
Category: NSC209



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. Subjective data is gathered during________

2 / 50


Percussion has limited usefulness in the______ because X rays and other diagnostic tests
provide the same information in a much more accurate manner

3 / 50

3. The usual percussion sound in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen is________

4 / 50

4. The bell of the stethoscope is more sensitive to_______ sounds

5 / 50

5. An accurate and thorough _______ reflects the knowledge and skills of a professional nurse.

6 / 50


Perception of pain, nausea, dizziness, itching sensations, or feeling nervous are examples

7 / 50

7. The diaphragm of the stethoscope is more sensitive to _______sounds.

8 / 50


_______ is the visual examination of a part or region of the body to assess normal conditions
and deviations from normal

9 / 50


The _______ interview enables you to clarify points, to obtain missing information, and to
follow up on verbal and nonverbal cues identified in the health history.

10 / 50

10. ____is information that the client experiences and communicates to the nurse

11 / 50

11. The integumentary system comprises of the skin, hair, and ______

12 / 50

12. An accurate and thorough health assessment reflects the knowledge and skills of a____

13 / 50

13. Palpation is the examination of the body through the use of________.

14 / 50

14. ______ are used by nurses to gather information about a patient's condition.

15 / 50

15. The nails should have a _______undertone and lie flat or form a convex curve on the nail bed

16 / 50


A ______includes a detailed health history and physical examination of one body system or
many body systems

17 / 50

17. The _______ provides information about the patient‟s prior state of health.

18 / 50

18. The report of pain is a _____

19 / 50


Health assessment includes the interview, physical assessment, ______ , and interpretation of

20 / 50


When viewed laterally, the angle between the skin and the nail base should be
approximately______ degrees.

21 / 50


Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the______, lungs, abdomen and
vascular system.

22 / 50

22. Documentation must be accurate, confidential, appropriate, complete, and_______

23 / 50

23. Quality of pain is assessed by __

24 / 50

24. ________ is observed or measured by the professional nurse

25 / 50

25. Palpation is the examination of the _______ through the use of touch.

26 / 50


Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the heart, ______, abdomen and
vascular system.

27 / 50


During the interview and physical examination your scope of focus must be more than
problems presented by the client.

28 / 50


Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the heart, lungs, ______and
vascular system.

29 / 50

29. _________ is hand-on examination of the client

30 / 50

30. Assessment is_______ step of nursing process

31 / 50


A comprehensive or complete health assessment usually begins with obtaining a thorough
health history and ______exam.

32 / 50

32. Auscultation is usually performed with a______

33 / 50


Types of assessment that are used to obtain information about a client are comprehensive,
focused, and_______

34 / 50


Physical assessment of the neurologic system proceeds in a_______ and distal to proximal

35 / 50


_______ is the systematic assessment of the physical and mental status of a patient, and
findings are considered objective data.

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_______ is the process of obtaining information about patient‟s health status through

37 / 50

37. The tips of the fingers can be used to palpate_____

38 / 50

38. Pain is a complex multidimensional_____

39 / 50


_______ of data from health assessment creates a client record or becomes an addition to an
existing health record.

40 / 50


The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient
with emphysema is_______

41 / 50


Behaviors indicative of ______ include facial grimace, moaning, crying or screaming,
guarding or immobilization of a body part, tossing and turning, and rhythmic movements.

42 / 50


_______ determine if a patient has responded to nursing care sufficiently enough to be
recommended for discharge.

43 / 50


Health assessment includes the interview, physical assessment, documentation, and
interpretation of______

44 / 50

44. ______ is information that the client experiences and communicates to the nurse.

45 / 50


A systematic method of collecting data about a client for the purpose of determining the
client‟s current and ongoing health status, predicting risks to health and identifying healthpromoting activities is referred to as_____

46 / 50

46. The data collected during an interview comes from primary and _______sources

47 / 50

47. The ______ is all the health information about a client

48 / 50


______ is an essential nursing function which provides foundation for quality nursing care
and intervention.

49 / 50

49. Pain is one of the major reasons that people seek health care.

50 / 50

50. Functional health patterns format for taking Nursing history was developed by______

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