Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
In English, the plural marker realised as '-s' as in /pɒts/ 'pots', '-z' as in /pænz/ 'pans' and '-iz' as in /haʊziz/ ;'houses' are examples of ________
2 / 50
The statement 'He is a backstabber' can be only be understood in ________
3 / 50
[ʌ] is exclusive to the language
4 / 50
An example of a speech impairment that requires the use of sign language is ________
5 / 50
morphemes are free morphemes that have independent dictionary meaning of their own.
6 / 50
The statement, “All languages have consonant and vowel sounds” is an example of a language
7 / 50
The word ‘photocopy’ is a for ‘original’
8 / 50
Language interference refers to _________.
9 / 50
The houses the vocal cords
10 / 50
The presence of words like 'restaurant, salon, fillet" in English is a result of
11 / 50
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE __________
12 / 50
One of the misconceptions about sign languages is that _________
13 / 50
The _is the smallest minimal unit of language that can be pronounced in isolation
14 / 50
The history of sign languages dates back to the _______
15 / 50
_____is a phonological feature in which all vowels within a defined unit agree in one phonetic value.
16 / 50
Four Greek scholars who contributed to the growth of linguistics are _________.
17 / 50
One of these is a velar nasal_______
18 / 50
What are the conditions a speech act must meet to be successful and achieve its communicative purpose?
19 / 50
One of these is a high, front, rounded vowel _______
20 / 50
Which of the following is not a component of linguistic knowledge? ________
21 / 50
The organs of speech in the production of palatal sounds are the tongue and the
22 / 50
The sound [m] is produced in the cavity
23 / 50
In the word /æks/ ‘axe’, /æ/ is the
24 / 50
affixes are those affixes that can alter the meaning of the words to which they are attached.
25 / 50
The earliest recorded linguistic efforts in Nigeria were by the _______
26 / 50
A sufficient corpus of description of words in a language can constitute a
27 / 50
__________ is concerned with the study of how the brain processes language
28 / 50
The function word in the statement, "Lets make America great again" is
29 / 50
One of these is a low, back, unrounded vowel ______
30 / 50
Sounds that function as a peak are described as_______
31 / 50
Phonology helps us to know ___________.
32 / 50
[ɑ:] is a low, back, long vowel
33 / 50
What characterised the first phase of growth of linguistics as a discipline?
34 / 50
One of the following is a correct analysis for ‘The suicide bomber put the bomb in a bag’ ________________
35 / 50
of articulation describes where sounds are produced.
36 / 50
Damage to the Wernike area of the brain can cause difficulties in
37 / 50
"Its beyond my apprehension” is an example of a speech error called
38 / 50
The first phase of linguistics as a science had its focus on________ logic of meaning
39 / 50
is the force with which a syllable is produced
40 / 50
The words ‘berry and bury’, ‘plain and plane’ are examples of words called
41 / 50
______________is concerned with the study of the acquisition, use, and loss of language.
42 / 50
are produced with a partial obstruction in the flow of air such that air passes through a narrow passage with some noise.
43 / 50
Words like "mugu, bam, swagger" are examples of in Nigerian English
44 / 50
The process of involves the loss of a sound segment or suprasegment when morphemes or words are combined together.
45 / 50
The root morpheme of the word "enterprising" is
46 / 50
Which of the following is a complete set of voiceless sounds
47 / 50
One of these is an aveolar stop ________
48 / 50
The effect that an illocutionary act has on a hearer is referred to as______
49 / 50
Which of the maxims relates to how something is said in a talk exchange?
50 / 50
Which of the following is not a fricative sound?
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