Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The ___________ is the first and possibly the most important of all the agents of socialisation.
2 / 50
The process of learning the attitude, beliefs and other socially accepted ways of living in the society is
3 / 50
The group is an important agent of socialisation
4 / 50
4. chastity refers to living a life of
5 / 50
Another important of moral training is the community
6 / 50
When children could become angry if a playmate beats the brother or sister, this is a demonstration of
7 / 50
Morality could be regarded as the pillar upon which the system of education is rested on
8 / 50
Language helps man to ____________________ ideas, thoughts and needs to others
9 / 50
9. ______ refer to long term goals
10 / 50
Educated is one that has acquired some skills and able to use it to solve his/her day to day problems.
11 / 50
tells much about the moral uprightness of the girl
12 / 50
one of the advantages of formal schooling over traditional system of education is that Western education involves
13 / 50
The child should not be made to feel that it is a ___________ to be engaged in manual labour
14 / 50
The method of giving the child the mother's breast milk is called _____________________
15 / 50
Hiss sound can be used to stimulate the child to urinate
16 / 50
High moral standards are expected of
17 / 50
The most popular form of education in this computer age is ________________
18 / 50
18. Education is received at
19 / 50
Traditional system of education gave proper attention to the _______________ of the child
20 / 50
People realted by blood are called_______________
21 / 50
Negative consequences of illiteracy on traditional education include
22 / 50
The process of telling the child how and where to control their bladder and bowels is
23 / 50
The general process by which the child learns the way of life of his people in order to become an accepted member of the family or community is known as
24 / 50
The reasons why breast feeding is regarded as necessary for the child include the following
25 / 50
Deep thinking which relates to modern studies in philosophy & logic is taught in very simple but effective way is___________
26 / 50
Most of the teaching and learning that takes place in traditional education are based on ___________,____________ and superstition
27 / 50
The behaviour of people is called ____________
28 / 50
Christian missionary education was introduced in Badagry in
29 / 50
Old techniques of teaching and learning are
30 / 50
Elders create fear into the children by introducing
31 / 50
One of the major adavantages of traditional education is that it is
32 / 50
Our great grandfather and mother learn through form of education.
33 / 50
Mother-tongue is the first language the child speaks
34 / 50
Why is the use of language the most important achievement of man
35 / 50
The state of mind in which children usually react to some external factors which are not pleasant is
36 / 50
The idea of keeping is never allowed as it is even a strange thing to Africans
37 / 50
Our culture encourages that the should breastfeed as many times as the wants it.
38 / 50
A negative consequence of illiteracy on is that it leads to rigid ways of doing things
39 / 50
One of the characteristics of traditional or informal education is that it has no fixed and for learning
40 / 50
______ is given to the child as food early in life because it contains all what the body need
41 / 50
Major difference in monogamous family and polygamous family is number of wifes which is or more respectively.
42 / 50
Emotional behaviours often displayed by children is
43 / 50
Africans developed the intellectual skills of their children through the use of the following
44 / 50
A word that often makes many people to be afraid because it is associated with secret cults or societies is
45 / 50
Former education is the most popular form of education in________________________ age
46 / 50
Moral, character development and vocational training is
47 / 50
In Africa, major eason why people marry is to have their own
48 / 50
In early days, in order to let the children acquire a skill to take care of himself in future are introduce to him/he
49 / 50
Moral as a word refers to "acceptable behaviour"
50 / 50
Colombian says is a formal or informal process that shapes the potentialities of the maturing person.
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