
Category: ENT209



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. The network theory of entrepreneurship was propounded by ____

2 / 50

2.  In the 20th century, the focus of entrepreneurship in economic development was through innovation

3 / 50

3.  ________________ are individuals who do not have any business ownership experience in past but now, they own an independent business

4 / 50

4. The following are personality trait exhibited by an entrepreneur except ________

5 / 50

5.  Schumpeter believes that entrepreneurs are primarily motivated by an atavistic will to power

6 / 50

6.  -------------- described an entrepreneur as a person who pays a certain price for a product to resale it at an unknown price, thereby making decisions about obtaining and using resources.

7 / 50

_____________ is an entrepreneur who adopts successful innovation introduced by other innovators

8 / 50

8. Entrepreneurship started as far back as ------------------century

9 / 50

The key term of McClelland theory is __________

10 / 50

10. The major highlight of Rotter's theory is ____________

11 / 50

11. The word "entreprendre" implies; _________

12 / 50

12. The theory of innovation was introduced in ---------- year

13 / 50

13.  The term entrepreneurship was first used by ____

14 / 50

14.  In the 20th century, the focus of entrepreneurship in economic development was through________

15 / 50

15.  ____ is well informed about the general economic condition and introduces changes which look more radical.

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16.  ____ are the ones who want to self-actualize themselves, want to achieve something they are capable of, just for the sake of independence and autonomy

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17.  Who first accorded the entrepreneur prominence in economics?

18 / 50

The new classification of entrepreneur is _________, ___________, __________, challengers, _______, ____________ and life-timers

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19.  _____________ are entrepreneurs who inherit their family business and expand it

20 / 50

The major objective for the centre for entrepreneurship development is ________ 

21 / 50

21.  In the 20th century, the focus of entrepreneurship in economic development was through________

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_________are entrepreneurs that are typically conservative or conventional in their outlook

23 / 50

The opportunity based theory of entrepreneurship was propounded by ________ and __________

24 / 50

24. The end of the personality dichotomy is known as _________

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__________ is well informed about the general economic condition and introduces changes which look more radical.

26 / 50

26. _____________ focuses on building social relationship and bonds that promotes trust and not opportunism

27 / 50

27.  The performance of an entrepreneur is dependent upon his -----------towards his occupation

28 / 50

28. The key term of McClelland theory is __________

29 / 50

Knight identified two types of risks which is _______ and _______ risks

30 / 50

What is the meaning of  BOI?

31 / 50

Arthur H. Cole classified entrepreneurs into three which are ____, ________ and ________

32 / 50

32. _________ are the one who are unhappy with the organization they worked with and decide to start a new venture.

33 / 50

33. ____________ contends about one's willingness to accept risk.

34 / 50

34. The word "entreprendre" was coined from __________ word

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35. The access to resources by the founder/originator is an important predictor of opportunity-based entrepreneurship and new venture growth.

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36.  ------------------- included resourcefulness into the opportunity based construct

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37.  _____ entrepreneur is well informed, draws upon the advice and services of experts in his line of business

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38. _____ entrepreneurs have a set of common connections and regular patterns of interaction among people sharing common migration experiences

39 / 50

____, _______ and _________ are the key terms used by Cantillion, Baudeu and Turgot in their contribution towards entrepreneurship.

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40. Entrepreneurship is as old as man

41 / 50

41. The evolution of entrepreneurship started in the _______ era

42 / 50

42. Entrepreneurial opportunities are found in a ____ if it is structured in a certain way

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__________ are the ones who want to self-actualize themselves, want to achieve something they are capable of, just for the sake of independence and autonomy

44 / 50

 ___, ____, _______ and ______ skills are expected to be possessed by an entrepreneur

45 / 50

45. Max Weber theory suggests the belief system of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam does not encourage entrepreneurship

46 / 50

46. ______ is one of skills are expected to be possessed by an entrepreneur

47 / 50

What is the meaning of  SMEDAN?

48 / 50

48. McClelland stressed the importance of middle childhood as the formative period of entrepreneurial attitude.

49 / 50

49.  -------- was a British economist who recognised an entrepreneur as central to economic theory in 1848

50 / 50

50.  The entrepreneur represents society�??s model personality. This description was made by; _______

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