Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The "Atavists" or genetic remnants of the primitive humanity find it difficult to be law abiding because they are___
2 / 50
A violator of folkways undergoes a __Where he viiolates the expected social behaviours of defined roles
3 / 50
The feminist crime therefore arises from frustration, sub-service and___
4 / 50
The differential association theorists beleive that criminal behaviour is a___
5 / 50
An example of victimless crime is___
6 / 50
_Is the process of tagging, defining, identifying, segregating, describing, emphasising and evoking the traits that are complained of
7 / 50
Skyes defines criminlogy as the study of the social origins of criminal law, the administration of criminal justice the causes of criminal behaviour and the _and control of crime
8 / 50
The term Con-men in crime refers to ___
9 / 50
Stigmatization leaves the deviants with the impression that he is bad, and so he does ______
10 / 50
Persons who have not been known or detected are refered to as criminals___
11 / 50
Symbolic interractionism is based on the study of ___ And ___
12 / 50
The functionalists beleive that it is the abnormal functioning of the components of the society that leads to criminal behaviour
13 / 50
Stake in conformity' as a cause of crime was propounded by___
14 / 50
Criminology means the scientific understanding of ___and ___
15 / 50
The main focus of the feminist criminologist is on the___
16 / 50
The interractionist criminology is based on the basis of Erving___Analysis of crime
17 / 50
Shaw and Mckay are of the view that___ influence individual behaviour to either commit crime or abstain from crime
18 / 50
The question often asked in criminology is "why do some peole commit crime and ________
19 / 50
The labelling approach to crime is also based on the assumption of _______
20 / 50
The norms that are looked upon by the members of a society or a group within the same society as being extremly important and the violation of which will normally result in severe punishment from the society or group is called
21 / 50
High division of labour is a charcteristic of ____ Society
22 / 50
Cesare Lombroso argued that criminals are born__
23 / 50
The interractionist theorists believe that behaviour should be regarded not so much in terms of what it means to others and society in general but what it means to ___
24 / 50
It can be deduced from the definition of the functionalism that crime is blamed on the
25 / 50
Durkhiem identified two types of societies, these are __and organic solidarity
26 / 50
Empiricle research is done for analysing with regards to arrest, convictions and sentencing
27 / 50
A student who knows that he/she has an examination but goes to night parties instead of reading and decided to cheat in order to pass is refered to as a___
28 / 50
The major player in the Marxist school of thought is___
29 / 50
The social reaction to the initial action is called
30 / 50
Little division of labour is a characteristic of Society
31 / 50
Victims who are regarded by the larger society as fullfldged members but are discriminated against are called socieconomically__
32 / 50
The study that refers to how organisms of different species can live together to their mutual benefit is called___
33 / 50
Differential association theory was propounded by___
34 / 50
In the above definition the emphasis is on the function of law and the efficacy of the administration of justice in the _And control of crime
35 / 50
Criminalistics is the methods of investifation and
36 / 50
Psychoanalysis theory opined that Crime is as a result of ____ Factors
37 / 50
Criminologists usually focus more on 'how, and why' Crimes are committed rather than __And providing proof of guilt
38 / 50
The feminists are of the view that crime arises from___
39 / 50
An initial action committed by an individual is called
40 / 50
According to Emile Durkhiem (1893), crime is as a result of a neccesssary consequence of the existence of a collecctively supported
41 / 50
Strain theory portrays a deviant as a person torn between___
42 / 50
The major branches of criminology are penology, victimology, criminalistic, empiricle research, method of investigation and ________
43 / 50
Criminal justice administration involves the courts, police and ________
44 / 50
If the id or superego over powers the mediating force occurs
45 / 50
Ceasare Lombroso is an___ Physician
46 / 50
Deviance on the other hand is the violation of folkways and
47 / 50
The labelling approach to crime is first based on the assumption that for someone to be called deviant, that person must have broken a _________
48 / 50
An active player in the functionnalist school of thought is___
49 / 50
Penology is the study of penal sanctions or ______
50 / 50
are approved ways of behaviour which are passed from one generation to another
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