Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
In Nigeria’s First Republic, the official Opposition Leader was___________
2 / 50
On May 27, 1967, State was created from the Northern Region with Lt. Col. David Bamigboye as the Governor
3 / 50
The Nigerian Youth Movement started originally, as _Youth Movement
4 / 50
The leader of the first political party ever to be formed in Nigeria in 1923 was_________________
5 / 50
The regional assemblies under the 1946 constitution, had the responsibility, among others, to elect members to the Legislature
6 / 50
The Indirect Rule was first introduced in Northern Nigeria by__
7 / 50
On the eve of the Nigerian civil war, Nigerian state structure was changed from three regions to states by Col. Yakubu Gowon
8 / 50
By the provisions of the 1963 constitution__ceased to be Nigeria’s highest Court
9 / 50
The Nigerian civil war lasted for months
10 / 50
The Latin phrase ‘primus inter pares’, associated to Parliamentary system of government means
11 / 50
On 26th May, 1967, the gave Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu the mandate to declare the Eastern Nigeria an independent state by the name Republic of Biafra
12 / 50
One of the defects of the Clifford’s constitution was the retention of the isolation policy of the _provinces, which retarded the process of political development of the area
13 / 50
__was the first indigenous governor-general in Nigeria
14 / 50
One of the resolutions of the 1953 constitutional conference was the excision of from Western Region
15 / 50
Another striking feature of the 1963 constitution was the removal of the imperial attachment by making____________to replace the Queen of England as Nigeria’s Head of State
16 / 50
Since 1861, the colonial masters ruled the territories, which were amalgamated in 1914 as different countries until the central Legislative Council created Sir Arthur Richards in the year______________
17 / 50
The 1966 mililitary coup in Nigeria was regarded as because no political leader from the East was a victim
18 / 50
The Nigerian Second Republic collapsed on__
19 / 50
By 1964, Nigeria was a Federal Republic made up of Northern, Western, Eastern and__ Regions
20 / 50
The 1951 constitution provided for Bi-cameral _only for Northern and Western Nigeria
21 / 50
In what year was the Indirect Rule introduced in Nigeria___________________
22 / 50
The most striking feature of the 1922 constitution was that it__
23 / 50
Queen Elizabeth II visited Nigeria in as a prelude to independence
24 / 50
Although the 1922 elective principle was hailed by Africans, it was also criticized because the franchise granted was_______________
25 / 50
Operation ‘Wetie’ (violent protest) took place in the__of Nigeria to protest the rigging of the 1964/65 elections
26 / 50
The Nigerian Council created by Lord Lugard derived its source from_____________
27 / 50
One of the bones of contention against the 1922 Nigeria’s colonial constitution was the use of traditional rulers to the exclusion of the elites
28 / 50
The President of a federal Republic can have direct control of any State under under
29 / 50
Dual Headship is one of the defects of System of government practiced in Nigeria’s First Republic
30 / 50
The Protectorates of the Northern and Southern Nigeria were amalgamated by__
31 / 50
‘Nigeria is not a nation but a mere geographical expression.’ This statement is credited to__________
32 / 50
After merging the Colony of Lagos with the Southern Protectorates in 1906, the capital of the then British Colony was moved from______________ to Lagos
33 / 50
Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh was the Minister of in the 1959-1966 government
34 / 50
The 1922 constitution was also a landmark in Nigeria’s political development because it led to the formation of_______________
35 / 50
The elective principle of 1922 provided for (4) seats for Africans in Lagos and Calabar in the Legislative Council in the following ratio respectively________________
36 / 50
The crisis that led to the factionalization of the Nigerian Youth Movement originated between Chief Earnest Ikoli and Oba Samuel Akinsanya, over the position of the
37 / 50
The first Nigerian traditional ruler to become a regional Governor was_____________
38 / 50
38. The term ‘Anglophone’ refers to_
39 / 50
Chief Dauda Shoroye Adegbenro was elected as in the Western Region during the Action Group crisis
40 / 50
Apart from his nationalist struggle, Chief Anthony Enahoro was a popular figure in the House of Representatives in the First Republic because he moved the motion for in 1953
41 / 50
The Nigerian Council created in 1922 was composed of officials and members
42 / 50
By the provision of 1954 constitution, Lagos Colony was excised from the Western Region to become a Federal
43 / 50
The London constitutional conference of__was organized mainly to discuss Nigeria’s independence
44 / 50
The 1946 constitution created bicameral Legislature in the following regions_______________
45 / 50
The war time Military Governor of the Mid-West Region was
46 / 50
Succinctly put, true federalism could be defined as__
47 / 50
The practice whereby all cabinet ministers are liable for actions or inactions of one of them is called collective
48 / 50
The first Nigerian newspaper established to champion the cause of nationalist struggle was_____________
49 / 50
In response to minority agitation, the British colonial government set up a commission headed by______________to look into ways of allaying their fears
50 / 50
In a truly federal state, the components units are not__
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