Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. The cultivation of ------ is
2 / 50
2. In management, input
refers to the quantity of
men, money and
_in the working of an
3 / 50
3. Judicial control over
administration means the
powers of the courts to
examine the
_of official acts and the
safeguard of citizens rights.
4 / 50
The term bureaucracy was first coined in eighteenth century by ----- a French economist
5 / 50
5. Ethics has to do with the
moral values of the
community while
administration enforces
6 / 50
The general task of laying down detailed rules which is the prerogative of the executive is known as ------
7 / 50
7. Public Administration is the
science which deals with
getting things done in the
most efficient way in the
8 / 50
8. The civil service of Nigeria
is organized into Federal
Civil Service and
9 / 50
9. Any policy that emanates
either from the legislature
or administration must be
based on factual data and
10 / 50
10. The administration of an
organisation can be
internally controlled through
------ managemen
11 / 50
This is a co-operative endeavour in which large number of people get together to achieve certain objectives: -----
12 / 50
Public administration is essentially -----
13 / 50
The first person who pointed out in 1887 that politics and administration disciplines were separate fields was ------
14 / 50
Psychology could not influence public administration because of its capability of discovering immutable laws of -----
15 / 50
15. Nigeria became a social
_state after the
inauguration of the
independent Constitution in
16 / 50
16. Administrators participate in
the making of policy for the
future through formulating
and recommending actions
17 / 50
17. Efficiency is measured in
terms of output in
proportion to
18 / 50
18. Which leader is concerned
with higher productivity
rather than the welfare of
his/her employees?
19 / 50
19. _could be regarded as acts
against administrative
responsibility in Nigeria.
20 / 50
Which approach is premised on the ability of an organisation to find out about certain principles which will facilitate the efficient functioning of an organisation -------
21 / 50
This is the work which the government does to give effect to a law: ----
22 / 50
22. Managerial, technical,
manual and
_are activities adopted in
administration in pursuit of
and in fulfillment of public
23 / 50
23. Bureaucracy is basic to ----
24 / 50
Public administrative techniques as well as terminology are borrowed from ------
25 / 50
25. The first basic element
between public and private
administration is
26 / 50
A valuable material necessary for the study of public administration is -----
27 / 50
The organisation of public administration is determined by the -----
28 / 50
This ensures the adjustment and ordering of human relations in the society: ------
29 / 50
Administration is organised in a ------ structure to achieve certain objectives
30 / 50
30. The force of ------ is a
strategy used to correct the
inherent defects of
31 / 50
In public administration the ---- and ----- are studied in the organisation
32 / 50
32. The method which a
section of the public uses in
pursuing the promotion of
some special interests at
the legislature is known as -
33 / 50
33. The scalar system is
essential in administration
because of its unity of
34 / 50
34. The concept of power and
_has common relationship
in public administration
35 / 50
35. Millet is of the opinion that
“Public Administration is an
instrument for the exercise
of ------"
36 / 50
The book titled 'Principles of Administration' was written by ------
37 / 50
37. The conduct of private
administration is motivated
by profit making, but, that of
public administration is
motivated by
38 / 50
38. leadership is based on
human relations approach
in line with democratic
39 / 50
39. Public administration deals
with the
40 / 50
40. Delegation is said to be
_when embodied in written
rules, by laws or orders.
41 / 50
The ----- makes the law which determines the organization, functions and procedures of public administration.
42 / 50
Habeas Corpus not only punishes wrong doers but -- ---
43 / 50
According to the integral view, public administration activities include not only managerial and technical but -----
44 / 50
44. A large scale administrative
body organizes its roles
between three categories of
management such as: Top
management, Middle
management and
45 / 50
45. _is important if an
administration is to be
46 / 50
46. _was the first person who
pointed out in 1887 that
Public Administration and
Political Science are
separate from each other
with their own specialized
47 / 50
47. Modern scientific
developments and
industrial civilization have
created several
administrative problems,
such as health problems,
housing problems and
48 / 50
In 1973 Negro and Negro pointed out four basic elements of similarity between public and private administration, of which the first was the ------ element
49 / 50
49. _positively means to secure
co-operation and teamwork
amongst the numerous
employees of an
50 / 50
50. _defined bureaucracy as “a
system of government, the
control of which is in the
hands of officials whose
power jeopardizes the
liberties of the ordinary
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