Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Rabbuka (your Lord) in Suratu 'l A‘laa connotes the following options except one
2 / 50
Sanuqri'uka falaa tansa means: we shall make you to read and you shall not
3 / 50
The following paths are mentioned in Suratu'l Faatihah except.
4 / 50
Suratu l-Ghashiyah means the chapter of the
5 / 50
There are verses in Suratu l - Balad
6 / 50
The city being referred to in Suratu-l Balad is
7 / 50
The Waylun in the first verse of Suratu'l Humazah connotes the following except…..
8 / 50
Where can mountain Zita on which Zaytun grows well be found among the following cities?
9 / 50
In the art of Tajwid the following are the letters of Madd except
10 / 50
All chapters of the Holy Qur-an start with Basmallah except Chapter
11 / 50
Indicate when LaylatulQadr cannot be found among the following Ramadan nights
12 / 50
There are verses in Suratu l - Fatihah
13 / 50
Identify the description of hell fire in Suratu `lHumazah among the following
14 / 50
The Prophet said: The best among you is one who to read the and teaches it to others
15 / 50
The Prophet who was given the Qur'an as a mercy to mankind was Prophet
16 / 50
The "Hal" which begins the verse "Hal ataaka hadithul ghashiyah" is an word.
17 / 50
What is the name of the fourth Chapter in the Holy Quran
18 / 50
Which of the verses of Surah 88 describe the people of paradise?
19 / 50
Which of the following does the title of Q. 98 (Al – Bayyinah) signify?
20 / 50
When one talks of Mu'awwidhatayni then he is referring to Suratul falaq and Suratun
21 / 50
The number of verses in Suratul-fajr is
22 / 50
A word in Suratul Fatihah which indicates that Allah is the source of bounties, provisions and favours is
23 / 50
Which is not a word of oath in Suratu `t-Tin among these options?
24 / 50
The first section of Suratul Fatihah gives the of Allah
25 / 50
Identify the exception from the following options on the emphasis of Q.94 verses 1 and 4.
26 / 50
All the chapters of the Glorious Qur'an opens with the Bismillahi `r- Rahmaani `r-Raheem with the exception of
27 / 50
The portion of the Qur'an that is often recited by the pupils while celebrating the completion of the recitation of the Qur'an is contained in Suratul
28 / 50
Identify what is not a meaning of Wa `l-Asr in Q.102:1 out of the following options
29 / 50
Which of the following options exactly explains Suratu `t-Takaathur : Ayah 8?
30 / 50
There are different paths mentioned in Suratul-Fatihat
31 / 50
are the creatures of Allah that carried out the pelting of the people of Elephant
32 / 50
The Mu'awwidhatayni are recited to ask for the of Allah
33 / 50
Al maghduubi alayhim as appears in Sturatul Fatihah refers to the
34 / 50
The subject matter of the oaths mention in the beginning of Suratu 'l Adiyat are the following except
35 / 50
Idha jaa'a nasru llahi walfathu is a promise of Allah of His to the Prophet
36 / 50
One significant feature that distinguishes Suratu from other chapters is that it does not begin with basmalah
37 / 50
In the science of tajwid the six throat letters are known as huruful
38 / 50
Humazat- Lumazah simply means….
39 / 50
The word Rabbu as in Alhamdulillah Rabbilaalamiina means
40 / 50
These options are the meaning of Tajwid except
41 / 50
With how many things are the oaths taken between the first and the eight verses of Suratu-shShams?
42 / 50
Which is an exception from the following options on the instructions given to the Prophet in Q. 94:7-8?
43 / 50
Innahu ya'lamul jahrah wamaa yakhafah indicates that Allah has the knowledge of what is and
44 / 50
Which of these attributes of Allah can be found in Suratu'l Fatihah ?
45 / 50
Suratul Ikhlas is establishing specifically the of Allah
46 / 50
There are hizhus in the Qur'an
47 / 50
The last chapter of the Qur'an is Suratu
48 / 50
Choose the correct explanation of the title of Chapter 99 ( Zalzalah),from these options
49 / 50
Adhaalin at the end of Suratul Fatihah refers to the
50 / 50
Laa uqsimu bihaadha lBalad is referring to city
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