Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The doctrine that emphasises the supremacy of the law as administrered by the government is encoded__
2 / 50
The organ of government whose primary duty is to make law for the Country
3 / 50
The doctrine that emphasises the supremacy of the law as adminsitered by the government is called__
4 / 50
Dias views natural law as__ which guide legal development and administration.
5 / 50
An example of law of nature is _.
6 / 50
Civil law has its origin in the__
7 / 50
Technically, written laws are contained in a_
8 / 50
Sources of international law include all the following except__
9 / 50
The following are contained in the Exclusive legislative list except__
10 / 50
The legislative powers are divided by the Nigerian between___ Authorities
11 / 50
Where the plantiff's claim is for a liquidated sum which is capable of being assessed, the plantiff should commence the action by way of
12 / 50
__is not a source of law in Nigeria
13 / 50
summons is the procedure for commencing an action where the main or only dispute is the construction of a statute.
14 / 50
Although, the Judiciary is listed as a concurrence of both the federal and the federating states, the Supreme Court is on the__ List
15 / 50
A reference to a settled case by a Judge in relation to the matter before the Court, constitutes what is called__
16 / 50
A technique of social control that established rules, standard and principles which tend to correct in case of breech is known as .
17 / 50
The military government rule by the use of _.
18 / 50
The concept of law has always concerned itself with issues such as__
19 / 50
What ought to be law and not what is law represent
20 / 50
laws made by delegated bodies is refered to as __.
21 / 50
The features of eternal law are the following except_
22 / 50
The element of coercion is a feature of__
23 / 50
Under the law, a person may not be convicted of crime unless the prosecution has proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.
24 / 50
Which of the following best describes the Nigerian legal system__
25 / 50
In relation to legal proceedings, law can be broadly divided into substantive and__
26 / 50
26. The duty of the law is to
27 / 50
Proof of _means the names, addresses and written statements of the witness that the prosecution wishes to call.
28 / 50
Under the _rule of interpretation, judges express their own opinions as to social policy
29 / 50
Nigerian legislations can be classified into all of the following except__
30 / 50
The Nigerian Chief Justice is appointed by the Nigerian President on the recommedation of the and approval of the
31 / 50
means that good must be done and evil must be avoided
32 / 50
__posited that nothing is law except the one laid by the svereign or his agents
33 / 50
When a proposed bill of the National Assembly is one that will affect the interest of the public at large, it is referred to as__
34 / 50
defined law as ideals, which grude development and administration
35 / 50
A documents which originates an action in law court is __summons.
36 / 50
A pronouncement on law by a judge in a matter before the court (jurisdiction) constitutes what is called__
37 / 50
A misdemenour is punishable by impresonment of not less than months.
38 / 50
Natural right is enshrined in the 1999 constitution under__
39 / 50
Which of the following best describes law and morals__
40 / 50
Sources of international law include the followings except one__
41 / 50
Aquinas views justice as__ towards the other
42 / 50
All these are types of legislation except__
43 / 50
The action of bringing into harmony or effecting a settlement between conflicting groups or individuals is known as
44 / 50
Where a witness refuses to appear in court, a may be issued on him to attend
45 / 50
Law and morality are said to be mutually__ because positive laws does not derive its validity from moral values
46 / 50
law comprises the rule of law and legal principles that define the existence of a right or liability
47 / 50
Warrant of must not be issued unless the complainant or material witness refused appearance
48 / 50
The legislative process does not end until__
49 / 50
__are set set of laws regulating the conduct of persons, interpersonal dealings, confering rights, status and obligations of individuals or corporate persons
50 / 50
In applying the mischief rule of interpretation, the court in The Heydon’s case has laid down all of the following logical approach except one_
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