
Category: NSC216



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. ______ is the most common disease involving dizziness from the inner ear.

2 / 50

2. The ______cells of each taste bud consist of about 50 taste cells.

3 / 50


The ends of the dendrites are modified into bulbous enlargements with long specialised cilia
called _______

4 / 50

4. The _____ interprets the higher frequency of action potentials as a louder sound.

5 / 50

5. How many taste buds do adults have?

6 / 50


The _____opens into the pharynx and enables air pressure to be equalised between the
outside air and the middle ear cavity.

7 / 50

7. The ______ interprets the higher frequency of action potentials as a louder sound.

8 / 50

8. The middle ear contains three auditory ossicles: the malleus, incus, and_____________.

9 / 50

9. The ______________ of sound is a function of the wave frequency.

10 / 50

10. Static balance is associated with the utricle and the _____ of the vestibule.

11 / 50


The cochlear nerve joins the vestibular nerve to become the_____, which traverses the
internal acoustic meatus and enters the cranial cavity.

12 / 50

12. The term _____ refers to the cochlea of the inner ear, which is involved in hearing

13 / 50


The _____ joins the vestibular nerve to become the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII), which
traverses the internal acoustic meatus and enters the cranial cavity.

14 / 50


The fibrous layer consists of the sclera and cornea; the _____consists of the choroid, ciliary
body, and iris.

15 / 50

15. The brain interprets the higher frequency of action potentials as a _____sound.

16 / 50


The fibrous layer consists of the sclera and cornea; the vascular layer consists of the choroid,
ciliary body, and_____.

17 / 50

17. The _____________collects sound waves and directs them into the external acoustic meatus.

18 / 50

18. Pitch is measured in ______________

19 / 50

19. Food served at the wrong temperature is perceived as______.

20 / 50


The ______ consists of interconnecting, fluid-filled tunnels and chambers within the temporal
bone called the bony labyrinth.

21 / 50

21. _____ is the least understood of our senses.

22 / 50


Olfactory neurons are ______ neurons with dendrites extending to the epithelial surface of
the nasal cavity.

23 / 50

23. The _______and _____are attached to auditory ossicles

24 / 50


The organs of hearing and balance are divided into three parts: the external, middle, and

25 / 50


The fibrous layer consists of the sclera and cornea; the vascular layer consists of the_____,
ciliary body, and iris.

26 / 50

26. The sclera is continuous with the_____, the anterior sixth of the eyeball.

27 / 50

27. Static balance is associated with the ______ and the saccule of the vestibule.

28 / 50


Olfactory neurons are bipolar neurons with _____ extending to the epithelial surface of the
nasal cavity.

29 / 50


The _____________s muscle is attached to the stapes and is innervated by the facial nerve

30 / 50


Axons from olfactory neurons form the olfactory nerves which pass through the olfactory
foramina of the cribriform plate and enter the______

31 / 50


______ is associated with the vestibule and is involved in evaluating the position of the head
relative to gravity.

32 / 50


The “hairs” of the hair cells consist of numerous microvilli, called_____, and one cilium,
called a kinocilium.

33 / 50

33. When an odorant binds to its receptor, a______associated with the receptor is activated.

34 / 50

34. Substances called ______ dissolve in saliv

35 / 50

35. The inner ear contains the sensory organs for hearing and______.

36 / 50


_______________ of the inner hair cells by the nervous system stimulates the contraction of
actin filaments within the hair cells causing them to shorten.

37 / 50


The ______ helps maintain the shape of the eyeball, protects its internal structures, and
provides an attachment point for the extrinsic eye muscles.

38 / 50

38. The sense of balance, or equilibrium, has two components: _____ and____

39 / 50

39. Deflection of the _____ toward the kinocilium results in depolarization of the hair cell.

40 / 50

40. How many primary tastes have been identified in humans?

41 / 50

41. _________ smell perception with no external stimulus

42 / 50

42. Taste is mainly a function of the _____in the mouth

43 / 50

43. The _____________ is attached to the medial surface of the tympanic membrane.

44 / 50


_____ is associated with the semicircular canals and is involved in evaluating changes in the
direction and rate of head movements.

45 / 50

45. The binding of tastants to receptors on the taste hairs activates ______

46 / 50

46. The external and middle ears are involved in ______only

47 / 50

47. The _____ contains the sensory organs for hearing and balance

48 / 50

48. The ______________ is a thin membrane separating the external ear from the middle ear.

49 / 50

49. ______ enters the eye through the pupil

50 / 50

50. Deflection of the hairs toward the kinocilium results in ______of the hair cell

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