
Category: ACC204



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

A. The data storage hierarchy is as follows:

2 / 50

B.  The profit of a business may be calculated by using which one of the following formulae?

3 / 50

C. Which one of the following should be accounted for as capital expenditure?

4 / 50

D. Electricity bill of N10,000 incurred during the year was not charged as an expense for that year. The error committed is ....................

5 / 50

E.  The adjusted cash book balance is _______

6 / 50

F. A Motor Van costs N100,000, Furniture N5,000, Creditors N25,000,. What is the capital account balance?

7 / 50

G. Which ONE of the following expenses should be included in prime cost in a manufacturing account?

8 / 50

H. An error of commission occurs where the entries required for a transaction are partially omitted.

9 / 50

I. The excess of current assets over current liabilities is known as ________

10 / 50

J. The process of locating and eliminating errors from a program is known as ________

11 / 50

K. H began trading on 1 July. The company is now preparing its accounts for the accounting year ended 30 June year 1. Rent is charged for the year from 1 April to 31 March, and was N1,800 for the year ended 31 March year 1 and N2,000 for the year ended 31 March year 2. Rent is payable quarterly in advance, plus any arrears, on 1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 December.The charge to H �??S income statement for rent for the year ended 30 June year 2 is _____

12 / 50

L.  Which of the following should NOT be included in cost of inventory?

13 / 50

M. Records of transactions used as the basis for recording accounting entries, such as invoices, cheque stubs and similar business papers are called ________

14 / 50

N. When recognizing income under the accrual basis, which of the following statements is correct

15 / 50

O. The error made where the original figure is incorrect, yet double entry is still observed using the same figure is _________

16 / 50

P.  Use the following details to answer.Trade receivables control account balance 500,000.00 Allowance for doubtful debts 50,000.00 Allowance for discount allowed on receivables 5%.The receivables figure to be shown under current assets in the Statement of Financial position is __________

17 / 50

Q. On 1 May, A pays a rent bill of N1,800 for the twelve months to 30 April. What is the charge/credit to the income statement for the year ended 30 November?

18 / 50

R.  In preparing financial statements, the bad debts account is closed by a transfer TO

19 / 50

S. In what way should users be able to compare an entity's financial statement?

20 / 50

T. B operates the imprest system for petty cash. At 1 July there was a float of N150, but it was decided to increase this to N200 from 1 August onwards. During July, the petty cashier received N25 from staff for using the photocopier and a cheque for N90 was cashed for an employee. In July, cheques were drawn for N500 for petty cash.What was the total expense paid from petty cash in July?

21 / 50

U. Salaries paid in the month was N26,152. Outstanding balance at the end of the month was N848. The salaries include an amount of N3,600 paid to the owner. What is the amount to be charged against the Profit and Loss Account for the month?

22 / 50

V. When a debt thought to be irrecoverable and written off is subsequently recovered, which additional entry is required to complete the two entries given below? I. Debit Personal Account/Credit Irrecoverable Debts Recovered Account II. Debit Cash/Bank Account/Credit Personal Account

23 / 50

W. What is the gross profit on sales worth GH¢240,000, if gross profit is 331/3%    on cost of goods sold?

24 / 50

X. The amount of wages paid to an employee after making appropriate deductions is referred to as ________

25 / 50

Y. Which of the following is NOT correct in differentiating between sole trader and limited liability companies?

26 / 50

Z. The financial statement that presents the assets, liabilities and equity interest of an entity at a point in time is called ________

27 / 50

AA. Which of these books of account could be classified as a subsidiary book as well as a ledger

28 / 50

AB. Which of these statements CANNOT be defined as income?

29 / 50

AC. N operates an imprest system for petty cash. On 1 February, the float was N300. It wasdecided that this should be increasedto N375 at the end of FebruaryDuring February, the cashier paid N20 for window cleaning, N100 for stationery and N145 forcoffee and biscuits. The cashier received N20 from staff for the private use of the photocopier and N60 for a miscellaneous cash sale.What amount was drawn from the bank account for petty cash at the end of February?

30 / 50

AD.  The Depreciation methods that ensure that the depreciation charged against income reduces as the year of usage of the non- current assets increases is known as ________

31 / 50

AE. The core objective of accounting is ________

32 / 50

AF. A method of keeping accounts whereby revenue and expenses are recorded in the books of account when received and paid without regard to period to which they apply is called....................

33 / 50

AG.  Non-current assets can best be defined as Items of machinery which are not moveable and are purchase with an intention of resale

34 / 50

AH. The source document that is used to write up the Sales Day Book is a _________

35 / 50

AI. What is an imprest system?

36 / 50

AJ. The VAT which is charged by suppliers on goods purchased is termed....................

37 / 50

AK. ............... a chronological record of the transactions of a business entity

38 / 50

AL. The source of data for recording the Returns Inward Book of a business entity is ________

39 / 50

AM. On 1 June year 1, H paid an insurance invoice of N2,400 for the year to 31 May year 2. What is the charge to the income statement and the entry in the financial statement for the year ended 31 December year 1?

40 / 50

AN. A statement to agree the difference between the Cash Book and the Bank Statement balance is called ________

41 / 50

AO. An increase in inventories of N500 and a decrease in the bank balance of N600 and an increase in payables of N1,400 results in:

42 / 50

AP. The specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements are called ____________


43 / 50

AQ. The difference between an income statement and an income and expenditure account is that __________

44 / 50

AR. The excess of current assets over current liabilities is ........................

45 / 50

AS. Which ONE of the following best describes the stewardship function?

46 / 50

AT.  A sole proprietor paid his personal Income Tax by withdrawing cash for the payment from his business. The double entry posting in ledger with respect to the above transaction is: _________

47 / 50

AU. The source of data for the recording of sales day book of a business enterprise is ________

48 / 50

AV. Using straight line method, what would be the annual depreciation charge for the second year of usage?

49 / 50

AW. Which ONE of the following attributes is the most important for any code to possess in order to be of use in an accounting system?

50 / 50

AX. Which accounting concept does not agree with making allowance for discount receivable?

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