Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
With more than 500 languages, Nigeria is an example of a nation.
2 / 50
Tone performs a function when it distinguishes between sentences that are the same except for the tones they bear.
3 / 50
refers to the study of the meaning of language in its context of use.
4 / 50
The distinction between langue and parole as an explanation to language phenomenon is associated with _______
5 / 50
The action of pushing out of air from the lungs is referred to as __.
6 / 50
The word ‘lazy’ is a for ‘hardworking’
7 / 50
The word, 'uncommonality' has morphemes
8 / 50
Sounds produced with the stream of air flowing out of the mouth without obstruction are________
9 / 50
Grammar is a system that is used to generate an number of sentences
10 / 50
The science of designing machines that simulate human intelligence is known as _________
11 / 50
In the word 'vandalism', 'ism' is a _________
12 / 50
One of these is a high, front, rounded vowel _______
13 / 50
The minimal sound unit that makes a difference in meaning is a
14 / 50
Which of the statements below is FALSE about all languages? ______
15 / 50
The is the most important articulator in vowel production.
16 / 50
One of the misconceptions about sign languages is that _________
17 / 50
Language interference refers to _________.
18 / 50
In Hausa, ‘asibiti’ meaning ‘hospital’ is an example of _______
19 / 50
This utterance is an example of ____'The accused is hereby pronounced guilty'.
20 / 50
What branch of linguistics refers to the study of words and their meaningful parts?
21 / 50
According to Chomsky, grammar is a native speakers’ of his/her language
22 / 50
The statement 'He is a backstabber' can be only be understood in ________
23 / 50
The _____ are not found in the English sound system
24 / 50
affixes are those affixes that can alter the meaning of the words to which they are attached.
25 / 50
______ is the process of determining the time of separation of genetically related languages
26 / 50
Damage to ________part of the brain can cause speech comprehension difficulties.
27 / 50
In Ikwere dialect spoken in Rivers State, the words [risi] and [riʃi] both mean ‘head’. In other words, the use of consonant sound [s] or [ʃ] does not change the meaning of the word. Therefore, both sounds are said to be in _________
28 / 50
The word ‘institutionalisation’ is an example of a _________
29 / 50
Hauwa acquired Nigerian Pidgin alongside Hausa, therefore she is a
30 / 50
Nigeria uses the sign language
31 / 50
Which of the following best describes Phonetics _______?
32 / 50
In Yoruba, 'kpana' 'quench fire'--- > 'kpana kpana' 'fire fighter' is an example of a word formation process of ________
33 / 50
The history of sign languages dates back to the _______
34 / 50
According to Chomsky, _________is not affected by memory limitation, distraction, shift of attention and errors.
35 / 50
To say 'cerfiticate' instead of 'certificate' is an example of _________________
36 / 50
According to Saussure, is the part of language that reflects its variant nature
37 / 50
That all languages mark plural is an example of a language
38 / 50
Linguistics in the 20th century was marked by a focus on the development of ________.
39 / 50
Which term refers to the arrangement of words into phrases and sentences?
40 / 50
The word ‘transcript’ was formed from the word 'transcription' through a process of
41 / 50
The experiment with the chimpanzee called Nim demonstrated that animal communication is ___________
42 / 50
This utterance is an example of ____'Shut that door, now!'
43 / 50
The area of the throat where voice is produced is also called
44 / 50
In Hausa, ‘farin ciki’ meaning ‘happiness’ is an example of a_____
45 / 50
The difference between 'go slow', traffic jam', and heavy traffic flow' is a difference
46 / 50
Indian English and Australian English are examples of of English
47 / 50
Alveolar sounds are produced through contact between the teeth and the
48 / 50
A morpheme that cannot stand on its own is called a morpheme
49 / 50
Language is written using a system of arbitrary and signs
50 / 50
isé + àtó --> ìsáto meaning ‘eight’ is an example of the process of ______
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