Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Provision of drugs/vaccines for treatment of certain illness or health problems affecting school children is the collaborative responsibility of the and
2 / 50
The procedure that is carried out to determine healthy growth and development of children is called
3 / 50
Scope of maternal welbeing includes
4 / 50
Good personal hygiene involves
5 / 50
What are the factors that threaten growth and development of children
6 / 50
Which of following areas should be included in teachers observation of pupils
7 / 50
means every child is entitled to receive free and compulsory basic education, equal opportunity for higher education based on individual ability.
8 / 50
What is the cause of infertility
9 / 50
Four sign and symptoms of pregnancy includes _, _, and
10 / 50
The observation of physical appearance of students and their personal hygiene is called
11 / 50
Any maltreatment of a child that is detrimental or harmful to his /her physical, mental, social and moral health is called
12 / 50
Regular physical exercise promotes
13 / 50
The spread of diseases such as measles, chicken pox, polio and small pox among school chilldren can be prevented through
14 / 50
Desirable table manners include
15 / 50
Six effects of child abuse on the society are __, __, _, _, and
16 / 50
Which of these is an emotional characteristics of children
17 / 50
Those who help to corect speech defects in children are called
18 / 50
Permanent method consists and
19 / 50
provide liaison with medical personnel on one hand, and with children, teachers and parents on the other hand, they stimulate support for and give direction to all phases of the school health programme
20 / 50
Four areas of coverage in the health education of pregnant women are _, __, and
21 / 50
Which of the following helps maintain healthy pregnancy
22 / 50
Four causes of maternal mortality include _, _, , and
23 / 50
Natural due, moral claim and legal entitlement of a child is called
24 / 50
Checking for abnormaliities in the teeth, gun and month of children is called
25 / 50
An evaluation of current health status of school children, which is a process that seeks to determine the total health status of children is called
26 / 50
The school health services that covers tests of vision, hearing and physical fitness is called
27 / 50
Benefits of family planning includes
28 / 50
Health counselling and Health screening are components of
29 / 50
Four major disorders in pregnancy are __, __, and
30 / 50
Interactions and associations within the environment is classified as
31 / 50
Nutritional related diseases include
32 / 50
Health Education of children is a role shared by
33 / 50
the process by which a new individual develops in a woman's uterus is called
34 / 50
Determinants of health in child include
35 / 50
To prevent children from diseases, classrooms need
36 / 50
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), health is defined as a state of complete _, _, and __of an individual, and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity.
37 / 50
Detecting deviant behaviouurs in children is done by
38 / 50
Freedom to participate in play and recreational activities can be classified under
39 / 50
Anthropometric assessment is concerned with
40 / 50
Right to express ideas, opinions and thoughts on any issues are examples of right to
41 / 50
Those procedures that measure pupils' motor skills, muscle strength, heart endurance, flexibility and power is called
42 / 50
The period that begins with the opening of the cervix and ends with delivery of placenta is called
43 / 50
People who detect speech problems in children are called
44 / 50
Proper nutrition can be ensured by
45 / 50
four determinants of a childs health are: _, _, __,
46 / 50
The family planning methods are grouped into _, _, and
47 / 50
Which of these is a form of rest
48 / 50
Anthropometric assessment is concerned with the assessment/mearement of the height, weight and of children
49 / 50
Two advntages of abstinency are and
50 / 50
A school first aid box should contain
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