
Category: Pol121



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. The West African Pilot was

a popular anti-colonial

newspaper in

2 / 50

2. The campaign for the

extension of the tenure of

President Olusegun

Obasanjo of Nigeria was

killed by the

3 / 50

3. Loans, monetary aids or

technical assistance, are

some of

_instruments to control

African economies

4 / 50

4. The major palyer in the

ECOMOG activities is

5 / 50

5. In Sierra-Leone, the

colonial policy distinguished

between the Aborigines and

the ……………….

6 / 50

6. The Traditional elites were

initiated into politics by the

British when

were created each in both

the Northern and Western

Regions of Nigeria

7 / 50

7. The 'Affirmative Action'

provides that ……………….

of appointive positions

should be reserved for


8 / 50

8. Under Gen. Murtala Ramat



became the centre-piece of

Nigeria's foreign policy

9 / 50

9. The firstpolitical party to be

formed in Nigeria


10 / 50

10. Standardized taxation was

introduced in Africa by

colonial masters to replace

…………… hitherto

collected by African

Traditional Rulers

11 / 50

11. The Nigeria's June 12,

1993 election was annulled

by the military

administration of

12 / 50

12. In consistent with the

dictataes of colonialism,


policy was introduced in

many African colonies

13 / 50

13. The type of democracy that

was practiced in Pre￾colonial Africa was called

14 / 50

14. One of these political

parties secured

independence for Gold

Coast, later renamed

Ghana in 1957

15 / 50

15. The 'West African Pilot' was

founded by…………….. as

an instrument against


16 / 50

16. South Africa and a group of

countries in that region are


17 / 50

17. The three fundamental

doctrines of imerialism:

Exploitation; Trusteeship;

and Assimilation, which

were espoused in a book

titled "Toward Colonial

Freedom (1947)" and was

written by ……...

18 / 50

18. By 1922, a political party

was formed in the British

Nigeria but no political party

was formed in any French

colonies until ………..

19 / 50

19. Rober Mitchel's theory of

Iron Law of Oligarchy better

explains the dominance of

………… in African politics

20 / 50

20. The followings but one of

the African countries were

independent by the eve of

World War II

21 / 50

21. The two groups that formed

the OAU belonged to two

different ideological divides:

Conservative and

22 / 50

22. According to Mengisteab

(2003), pre-colonial African

societies have a rich

tradition of political

economic and


23 / 50

23. The 1884 conference

where African countries

were pertitioned took place

in ……………..

24 / 50

24. Liberia and

were the only African

countries never colonized

by any European power

25 / 50

25. The first African country to

have elected female

President is

26 / 50

26. The eight point Millennium

Development Goals

(MDGS) was launched by


in year 2000

27 / 50

27. Some measures taken by

African leaders to eradicate

the vestiges of colonialism

from African continent is

known as


28 / 50

28. In 1979, Nigeria

nationalized the assests of

Petroleum to prevent

Nigerian oil from getting to

the apartheid regime

29 / 50

29. In Ghana, the ruling party

under Kwameh Nkruma



30 / 50

30. Scholars regard the post￾independence relationship

between African countries

and their former imperial

powers as

31 / 50

31. Due to arbitrary

partitionning of Africa, the

Yoruba and Hausa were

divided between

………………………. and

British territories

32 / 50


According to Bade
Onimode (1981:96), the
dual economic system
created by colonial masters
were essentially to serve
subsistent needs of the
local paople and

33 / 50

33. The USA

enacted a Comprehensive

Anti Apartheid Act (CAA)

against the then South

African government in the

year 1986

34 / 50

34. The ………………………

movement provided training

grounds for new African

political leadership in the

post-independece era

35 / 50

35. The African leader known

as "Mwalimu" was


36 / 50

36. In 1925, ……………………

was formed by Ladipo

Solanke to fight colonial

policies in West Africa

37 / 50

37. According to Nkrumah

(1976:9), the name

Rhodesia was coined from

Cecil Rhodes, the founder

of the ……………….

38 / 50

38. The 'Warrant Chief' in the

southeasern part of Nigeria

was a creation of …………

39 / 50

39. Most African countries were

colonised either by

conquest or by


40 / 50

40. What is popularly known as

the ”Mandela option”


41 / 50

41. One of these institutions is

not directly involved in the

impeachment process

under the Nigerian


42 / 50

42. The popular saying "seek

first the kingdom of politics,

every ohters shall be added

ujnto it" is credited to a pan￾Africanist called

43 / 50

43. In 1965, TANU was

legalized as the sole

political party in

44 / 50

44. The concept of Ujaama

(familihood) was

propounded by one of the

following African political


45 / 50

45. The military outfit known as

ECOMOG was established

as the military wing of

46 / 50

46. One of these African

leaders is not guilty of

tenacity of office

47 / 50

47. Nigeria was not a Republic


48 / 50

48. The acronyms (A.P.R.M)

means African

Review Mecanism

49 / 50

49. The Casablanca bloc,

which emerged in 1961 was

known as


50 / 50

50. According to Richard

Joseph (2006),

……………………… is a

situtation where an

individual seeks a patron

and leans on him/her in

order to benefit from the

privileges of the upper class

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