Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. A
_leader is said to be
participatory and employee
2 / 50
2. Modern scientific
developments and
industrial civilization have
created several
administrative problems,
such as health problems,
housing problems and
3 / 50
3. _is important if an
administration is to be
4 / 50
4. The cultivation of ------ is
5 / 50
5. The method which a
section of the public uses in
pursuing the promotion of
some special interests at
the legislature is known as -
6 / 50
6. Ethics has to do with the
moral values of the
community while
administration enforces
7 / 50
7. The full meaning of the
acronym ASCON is
8 / 50
8. _negatively relates to the
removal of conflicts and
overlapping in
9 / 50
9. Public administration deals
with the
10 / 50
10. Policy differs from rule
because the former is
dynamic and flexible while
the latter is
11 / 50
11. _positively means to secure
co-operation and teamwork
amongst the numerous
employees of an
12 / 50
12. leadership is based on
human relations approach
in line with democratic
13 / 50
13. Which leader is concerned
with higher productivity
rather than the welfare of
his/her employees?
14 / 50
A bureaucrat is known as -- ----
15 / 50
15. Delegation is conditional
when the action of a
subordinate is subject to
_by the superior.
16 / 50
Public Adminstration deals with the science of getting things done efficiently in the ------
17 / 50
Public administration is essentially -----
18 / 50
Habeas Corpus not only punishes wrong doers but -- ---
19 / 50
This administration is concerned primarily with the tasks and process of formulating and implementing the four P’s of administering an organisation: -----
20 / 50
20. was established to
actualize the need for
advanced professional
training and research in
public administration.
21 / 50
Which aspect of administration is recent: ---- --
22 / 50
22. The
applies to a government at
a lower level enjoying
certain amount of autonomy
as given by the constitution
or statute.
23 / 50
23. Public Administration is the
science which deals with
getting things done in the
most efficient way in the
24 / 50
24. The devolution of power
from a higher to a lower
authority, and between
equal authorities is known
25 / 50
25. _is regarded as the
collective utilization of
human resources and
material in an effort to
reach the known goal.
26 / 50
Law making by the means of administration aligns with -----
27 / 50
27. The laissez faire concept in
administration means
28 / 50
28. The administrative role of
the Queen/King in the
parliamentary system of
government is
29 / 50
29. One of the attributes of a
Policy is that it may be in
the form of an explicit
_in writing or may be
interpreted from the
behaviour of top level
30 / 50
A writ of ------ is directed to the inferior, courts, tribunals, cooperation or officer, requiring the performance of a specified duty fixed by law.
31 / 50
S.B Chrines work titled, An Introduction to the Administrative History of Medieval England, is an example of a ------
32 / 50
Bureaucracy is uniquely impersonal, neutrally passive, and instrumental with behavioural characteristics that bother on -------
33 / 50
33. _could be regarded as acts
against administrative
responsibility in Nigeria.
34 / 50
34. The problem of leadership ,
supervision, planning and
public relations are
addressed under
35 / 50
This is a co-operative endeavour in which large number of people get together to achieve certain objectives: -----
36 / 50
The four P's of public administration include the following ------
37 / 50
This is among the classified functions of management according to Millett: -----
38 / 50
38. The civil service of Nigeria
is organized into Federal
Civil Service and
39 / 50
The word 'Bureaucracty' was derived from ------
40 / 50
40. Nigeria became a social
_state after the
inauguration of the
independent Constitution in
41 / 50
The study of the administrative system of any country is dependent upon its ----- background.
42 / 50
42. _was the first person who
pointed out in 1887 that
Public Administration and
Political Science are
separate from each other
with their own specialized
43 / 50
43. P in the acronym
PODCORB stands for
44 / 50
44. The control over public
expenditure is done by the
legislature, through the
45 / 50
The term bureaucracy was first coined in eighteenth century by ----- a French economist
46 / 50
46. A ----- is a vested group of
industrialist and traders with
organized commercial
47 / 50
47. The
_regime in Nigeria can be
described as not only an
aberration but an
abnormality in public
48 / 50
48. Any policy that emanates
either from the legislature
or administration must be
based on factual data and
49 / 50
49. Waldo posited that
economy and
_are the twin beacons
which should guide
administrative reformers
and writers.
50 / 50
Which approach is premised on the ability of an organisation to find out about certain principles which will facilitate the efficient functioning of an organisation -------
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