Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. HFR refers to
2 / 50
Reporters’ area of specialization is often called ___
3 / 50
3. Mast head:
4 / 50
All Radio and TV script besides commercial refers to
5 / 50
With regards to the ethics of news writing and reporting, the journalist acts according to his/her whims and caprices
6 / 50
A reporter could function without ethical issues but cannot function without legal issues
7 / 50
_____ is the body expected to interpret the code while acting as a judicator when any of the provisions of the code is breached
8 / 50
An action is either good or bad depending on the context in which it was made. This is the position of ______
9 / 50
The heart of news gathering operation is the
10 / 50
The function of the press does not include
11 / 50
The former Editor of The Times, Herold Evans, says News is
12 / 50
theory consists mainly of guidelines, techniques, traditions and conventions that guide the work of media production
13 / 50
One of these provisions is not contained in the codes for Nigerian Journalists
14 / 50
Journalism is sometimes metaphorically regarded as in a hurry
15 / 50
Which regulatory body‘s code of conduct reads thus, “in obtaining news or pictures, reporters and press photographers should do nothing that will cause pain or humiliation to innocent, bereaved or otherwise distressed persons’
16 / 50
The following are not types of lead except
17 / 50
Objectivist theory holds that ethics is rather than emotional
18 / 50
Because reporters are able to recount events and happenings in a society per time, they are often referred to as
19 / 50
The four theories of the press is associated with Siebert, Peterson and
20 / 50
The word(s) placed on a copy to designate the story is called
21 / 50
The well known four theories of the press include all except
22 / 50
Reporters who cover specialized beats in both the print and electronic media have the same functions
23 / 50
Man’s ability to feel and empathize with others makes it possible for him/her to behave ______
24 / 50
The Newspaper library, where published stories, photographs and resource materials are stored for reference purposes is called
25 / 50
The Umbrella Code for journalists in Nigeria is ____
26 / 50
Quotations give a sense that readers have talked directly with the sources.
27 / 50
27. Continuity means
28 / 50
The abuse of freedom by the press in the 20th Century led to the calls for a _______
29 / 50
Theory states that it is the result or consequence of actions that determine the rightness or wrongness of such action
30 / 50
is the main theme of the story which provides the spine of the story.
31 / 50
A telephone conversation or interview recorded for later playback on air is called
32 / 50
According to _, an action is justified if the intentions of the doer are good, regardless of the consequences that ensure from the action
33 / 50
Antinomian theory is closely related to _____
34 / 50
Generally, abbreviations should be used in broadcast copy. True or False?
35 / 50
The first code of ethics for journalists in Nigeria was established in
36 / 50
The Reporter must write and shape the writing to the following except
37 / 50
37. CAR refers to
38 / 50
The first code of ethics for journalists in Nigeria was established in ____
39 / 50
The practice of working as a Journalist for a Newspaper and at the same time a Press Secretary to a Governor amounts to
40 / 50
Materials meant for a newspaper story are still referred to as
41 / 50
A lead provides answer to all except
42 / 50
The instrument most professions, including the media profession uses to regulate the professional conduct of their members is codified as
43 / 50
theory believes that the press have certain obligations to society which must be accepted and fulfilled
44 / 50
The excesses of ____ necessitated the need for the society to demand a high moral standard from journalists
45 / 50
Surveillance of the environment has to do with
46 / 50
_____ codes reflect an organization’s commitment to certain standards of conduct
47 / 50
The excesses of necessitated the need for the society to demand a high moral standard from journalists
48 / 50
Information given to a reporter in complete confidence and should not be printed under any circumstances is called
49 / 50
The naturally makes the first decision on what constitutes news
50 / 50
The attributes of a journalist requires that he/she develops the ability to be impartial, impersonal and dispassionate
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