
Category: NSC209



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. The integumentary system comprises of the skin, hair, and ______

2 / 50

2. The _______ provides information about the patient‟s prior state of health.

3 / 50

3. ICS stands for_______

4 / 50

4. ________ is observed or measured by the professional nurse

5 / 50


The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient
with emphysema is______

6 / 50

6. ____is information that the client experiences and communicates to the nurse

7 / 50


_______ is the process of obtaining information about patient‟s health status through

8 / 50


An accurate and thorough health assessment reflects the ______ and skills of a professional

9 / 50


The ______ for the integumentary system concerns data related to the structures and
functions of that system.

10 / 50

10. Subjective data is information that the client experiences and communicates to the________.

11 / 50

11. _______ is also known as overt data or a sign once it is detected by the nurse

12 / 50

12. Documentation must be accurate, confidential, appropriate, complete, and_______

13 / 50

13. The bell of the _______ is more sensitive to low-pitched sounds

14 / 50


Data that can be observed by one person and verified by another person observing the same
patient are known as_______

15 / 50

15. The purpose of the nursing assessment is to make a ______about a client‟s health status.

16 / 50

16. Assessment is_______ step of nursing process

17 / 50

17. __ helps to identify the strengths of the clients in promoting health.

18 / 50


Functional health patterns format includes an initial collection of important health
information followed by assessment of______ areas of health status or function

19 / 50

19. Knowledge of the _______ and _________ sciences is a strong foundation for you.

20 / 50


The amount of time you need to complete a nursing history may vary with the format used
and your________.

21 / 50

21. _______ is produced when bacterial waste products mix with perspiration on the skin surface.

22 / 50

22. The first step of the nursing process is known as______

23 / 50


The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient
with emphysema is_______

24 / 50

24. _______is usually performed with a stethoscope.

25 / 50

25. The usual percussion sound in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen is________

26 / 50

26. Subjective data is gathered during________

27 / 50

27. Subjective data is usually referred to as_______ or symptom

28 / 50


_______ is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual
or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage

29 / 50

29. Physical assessment of the neurologic system begins with assessment of the client‟s____

30 / 50

30. The intensity of pain is most accurately assessed with____

31 / 50

31. Effective communication is a key factor in ______process

32 / 50


Physical assessment of the ear consists of auditory screening, inspection and palpation of the
external ear and______

33 / 50


Listening to sounds produced by the body to assess normal conditions and deviations from
normal is done through___

34 / 50


Localized hot, red, swollen painful areas indicate the presence of_______ and possible

35 / 50

35. Physical assessment of the ear consists of ______ parts

36 / 50


When viewed laterally, the angle between the skin and the nail base should be
approximately______ degrees.

37 / 50

37. The focus of _______ is attainment, sustenance, and recovery of health.

38 / 50


______ can be defined as making determination about all of the data collected in the health
assessment process.

39 / 50

39. In Asian cultures, breast selfexamination may be considered a form of_______

40 / 50

40. The focus of nursing care is attainment, sustenance, and ______of health.

41 / 50

41. Gray hair can occur as a result of decreased melanin,_______ or aging.

42 / 50

42. Schamroth techniques are used to assess____

43 / 50

43. _________ is hand-on examination of the client

44 / 50


Behaviors indicative of ______ include facial grimace, moaning, crying or screaming,
guarding or immobilization of a body part, tossing and turning, and rhythmic movements.

45 / 50


In physical assessment of the integumentary system, the techniques of inspection and______
will be used

46 / 50


The process of obtaining a health history and performing a physical examination is an
intimate experience for both you and the________.

47 / 50

47. An _______describes a hands-on data collection process

48 / 50

48. The bell of the stethoscope is more sensitive to_______ sounds

49 / 50


A ________ is a more abbreviated assessment used to evaluate the status of previously
identified problems and monitor for signs of new problems.

50 / 50


________ is usually referred to as covert (hidden) data or as a symptom, when it is perceived
by the client and cannot be observed by others.

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