Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. In which theory does
fundamental human right
operate as structural device
for government.
2 / 50
2. The ----- theory is premised
on" an agreement entered
into by men and and
women who originally had
no governmental
organization which resulted
into a state.
3 / 50
3. The Secondary Imperatives
of the State are ------ in
4 / 50
4. In the Nigerian society
there is ------ because most
people do not comply with
most laws most of the time.
5 / 50
5. The ----- theory of the state
is adjudged as old
6 / 50
6. The implication of states
being members of African
Union (AU), United Nations
(UN) is that the state will be
------ of the international
7 / 50
7. The
democratic system
restrains the arbitrary
exercise of state power and
ensures the respect for the
rights of the citizens.
8 / 50
8. The laws of society is only
legitimate to the extent that
the ------- rights of citizens
are respected.
9 / 50
9. This principle of justice in
political obligation is
associated with the general
administration of
10 / 50
10. Utilitarianism is premised
11 / 50
11. The ------ is an essential
organ through which the
state achieves its moral
duty and obligation to
administer and render
service to the citizens of the
12 / 50
12. The
_feature is applicable to the
availability of collective
goods to all members in a
group in a state.
13 / 50
13. The ----- are the essential
attributes a state provides
its citizens.
14 / 50
14. Direct action can be likened
15 / 50
15. This refers to the socially
constructed roles,
responsibilities, norms, and
stereotypes accorded to
women and men in relation
to the question of
citizenship: --------
16 / 50
16. In which nature of rights
was personal, civil and
political rights merged into
a single category
17 / 50
17. The condition of 'warre' in
the state of nature means
18 / 50
18. When a government has
the legal right of making
decisions which people are
required to obey; and the
right to use coercion to
enforce its laws , it means -
19 / 50
19. The phrase “sense of
autonomy” or “self
determination” means
20 / 50
20. Which duty require
individual members of a
state to refrain from
performing bad acts?
21 / 50
21. For Locke, unlike Hobbes,
power resides with ----- and
not with the Government.
22 / 50
22. The ----- is larger than the
political system.
23 / 50
23. Sovereignty is legal when it
is ----- that fall within the
jurisdiction of sovereignty
24 / 50
24. _and are the two defining
features of public goods.
25 / 50
25. Regionalization in Nigeria
was instituted in the bid to
operationalize the
26 / 50
26. What organ is regarded as
competent by everyone to
formulate and create
binding legal norms in any
domestic society ------
27 / 50
27. The tradition of atomistic
individualism in Western
societies presupposes that
the state should be -----
28 / 50
28. The
_nature of the African
society is the basis of
denying any inalienable
rights to individual citizens.
29 / 50
29. The January 1966 coup
was led by Major
30 / 50
30. The essential attributes of a
state as a contracted
organization/institution is its
provision of
31 / 50
31. For Hegel, while conflicts
and their resolutions may
be inevitable features of
any society, the state exists
to ----
32 / 50
32. The text 'A Theory of
Justice' is credited to
33 / 50
33. The provision of public
goods by a state is justified
by the ------
34 / 50
34. The placing of the individual
at the centre of the society
presupposes ------
35 / 50
35. The idea that an individual
has certain inherent rights
which are connected to
human nature is at the core
36 / 50
36. According to Hegel, the
state is a rational order
which exists, essentially, to
achieve ----
37 / 50
37. The American Declaration
of Independence was in ----
38 / 50
38. The
_theory is against the redistribution of wealth
through the State
39 / 50
39. The duties of fidelity,
reparation, gratitude, justice
are some of examples of
prima facie duties based on
40 / 50
40. is the tendency on the part
of states to reserve their
public services exclusively
in the hands of their
indigenes or expendable
foreigners and ‘nonindigenes.
41 / 50
41. Legal protection and
access to the courts of law
entitlements are known as
42 / 50
42. The obligation of the citizen
to obey the laws of the
state is dependent upon the
government ------
43 / 50
43. Positive rights or positive
liberty implies ------
44 / 50
44. The goods which, by their
character, cannot be shared
out among their
beneficiaries can be said to
45 / 50
45. The freedom from
interference of others
46 / 50
46. The phrase Prima facie was
used first in the
classification of ------
47 / 50
47. The competition for and
appropriation of offices of
the state for the benefit of
individual occupants and
their support groups is
known as
48 / 50
48. The Nigerian Civil Service
was regionalised in the
49 / 50
49. John Locke is the first
exponent of the
_individual rights.
50 / 50
50. Who argued that the State
is at “the centre of
continuous struggle with
other organizations, over
the right and ability to make
binding rules in society”: ----
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