Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. The colonial history of Libya
could be linked to
2 / 50
2. One of the challenges of
socio-political and
economic integration in
post-colonial African
countries was the
………………… imposed by
the colonial masters
3 / 50
3. Nigeria belonged to the
group, which joined with the
radical bloc to form the
OAU in 1963
4 / 50
4. Until 1946, while the
Northern Nigeria was ruled
directly by the colonial
Governor-General, the
Southern Nigeria was ruled
by the
5 / 50
5. The eight point Millennium
Development Goals
(MDGS) was launched by
in year 2000
6 / 50
6. Some measures taken by
African leaders to eradicate
the vestiges of colonialism
from African continent is
known as
7 / 50
7. The first African country to
have elected female
President is
8 / 50
8. One of the major obstacles
to women political
participation in Northern
Nigeria is
9 / 50
9. The African leader known
as "Mwalimu" was
10 / 50
10. One of these African
countries did not practice
One Party System in the
11 / 50
11. In consistent with the
dictataes of colonialism,
policy was introduced in
many African colonies
12 / 50
12. A political system in which
a country is binded to
another powerful foreign
country with the primary
objective of promoting the
economic interest of the
metropole is called …..
13 / 50
13. The year popularly referred
to as the African Year of
Independence was
14 / 50
14. The followings but one, are
the features of African
15 / 50
15. The acronyms (A.P.R.M)
means African
Review Mecanism
16 / 50
16. The first post-apartheid
South African President
17 / 50
17. Fredrick de Klerk was
President up to the year
18 / 50
18. The Arab Spring that led to
the overthrow some sit-tight
North African leaders
started in
19 / 50
19. Scholars regard the postindependence relationship
between African countries
and their former imperial
powers as
20 / 50
20. The first agitation against
imposition of taxes during
the colonial period in
Western Nigeria was
21 / 50
21. The Ashantehene was a
pre-colonial ruler in
22 / 50
22. The Gambia Independence
Act of
_, was an Act of Parliament
of the United Kingdom
23 / 50
23. The Acronym CIA means
24 / 50
24. The major policy of colonial
rule could be summarized
as …………...
25 / 50
25. One of the followings was
not a traditional African
26 / 50
26. The Ghanaian popular
military revolution in the late
70s was led by John James
27 / 50
27. The second bombardment
of Lagos in 1861, leading to
the annexation that
changed Lagos territory to
28 / 50
28. Under the bi-polar global
system, the 'cold war' was
between the United States
of America and the defunct
Union of
_Socialist Republics
29 / 50
29. President
got U.S. Congress approval
for Arican Growth and
Opportunity Act (AGOA)
30 / 50
30. The 'Affirmative Action'
provides that ……………….
of appointive positions
should be reserved for
31 / 50
31. One of the internal factors
that ignited the spirit of
nationalism in Africa was
32 / 50
32. President
33 / 50
33. "Democratic Centralism"
was a version of African
Socialism promoted by
former President
Toure of Guinea
34 / 50
34. In a democracy, the Fourth
Estate of the realm is
35 / 50
35. Prior to the World War II,
Togoland and Cameroon
were colonies of
36 / 50
36. The first Nigeria's generally
acclaimed 'free and fair'
election was won by Chief
37 / 50
37. Due to arbitrary
partitionning of Africa, the
Yoruba and Hausa were
divided between
………………………. and
British territories
38 / 50
38. "Mau Mau" uprising was a
rebellion against White
domination and denial of
Blacks the right to land in
39 / 50
39. Hellen Sirleaf Johnson of
……………. was the first
African woman to be
elected President
40 / 50
40. The first black African
Secretary General of the
United Nations (UNO) is
41 / 50
41. Standardized taxation was
introduced in Africa by
colonial masters to replace
…………… hitherto
collected by African
Traditional Rulers
42 / 50
42. In 1979, Nigeria
nationalized the assests of
Petroleum to prevent
Nigerian oil from getting to
the apartheid regime
43 / 50
43. A country is
_only if there is no any form
of foreign interference in
her domestic affairs
44 / 50
44. The campaign for the
extension of the tenure of
President Olusegun
Obasanjo of Nigeria was
killed by the
45 / 50
45. Regional integration by
African countries is difficult
because of
46 / 50
46. In Ghana, the ruling party
under Kwameh Nkruma
47 / 50
47. Ghana achieved
………………….. from
Britain in 1957
48 / 50
48. Stability, rapid economic
development and unity, are
some of the reasons
advanced by some African
leaders to justify
Party system
49 / 50
49. Inordinate ambition by
young military officers has
been identified as one of
the factors for political
in some developing
50 / 50
50. South Africa and a group of
countries in that region are
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