
Category: MAC111



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. In what year did the first Gutenberg bible appear_____

2 / 50

2. ______ Noise is when the environment keeps the message from being heard or understood

3 / 50

3. Exchange of culture and values is a function of communication known as_________

4 / 50

4. Which communication model shows communication process as circular, dynamic and ongoing?________

5 / 50

5. ___________is the artist and technician that is responsible for the photographic look of the film

6 / 50

6. The____________theory states that media messages pass through opinion leaders to opinion followers.

7 / 50

7. _________ grouped definitions of communication into three major areas

8 / 50


The positive function of mass communication over weigh the negative function.

9 / 50

9. Severin and both highlighted some differences in the way in which communication can be received.

10 / 50

10. The correlation function of mass communication is also known as _____________function of the press

11 / 50

11. According to ______, a theory enables us to make sense out of a disturbing situation

12 / 50

12. _______says that theories enables us to put facts in perspective.

13 / 50

13. Films that are _________in function helps to purge people of negative emotion

14 / 50

14. The British Psychologist________proposed the play theory dividing man’s activity into work and play

15 / 50

15. One of the characteristics of mass communication is permanency. YES/NO

16 / 50

16. Netcasts can be listened to from anywhere in the world regardless of the place of origin. YES/NO

17 / 50

17. ____________-is known as the inventor of radio.

18 / 50

18. Proximity is one of the characteristics of mass communication. YES/NO

19 / 50

19. __________was modified into multi step flow.

20 / 50


The tragic story of the popular titanic is a fiction

21 / 50


The first oldest known Printing Press is

22 / 50

22. ________ is the oldest press theory

23 / 50

23. _____________is interference that keeps message from being understood to have an effective communication

24 / 50

24. ______and Telephone are early predecessors of radio.

25 / 50

25. The full meaning of agency with the acronynm NAN is__________.

26 / 50

26. One of the advantages of oral communication is it is a learnable and improvable human activity. YES/NO

27 / 50

27. Mass communication messages are______because they are fast.

28 / 50

28. Amongst the functions of interpersonal communication it is said to be desirous for many reasons which includes the following except __.

29 / 50

29. Culture defines our _____.

30 / 50

30. ________________successfully transmitted electromagnetic waves without any form of conduit.

31 / 50

31. The communication process involves ___________ number of stages.

32 / 50

32. ___________has incorporated a three-dimensional form of information into the media world.

33 / 50

33. _____________is a type of film that presents an event or person with or without fiction based on facts.

34 / 50

34. _is the reaction of the receiver to the message received, in form of feedback.

35 / 50

35. Functional meaning of communication can be grouped into__________major areas.

36 / 50

36. ____communication is a form of communication that occurs among a small number of people for the purpose of solving problems.

37 / 50

37. ______was the first successful newspaper in the world.

38 / 50

38. The full meaning of BON is__________.

39 / 50

39. _________ is the dissemination of information/message through a medium to a large heterogeneous audience

40 / 50


A gatekeeper performs three major functions.

41 / 50

41. The full meaning of the news agency with the acronym UPI is

42 / 50

42. The sterling Manhattan Cable Company launched its Home Box Office in the year

43 / 50

43. The acronym ICT means

44 / 50

44. Communication process involves the transmission of _______ from sender to receiver

45 / 50

45. The term inferential feedback was coined by___________.

46 / 50

46. The Value Change Theory is used to induce attitudinal and____________changes.

47 / 50

47. The internet, radio and television are all regarded as examples of mass media. YES/NO

48 / 50

48. The model that used ripples of pebble to describe the flow of communication is____________

49 / 50

49. _____________idea of a global village is made possible by the emergence of the Internet

50 / 50

50. Analysis can be defined as the process of extracting___________from facts observed.

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