Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The shortest division of the Qur’an is __________
2 / 50
Prophet Muhammad was said to have been sent as a mercy to
3 / 50
In view of his deep knowledge of the Qur’an, is known as Tarjumanu’lQur’an
4 / 50
The Christian monk that predicted the prophethood of Muhammad was
5 / 50
The Messenger sent by Allah to His Prophets was
6 / 50
The Qur’an is a revelation of Allah to ______________
7 / 50
The revelation of the Quran began on
8 / 50
The revelation of the Qur'an started in the year
9 / 50
is the personal secretary to the prophet Muhammmed (S.A.W).
10 / 50
The copy of the Qur’an first compiled was later kept with ……., a widow of the Prophet
11 / 50
___was the Messenger of God who took revelation to His Prophets
12 / 50
When caliph Umar was about to die he kept the compiled copy of the Qur'an in the custody of his daughter named
13 / 50
The scientific study of the proper mode of reciting the Qur’an is called..
14 / 50
The revelation of the Qur'an lasted for over years
15 / 50
The whole of Qur'an is divided into Juz'u
16 / 50
The majority opinion regarding the last of the revelation to the Prophet Muhammad is the passage beginning with…
17 / 50
Al-Kitab is another name for Qur'an and it means
18 / 50
The cleric who explains the message of the Qur’an is called………
19 / 50
The first revelation to Prophet Muhammad was contained in verses 1-5 of Suratul
20 / 50
___________ provided the needed cover for the prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) after his first encounter with the Angel at the cave of Hira
21 / 50
The Arabic term for the commentary on the Qur'an is
22 / 50
The main theme of the first revelation received by Muhammad stressed the importance of
23 / 50
Suratul Kawthar was revealed on the occasion of the death of the of the Prophet
24 / 50
Al-Hukm is another name of the Holy Qur’an which means --------
25 / 50
The term Ulumu’l-Qur’an means
26 / 50
Being influenced by the moral teachings of the Qur’an, the prophet Muhammad dispensed justice in favour of ____
27 / 50
28 / 50
The Hadith “The most superior among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it” was narrated by
29 / 50
Qur'an 3:173 enjoins ______ in Allah
30 / 50
The standard edition of the Qur’an produced by the committee set up by caliph Uthman has since then been known as the edition
31 / 50
One major feature of Madinan Surahs is that they are more often than Makkan Surahs
32 / 50
Dhimmi is a _____ residing in an Islamic state
33 / 50
The name al-Quran simply means
34 / 50
Before his call to Prophethood, Muhammad used to go for meditation at ______
35 / 50
The holy Qur’an contains __________ Juz’un
36 / 50
The only chapter of the Qur'an which does not open with Bismillahi RahmanirRaheem is Chapter
37 / 50
Muhammad approached to cover him with wrapper after his first encounter with Angel jubril
38 / 50
When Abubakr saw that death was imminent he kept the compiled Qur’an in the custody of
39 / 50
The Qur’an was compiled during the reign of ………
40 / 50
There are __________ hizbs in the Quran
41 / 50
When we talk about Sababu’n - Nuzul of a verse we mean
42 / 50
The revelations received by the Messengers contained...
43 / 50
The copy of the Syrian manuscript of the Qur’an was kept at
44 / 50
One of the following is not among the old manuscripts of the Quran –
45 / 50
Umar bn al-Khattab got converted to Islam having listening to the recitation of Suratul -
46 / 50
The lead scribe who assisted the Prophet in writing the Qur'an during its revelation was
47 / 50
The event of the elephant which coincided with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is narrated in Suratulof the Qur’an
48 / 50
In the Islamic terminology, all the following words relate to explanation of the Quran except__________
49 / 50
The expression al-maghdub alayhim which is mentioned in Suratul Fatiha refers to the
50 / 50
The longest chapter of the Qur'an contains verses
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