to make people act in the conformity with other people’s wishes

14 / 50

14. Thomas Hobbes regarded as the ________ where the strong would deprive the weak of all his rights and where life would be short, brutish etc.

15 / 50

15. The word sociology came out from two __________ words.

16 / 50


Rules including customs,
norms and laws are
perquisites for _______

17 / 50

17. psychologists use statistical method to pick a representative _________of the population.

18 / 50

18. Early philosophers and social theorists gave the phenomenon of law and legal systems in the society, some thoughts in their works are the following except one person

19 / 50


__, the two protectorates
were amalgamated into the
colony and protectorate of

20 / 50


The norms which constitute
_are social in character

21 / 50

21. The view of the philosophers over the nature of human minds is _________

22 / 50

22. The need in modern societies to bring together and to control diverse origins cultures and interest require____________

23 / 50

23. In the function of rule of law, A .V . Dice suggested the presence of three elements in any society except one of the following

24 / 50

24. Such categories as gender,tribe,religion and social class influence are __________ category

25 / 50

25. A major difference between law and morals is?

26 / 50


In _____
the Nigeria police force was
formed largely from the
remenant of WAFF as well
as Hausa constabulary
Dogorai in the

27 / 50


________ emphasis that laws derive
from specific culture, and
historical contexts and
reflect the spirit and
community life of a people.

28 / 50

28. The yardstick of determining whether a particular law is right or wrong is called

29 / 50


The word “sociology” was
coined by
the ______ acclaimed father of

30 / 50

30. In ________, the two protectorates were amalgamated into the colony and protectorate of Nigeria

31 / 50

31. Early philosophers and social theorists gave the phenomenon of law some thoughts in their works except one

32 / 50

32. _________ focuses on man's activities in relation to production, distribution and consumption of goods.

33 / 50

33. The natural law school emphasis is the essence, aim and hall mark of any ___ ___ system

34 / 50

34. The social in Latin word mean_________

35 / 50


In 1861 King Dosumu of
Lagos could neither read
nor write, but signed a
document Called

36 / 50

36. The attack against the natural law doctrine has come mostly from acclaimed_______

37 / 50


Freedom is the __
to do whatever one wants
within the limits imposed by

38 / 50

38. ___________(1858- 1917) was very much interested in the understanding of social solidarity and type of laws that are associated with it.

39 / 50

39. The index of brightness is the _________ which indicates how an individual score is relative to others of comparable age

40 / 50


which dominate in some of
the northern states are also
classified as customary

41 / 50

41. Who argued that an individual strongly motivated to reach a goal will be instigated to aggression and aggressive forms of behaviour of the goal is unattainable

42 / 50

42. The questionaire that gives the respondents freedom to reveal their opinions and attitudes is _______

43 / 50


________ sources include writings
and commentaries by legal

44 / 50

44. According to _______the goal of psychology entails to objectively describe the behaviour of individuals

45 / 50


The natural law school
emphasis is the essence,
aim and hall mark of any

46 / 50

46. Who introduced the technique of factor analysis in intelligence?

47 / 50

47. The _______ is the person who suffers from the effects of criminal acts?

48 / 50

48. The branch of psychology that centres on how to help children who are doing well at school is __________

49 / 50

49. The field of criminology consists of the following principal division except one?

50 / 50

50. This type of questionnaire above is always exhaustive and mutually ________

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