Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
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1 / 50
Huruuful qamariyyah means
2 / 50
One Scholar who defines Ilmu Tajwid as the science which explains the rules and principles to be followed in the recitation of the Qur’an in accordance with the standard handed down by Prophet Muhammad is
3 / 50
The points where Arabic letters b/m/w are articulated are the
4 / 50
Traditional scholars of tajwid use shaddah as an attribute to mean__________
5 / 50
Quran recitation is the best of______
6 / 50
Arabic letter "qaf" is a letter of
7 / 50
There are letters of Qamariyyah
8 / 50
8. The meaning of iqlab is
9 / 50
The scholars of Tajwid approve of out of the four ways by which Isti'adha and basmalah can be recited at the beginning of recitation.
10 / 50
One of the following Quranic verses stresses the significance of Tajwiid
11 / 50
Beautify the Qur’an with your voices'' is a______
12 / 50
The term representing hiding in the science of Tajwid is
13 / 50
Makhaarijul-Huruuf in the science of Qur-an recitation means the
14 / 50
14. Nuunus-Saakinah WatTanwiin simply means
15 / 50
Reading of NuunusSaakinah and Tanwiin are governed by rules
16 / 50
Al-rakhawah in tajwid simply means____
17 / 50
Al-Lahnu-l Jalil is considered ____ error in Qur-an recitation
18 / 50
_____occurs whenever Hamzah is followed by a letter of elongation.
19 / 50
There are types of idhgam
20 / 50
Traditional scholars of tajwid use hams as an attribute to mean_________
21 / 50
The method of Ta'lim was developed by
22 / 50
The practice of the_________is to stop at the end of every verse in the Quran regardless of whether stopping on them makes them meaningful or not.
23 / 50
23. Nuunu-Saakinah WatTanwiin simply means
24 / 50
The methods through which the knowledge of Tajwiid is learnt and applied in Qur-an recitation include Talqiin and
25 / 50
In the science of Tajwiid, the term al-Isti’aadhah connotes seeking in Allah
26 / 50
The pronounciation of every letter of the Qur-an from its point of articulation is technically referred to as
27 / 50
According to modern Arab linguists there are points of articulation of Arabic letters
28 / 50
Reading of NuunusSaakinah and Tanwiin are governed by how many rules
29 / 50
The term "YARMALUN" is an acronym of the letters of
30 / 50
There are sun letters
31 / 50
Al-lahnu ’l-jalii is simply translated into English as_______
32 / 50
The idhgam bighayrilgunnah has letters
33 / 50
A method whereby a teacher teaches a learner the Qur'an through guidereading is known as
34 / 50
The idhgam bil-gunnah has letters
35 / 50
In the science of Tajwid, Izhar means
36 / 50
Q.16 V. 98 makes it compulsory on every reciter to mention the before embarking on recitation.
37 / 50
Letters in which there is sudden release of built up air behind the closure of certain points of articulation are called plosives or
38 / 50
The study of the science of the recitation of the Qur'an is known as
39 / 50
Q.16 V 98 makes it compulsory on every recite to mention the ____ before embarking on recitation
40 / 50
The following are the manners of articulation identified by modern linguists except
41 / 50
Isti’aadhah is read aloud only in states
42 / 50
A'udhu billah mina shaytani rajim is referred to as
43 / 50
Specialization in the field of Tajwiid is considered
44 / 50
44. The term As-Safir means
45 / 50
Al-Waqfu ’l-Qabiih is translated as ______
46 / 50
The learning of the theoretical principles of Tajwiid along with the practicals is called
47 / 50
_______in Tajwiid terminology means a break in sound and breath
48 / 50
Al-lahnu ’l-Khafii is simply translated into English as________
49 / 50
50 / 50
One of the following is not a punctuation mark in Tajweed______
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