
Category: Pol126



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. The ---- is capable of

regulating and affecting the

actions of man, including

that of the state.

2 / 50

2. Prima facie moral obligation

means -----

3 / 50

3. In which nature of rights

was personal, civil and

political rights merged into

a single category


4 / 50

4. What is the premise of a

citizen’s obligation to the


5 / 50

5. The ------ is an essential

organ through which the

state achieves its moral

duty and obligation to

administer and render

service to the citizens of the


6 / 50

6. The fourth and final

objective of the state is -----


7 / 50

7. Utilitarianism is premised


8 / 50

8. The

_nature of the African

society is the basis of

denying any inalienable

rights to individual citizens.

9 / 50

9. is the tendency on the part

of states to reserve their

public services exclusively

in the hands of their

indigenes or expendable

foreigners and ‘non￾indigenes.

10 / 50

10. The Nigerian Civil Service

was regionalised in the

11 / 50

11. Citizenship as defined by

_denotes all persons whom

a state is entitled to protect.

12 / 50

12. The power which the

government of a state

posseses to enforce the law

entrenched in the

constitution is known as

13 / 50

13. This differentiates the

modern state from the

feudal or traditional society:


14 / 50

14. The rights to minimum of

vital necessities such as

food, shelter and aid refer

to ------

15 / 50

15. The ultimate factor in moral

decisions and actions is not

necessarily the ‘good’ act,

but rather in the ------

16 / 50

16. This is one of the attributes

of rights: ------

17 / 50

17. When a government has

the legal right of making

decisions which people are

required to obey; and the

right to use coercion to

enforce its laws , it means -


18 / 50

18. Free speech, free press,

the rights to assembly and

organization are examples


19 / 50

19. The phrase “sense of

autonomy” or “self

determination” means

20 / 50

20. and

_are the two perspectives

of liberty by Isaiah Berlin.

21 / 50

21. The condition of 'warre' in

the state of nature means


22 / 50

22. The obligation of the citizen

to obey the laws of the

state is dependent upon the

government ------

23 / 50

23. The Secondary Imperatives

of the State are ------ in


24 / 50

24. What can be regarded as

the most privileged form of


25 / 50

25. The ----- is greater than an

individual or any of it

constituent units.

26 / 50

26. When sovereignty is

supreme, final and

absolute, it is said to be -----

27 / 50

27. The rights to development,

social and physical

environment as well as

peace are known as -----

28 / 50

28. The freedom from

interference of others



29 / 50

29. He posited that a State is

founded when ‘a leader,

with his band of warriors,

gets permanent control of a

definite territory of a

considerable size’: ------

30 / 50

30. This principle of justice in

political obligation is

associated with the general

administration of


31 / 50

31. The function of the state in

ensuring fair play is

couched in ------

32 / 50

32. A citizens quality of being

true or faithful in the

support of his/her country is

referred to as


33 / 50

33. The valid social contract for

all in a political system is

based on the


_which a citizen is entitled

to within a given state.

34 / 50

34. The democratic tradition

was inspired by ------

35 / 50

35. The ----- theory is premised

on" an agreement entered

into by men and and

women who originally had

no governmental

organization which resulted

into a state.

36 / 50

36. The following words

‘Trancedental, inalienable,’

‘primordial’ can also be

used in reference to


37 / 50

37. One important

characteristic of the state is

that it takes place in the

context of the ----- to which

all are subordinate.

38 / 50

38. The classical 1969 essay

tilted “Two concepts of

liberty” owes its credit to ----


39 / 50

39. The provision of public

goods by a state is justified

by the ------

40 / 50

40. This is considered to be the

first exponent of the idea of

natural individual rights: ----


41 / 50

41. _is when a citizen not only

loves his/her country but is

willing to defend the


42 / 50

42. A State is founded by

successful migrations and -


43 / 50

43. In the impersonal state, the

status of a citizen was that

of a

44 / 50

44. Sovereignty is legal when it

is ----- that fall within the

jurisdiction of sovereignty

45 / 50

45. The tradition of atomistic

individualism in Western

societies presupposes that

the state should be -----

46 / 50

46. The

theory is an agreement

entered into by men&

women who originally had

no governmental


47 / 50

47. In the

_theory John Locke argued

that man had liberties and

rights that antedated

political society.

48 / 50

48. African societies have

argued that the ------ nature

of their society has been

the basis for the denial of

inalienable rights. to

individual citizens.

49 / 50

49. Legal protection and

access to the courts of law

entitlements are known as

50 / 50

50. This refers to the socially

constructed roles,

responsibilities, norms, and

stereotypes accorded to

women and men in relation

to the question of

citizenship: --------

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