Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Physical assessment of the neurologic system proceeds in a_______ and distal to proximal pattern
2 / 50
The purpose of _______ is to obtain information about the client‟s health in his or her own words and based on the client‟s own perceptions.
3 / 50
_______ of data from health assessment creates a client record or becomes an addition to an existing health record.
4 / 50
4. _______ of a patient's health status is done through health assessments.
5 / 50
The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient with emphysema is______
6 / 50
6. _____ means that documentation is limited to facts or factual accounts of observations
7 / 50
______ is an essential nursing function which provides foundation for quality nursing care and intervention.
8 / 50
Perception of pain, nausea, dizziness, itching sensations, or feeling nervous are examples of_______
9 / 50
9. Creating a climate of trust and respect is critical to establishing a _______relationship.
10 / 50
The information obtained from the nursing history and physical examination is used to determine the strengths of the client or responses that the client exhibits in response to______.
11 / 50
_______ is a systematic method of collecting data about a client for the purpose of determining the client‟s current and ongoing health status, predicting risks to health and identifying health-promoting activities.
12 / 50
Functional health patterns format includes an initial collection of important health information followed by assessment of______ areas of health status or function
13 / 50
Percussion has limited usefulness in the______ because X rays and other diagnostic tests provide the same information in a much more accurate manner
14 / 50
14. The _______ provides information about the patient‟s prior state of health.
15 / 50
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines ______ as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage”.
16 / 50
_______ is the process of obtaining information about patient‟s health status through communication.
17 / 50
The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient with emphysema is_______
18 / 50
18. The ______of pain refers to the onset and duration of the pain experience
19 / 50
19. The report of _______is a social transaction
20 / 50
20. _____ data can be seen, felt, heard, or measured by the professional nurse.
21 / 50
21. Objective data is observed or measured by the_____
22 / 50
Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the______, lungs, abdomen and vascular system.
23 / 50
23. Pain is essential in comprehensive health assessment.
24 / 50
24. ______ is used to determine exact ROM in joints with limited ROM
25 / 50
25. Effective communication is a key factor in ______process
26 / 50
The amount of time you need to complete a nursing history may vary with the format used and your________.
27 / 50
27. Pain is one of the major reasons that people seek health care.
28 / 50
28. _______ of the stethoscope is more sensitive to high-pitched sounds.
29 / 50
29. Palpation is the examination of the body through the use of________.
30 / 50
30. IASP means___
31 / 50
Using eleven functional health patterns, the processes of ingestion, digestion, absorption, and metabolism are assessed in____
32 / 50
Localized hot, red, swollen painful areas indicate the presence of_______ and possible infection.
33 / 50
Data that can be observed by one person and verified by another person observing the same patient are known as_______
34 / 50
34. Pain is a complex multidimensional_____
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35. The report of pain is a _____
36 / 50
Objective data is obtained through________ to determine the patient‟s physical status, limitations, and assets.
37 / 50
37. Knowledge of the _______ and _________ sciences is a strong foundation for you.
38 / 50
Assessment of the eyes should be carried out in an orderly fashion, moving from the extraocular structures to the___
39 / 50
Health assessment includes the interview, physical assessment, documentation, and interpretation of______
40 / 50
A ______includes a detailed health history and physical examination of one body system or many body systems
41 / 50
Health assessment includes the interview, physical assessment, documentation, and ______of findings.
42 / 50
42. _______ is also known as overt data or a sign once it is detected by the nurse
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43. _______ is observed or measured by the professional nurse.
44 / 50
In physical assessment of the integumentary system, the techniques of inspection and______ will be used
45 / 50
An _______ describes a hand-on data collection process, while a database identifies a specific list of data to be collected.
46 / 50
Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the heart, lungs, ______and vascular system.
47 / 50
Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the heart, ______, abdomen and vascular system.
48 / 50
48. The usual percussion sound in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen is________
49 / 50
49. The focus of _______ is attainment, sustenance, and recovery of health.
50 / 50
50. The nails should have a _______undertone and lie flat or form a convex curve on the nail bed
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