Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Active international system reqires a high degree of
2 / 50
Utopian approach is another name for approach in international relations
3 / 50
The two African countries that escaped colonialism are
4 / 50
The goals which state officials seek to obtain abroad and the instrument to pursue such goals are known as
5 / 50
Political independence means nothing without --- independence
6 / 50
What is the acronym for Africa Union
7 / 50
The strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept, indeed prevails
8 / 50
The current Secretary General of United Nations is
9 / 50
International relations theory is basic to the study of
10 / 50
are the most powerful actors in international poitics
11 / 50
is a collection of independent political entities
12 / 50
13 / 50
Command economy has this characteristic -
14 / 50
When diplomacy breaks down among nations, is imminent
15 / 50
The animosities between the United States and the Soviet Union after 2nd World War led to
16 / 50
In international relations, Al Qaeda is regarded as a group
17 / 50
17. UNO means -
18 / 50
Behaviour of nations to others are part of their
19 / 50
Transnational Organisations, private banks and other organisations that operate at the international level are described as
20 / 50
The ability of A to get B to do something it would not otherwise do is
21 / 50
Multiplicity of linkage and interconnectedness which surpasses national boundaries is called -
22 / 50
Which of the following countries is a peripherial State
23 / 50
The African country that was not colonised is
24 / 50
25 / 50
- theory explains that third world poverty, inequality and crisis are induced by historical subjugation and exploitation of unequal relationship
26 / 50
- society was a precusor to socialism
27 / 50
The countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Carribean and the MiddleEast are often described as -
28 / 50
According to - - - - - the questions to ask about a country's development are what has been happening to poverty, What has been happening to unemployment- What has been happening to inequality
29 / 50
The two world powers before the breakdown of the Cold War were and
30 / 50
The collapse of Communism signifies a victory for
31 / 50
31. NEPAD means -
32 / 50
32. ECOWAS was founded in
33 / 50
34 / 50
Bolshevik revolution in Russia took place in
35 / 50
International law operates in the shadow of
36 / 50
- made of production, excerbate class struggle in the society -
37 / 50
37. The UNO was formed in -
38 / 50
39 / 50
The emergence of the two superpower is due to the
40 / 50
There is always interplay between domestic policy and policy
41 / 50
Another name for free market is -
42 / 50
International diplomacy is synonymous to
43 / 50
The war launched by Hitler against Soviet Union in 1941 is called
44 / 50
Breaking away or delinking relationship with advanced countries is propounded by --
45 / 50
The history of the present international system started in
46 / 50
46. Imperialism is an ofshot of
47 / 50
Treaties and Motives are the set functions of laws
48 / 50
Another name for exploited nations is -
49 / 50
The 20th century witnessed the - - - of most third world countries
50 / 50
50. EU means
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