Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
What percentage is payable as Zakat generally?
2 / 50
Islam does not want fellow men to enslave others as all are the of Allah
3 / 50
A complete unit of act of devotion in Salat, which includes standing, bowing down, prostrating and sitting down is called
4 / 50
The major sign that differentiates a Muslim from a non-Muslim is ___
5 / 50
Idu `l-Fitri Prayer contains rak'ahs
6 / 50
Zakat is seen as a right of the poor and a_____ upon the rich
7 / 50
One of the following could be regarded as the essence of Islam
8 / 50
What is the literal connotation of the term AtTawhid ?
9 / 50
The terminology used for breaking of fast is called
10 / 50
One special Salat in Islam that has no Iqamah, ruku'n or Sujud is the Salatul
11 / 50
The difference between Hajj and Umrah is that the latter can be performed___
12 / 50
Morally, Zakat engenders expression of genuine mutual fellow feeling by both the benefactor and the ________
13 / 50
Fasting is prescribed for you, as it is prescribed for those before you is in Qur'an _____
14 / 50
Iman bil - Kutub connotes what?
15 / 50
The verse of the Glorious Qur’an which talks on salat is ______
16 / 50
“The alms are only for the poor, the needy, those who collect them …|” is in Quran
17 / 50
A Worker in the Zakat Collection Sector should be Muslim, sane, __________, and professionally trained
18 / 50
Every devotee terminates the canonical prayer with the expression
19 / 50
Wuquf bil - 'Arafah is one of the basic rites of _____
20 / 50
Beneficiary from Zakat include the following except…
21 / 50
The payment of Zakat on stock and merchandise is ______
22 / 50
Those who do not believe in the obligation of Zakat are regarded as _____
23 / 50
One of the followings is not part of the Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an
24 / 50
25 / 50
What is the technical term for "Article of faith in Islam"?
26 / 50
A special prayer recommended by the Prophet for deciding better option between two things is called
27 / 50
In salatul janazah, there are takbiraat
28 / 50
29 / 50
Ridwan is the Angel in charge of _____
30 / 50
What does the expression "As-Salam Alaykum" signifies?
31 / 50
The word Islam is simply defined as _____
32 / 50
How would you describe Zakat promotion of cooperation in the state?
33 / 50
Q51:56 states the only assignment given to man and Jinn on earth as__
34 / 50
Which of the pillars of Islam is referred to in Q.2:153?
35 / 50
A Sa’a is equal to mudu
36 / 50
Which of the pillars of Islam is referred to in Q.2:183?
37 / 50
Which of the following does the giving of Zakat indicate?
38 / 50
Mention two of the basic pillars of Islam
39 / 50
”Fawaylun lil-musallina lladhinahum an salatihim sahun, lladhina hum yuraun.” The verses above warn Muslims against lack of concentration in
40 / 50
The focus of Q9:60 are _______
41 / 50
_____ is a test of one’s loyalty to Allah with regard to wealth and possession
42 / 50
Al-Fakir connotes a state of destitution whereby one out-rightly lacks material possessions and means of livelihood while _______ on his own part only suffers insufficiency
43 / 50
Zakat is seen as a right of the poor and a upon the rich
44 / 50
The aspect of "Qawa'idul Islam" which stipulates financial obligations of the Muslims is known as _____
45 / 50
The Islamic greeting formula is found in one of the following Quranic verses
46 / 50
Alms giving is a quality of believers as stated in Quran _________
47 / 50
48 / 50
How does a Muslim respond to the greeting from other fellow Muslims?
49 / 50
The 1/10 (or 1/20 ) Zakat payable on agricultural produce is called _______
50 / 50
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