Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Marx holds that the state exists to protect the interest of the ____ class
2 / 50
In the philosophy of Karl Marx, interest determines human values
3 / 50
Machiavelli pioneered the application of method in the study of politics
4 / 50
Do the individuals in Hobbes' commonwealth possess the right to rebel against their ruler?
5 / 50
A government characterised by honour and ambition is regarded as by Plato
6 / 50
Political thought is regarded as disciplined investigation of political that have interested philosophers over the ages
7 / 50
Jean Bodin's idea of property includes, father, mother, children, servants and
8 / 50
In Aristophanes' political thought, democracy should be replaced with
9 / 50
The city state, according to Plato and Aristotle, is characterised by
10 / 50
Hobbes defines as the mortal god to which we owe our peace and defence under the immortal God
11 / 50
The school where Plato taught his political and other theories is known as the__________
12 / 50
The major characteristic of the soldier in Plato's ideal state is ____
13 / 50
Aristotle viewed slaves as piece of live
14 / 50
The era of insisted that all ecclesiastical authorities must be under civil authorities
15 / 50
Cicero regarded __ and ___ as the inherent qualities of law
16 / 50
Marx holds that it is under communism that the highest stage of will emerge
17 / 50
In the communist society, distribution of surplus will be based on everyone according to
18 / 50
The theory that kings derived their rights to rule directly from God is known as
19 / 50
The chief end or purpose of man on earth, according to Locke is ___
20 / 50
Rousseau believed that the first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said, “This is mine,” and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of
21 / 50
The most defining element of an ideal state in Aristotle is ____
22 / 50
The first political thinker to insist that man has no supernatural end is ___
23 / 50
Another name for the Greek city states is
24 / 50
J. S. Mill's hope of forestalling the tyranny of the majority lies in ___
25 / 50
The constitution which governs the stoics' world state is
26 / 50
In Aristotle's ideal state which category f people should not be granted citizenship
27 / 50
Hobbes belief in absolute monarchy led him to self imposed in Holland when parliamentary authority was established in England
28 / 50
The rule of the best members of society is known as
29 / 50
According to Jeremy Bentham, man's two sovereign masters are ___ and ___
30 / 50
The saying that the end justifies the means is derived from whose political philosophy?
31 / 50
Rousseau political thought emphasised the primacy of the ____ in determining political authority
32 / 50
Aristotle held that the state was originally formed to satisfy ____
33 / 50
According to Bodin, the state is distinguished from band of robbers only on the fact that it exercises ____
34 / 50
According to Machiavelli the good ruler must possess the character of an animal called
35 / 50
Hegel considers as the actuality of concrete freedom
36 / 50
The dominant socio-political and economic system in the middle ages is
37 / 50
Aristotle considered the pursuit of ___ as the end or purose of state
38 / 50
The theory that our social status, either as slaves or as nobility, was neither a product of nature nor the gods, was first promoted in the Greek society by the ____
39 / 50
The debate concerning the dual recognition authority of the church and that of the state is famously regarded as
40 / 50
The author of Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation is
41 / 50
Jean Bodin held that for the power kings to remain unquestioned his rules must conform to ____
42 / 50
The practice of land ownership held in fief by serfs is called ____
43 / 50
Marsilio held that in addition to its truth, religion has consequences
44 / 50
In Plato's political thought, which of these is not among the three classes of people in the state?
45 / 50
According to Karl Marx, obedience to the state is absurd. Therefore, the state should be overthrown through a
46 / 50
___ brought about the fall of men in Seneca's golden age
47 / 50
The presence of ___ is the most distinguishing factor between the state and other associations in the political thought of Jean Bodin
48 / 50
A theory of action developed by Bentham is known as ____
49 / 50
Political thought establishes the ____ upon which states and their machineries can be objectively assessed
50 / 50
The theory that securing the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people is the duty of government is known as ___
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