Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The Islamic injunction contains in Qur’ân 4:59 is ______
2 / 50
In one Tradition reported by ‘Â’ishah (R), she said Prophet Muhammad’s character was ____________
3 / 50
______ was known for his generosity in the earlier period of Islam
4 / 50
The objective of setting up the ICPC and EFCC in Nigeria is to tackle the problems of
5 / 50
Islam teaches that a Muslim should enter into toilet with -------
6 / 50
The methodology recommended by the Qur'n to invite people to way of Allah is by the use of
7 / 50
It is a moral act when an animal is being slaughtered to ------
8 / 50
The Arabic term used for ransome paid for commiting an offence is
9 / 50
Tawakkul is one of the ethics of the Qur'an which means to have in Allah
10 / 50
Qur'an refers to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a man of exemplary character in _______
11 / 50
Aishah reported that was the character of Prophet Muhammad
12 / 50
Allah accepts good deeds from his servants because _______
13 / 50
What a Muslim should say after completion of any assignment embarked upon is Alhamdulillah which means
14 / 50
Qur'an _____ says "Oh you who believe: Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and the people in authority among you
15 / 50
The head of all miracles in the world is the
16 / 50
Laa ikraaha fi ddin simply means "there is no in the matter of religion"
17 / 50
17. Silatur – Rahim means
18 / 50
Prophet Muhammad was a mercy to all ______
19 / 50
All of these duties are the moral obligations of the father to his children except _____
20 / 50
The Qur’an described adultery as shameful (deed) and an
21 / 50
Righteousness, as depicted in Qur’ân 2: 177, is all the following except ___
22 / 50
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was reported to have said Al-Jannah of the children lies at the of their mothers
23 / 50
A good leader exhibits his features through __________
24 / 50
The Qur'an admonishes parents to compel their people to observe
25 / 50
Moral practice of the Prophet's companions is ______
26 / 50
One major assignments given children on their parents according to Q17:23 is for the children to for the parents
27 / 50
28 / 50
An envious person ______________
29 / 50
Morality can be defined as all of the following except _________
30 / 50
The Qur'an encourages mothers to breastfeed their children for years
31 / 50
Umar Ibn al-Khattab was known for ______during his administration
32 / 50
Infanticide is condemned in the following portion of the Qur’ân ________
33 / 50
Muslim women are expected to cover every part of their body except the
34 / 50
One of the duties of a child to his parents as recommended by the Qur'an is -----
35 / 50
For Nigeria to regain her lost glory ---------- is needed to be reintroduced at schools
36 / 50
Islam disallows men to wear materials made of
37 / 50
Among Islamic moral codes is ________
38 / 50
serves as a scripture of human guidance
39 / 50
Moral teachings in Islam is known as _____
40 / 50
Book of instruction given to Prophet Dawud is _____
41 / 50
It can be said that Qur'an is a book suitable as solution to all human
42 / 50
Silatur – Rahim means _____
43 / 50
Knowledge is to be sought from cradle to
44 / 50
Qur'an is a sacred book which nobody should when in a state of impurity
45 / 50
The Prophet who refused to be seduced by the wife of his master is Prophet
46 / 50
Morality has something to do with human _____
47 / 50
Blood money for unintentional murder is known as
48 / 50
According to Prophet Muhammad, the leader of a people is their
49 / 50
Children were asked to obey their parents in all situations except when called to participate in with Allah
50 / 50
Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through angel _____
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