Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. _____ of the hairs toward the kinocilium results in depolarization of the hair cell.
2 / 50
2. _____ is a complete loss of smell
3 / 50
3. The basilar membrane is not uniform throughout its length.
4 / 50
4. The odorants must first be dissolved in fluid in order to reach the olfactory receptors.
5 / 50
5. The ______ is a set of fluid-filled chambers medial to the middle ear.
6 / 50
6. ______ can produce strong emotional reactions, memories, and other responses
7 / 50
7. The _____________collects sound waves and directs them into the external acoustic meatus.
8 / 50
8. How many primary tastes have been identified in humans?
9 / 50
9. The ______ interprets the higher frequency of action potentials as a louder sound.
10 / 50
10. How many taste buds do adults have?
11 / 50
The organs of hearing and balance are divided into three parts: the external, middle, and _______ear.
12 / 50
12. The sclera is continuous with the_____, the anterior sixth of the eyeball.
13 / 50
The _____________s muscle is attached to the stapes and is innervated by the facial nerve (VII).
14 / 50
14. The _____ is the firm, opaque, white, outer layer of the posterior fivesixths of the eyeball.
15 / 50
Within the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex, ______ occur that tend to inhibit transmission of action potentials resulting from prolonged exposure to a given odorant.
16 / 50
16. The brain interprets the higher _____ of action potentials as a louder sound.
17 / 50
The inner ear consists of interconnecting, fluid-filled tunnels and chambers within the temporal bone called the______
18 / 50
18. The range of normal human speech is ___
19 / 50
______ is associated with the vestibule and is involved in evaluating the position of the head relative to gravity.
20 / 50
20. The external ear is the part extending from the outside of the head to the_____
21 / 50
21. ______ is distortion in odour perception (includes parosmia and phantosmia)
22 / 50
22. There are _____ semicircular canals placed at nearly right angles to one another.
23 / 50
The _____opens into the pharynx and enables air pressure to be equalised between the outside air and the middle ear cavity.
24 / 50
The volume, or loudness, of sound is a function of wave amplitude, or height, measured in______________.
25 / 50
The _____ stimulate action potentials in the sensory neurons which are conducted to the brain where the sense of taste is perceived.
26 / 50
26. Deflection of the hairs toward the kinocilium results in ______of the hair cell
27 / 50
27. ____ is distortion of perception of an external stimulus
28 / 50
The wide varieties of detectable odours are actually combinations of a smaller number of ______odours.
29 / 50
Most of the sensations thought of as being tastes are strongly influenced by ______ sensations.
30 / 50
30. Sensitivity for bitter substances is the highest.
31 / 50
The _____ functions as two separate nerves carrying information from two separate but closely related structures.
32 / 50
32. Sound waves travel relatively slowly in air ____________ m/s
33 / 50
33. The process of choosing certain types of food in preference to others is called_______
34 / 50
34. Sounds louder than _____________ db are painful to the ear
35 / 50
35. ______ simply means that an animal will choose certain types of food in preference to others
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36. The _____ regulates the amount of light by controlling the size of the pupil.
37 / 50
37. ______ enters the eye through the pupil
38 / 50
38. The sense of balance, or equilibrium, has two components: _____ and____
39 / 50
The cochlear nerve joins the vestibular nerve to become the_____, which traverses the internal acoustic meatus and enters the cranial cavity.
40 / 50
40. The _____ interprets the higher frequency of action potentials as a louder sound.
41 / 50
41. The fleshy part of the external ear on the outside of the head is called_____
42 / 50
The ______ helps maintain the shape of the eyeball, protects its internal structures, and provides an attachment point for the extrinsic eye muscles.
43 / 50
43. A small superior part of the nasal cavity is lined with______.
44 / 50
44. The head to the eardrum is also called _______
45 / 50
The _____________ or loudness, of sound is a function of wave amplitude, or height, measured in decibels.
46 / 50
46. The ______ is a branch of the facial nerve carrying taste impulses from the anterior twothirds of the tongue.
47 / 50
Olfactory neurons are bipolar neurons with _____ extending to the epithelial surface of the nasal cavity.
48 / 50
48. Deflection of the hairs toward the ______ results in depolarization of the hair cell.
49 / 50
The stereocilia and kinocilium are embedded in the otolithic membrane, which is a gelatinous mass weighted with crystals of calcium carbonate and protein called___
50 / 50
50. Light enters the eye through the _______
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