
Category: GST302



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. The environment that recognizes the customs, traditions and value of the community is known as ________

2 / 50

2. The minimum number required to start a sole proprietorship ________

3 / 50

3. The __________ environment prescribes acceptable principles and guides in business relationship

4 / 50

4. The scanning of the ____________ so as to identify the favourable and unfavourable conditions therein is swot analysis

5 / 50

5. Take away ________ and have organization anxiety

6 / 50

6. The need for a business plan includes all except: _________

7 / 50

7. The environment in the borderline between internal and external environment is __________

8 / 50

8. The headquarters of the Corporate Affairs Commission is based in?

9 / 50

9. The rate of interest that a bond pays to the bondholder is called the ___________

10 / 50

10. Ensuring that the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are limited to medical and scientific purpose is a function of __________

11 / 50

11. The organisation that is concerned with the registration of Business in Nigeria is ___________

12 / 50

12. ________ Is creative, looking to a future of greatness; it keeps the organization as well as individual motivated even if the founders are no longer in existence

13 / 50

13. An agency that is responsible for providing advice, educate to public on and against bribery and corruption is ________

14 / 50

14. An agency that is concerned with the investigation of all financial crimes is …………………

15 / 50

15. ___________ recommended "the Creation of a Fund.

16 / 50

16. The entrepreneur can assess the internal environment of business by critically looking at the opportunities and ___________

17 / 50

17. Opportunities in the political/legal environment could be ___________

18 / 50

18. The headquarters of the Corporate Affairs Commission is based in _____

19 / 50

19. The document that states all the terms of partnership is known as ________

20 / 50

20. A plan must be ________

21 / 50

21. The …………………. Was established by the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990 as a corporate body with perpetual succession and a common seal.

22 / 50

22. An agency that is concerned with the investigation of all financial crimes is ___________

23 / 50

23. The support systems that facilitate entrepreneurship process listed here are _________

24 / 50

24. The entrepreneur can assess the internal environment of the business by critically looking at ___________

25 / 50

25. The promotional and supportive roles of Government is revenue __________

26 / 50


The concept environment literally means the surroundings, internal, intermediate and ________ influences or circumstances under which
someone or something exists

27 / 50

27. The …………… environment prescribes acceptable principles and guides in business relationship.

28 / 50

28. The headquarters of the Corporate Affairs Commission is based in ________

29 / 50

29. One of the following is not the promotional / supportive roles of Government?

30 / 50

30. Partnership formation requires minimum and maximum number of partners respectively _________

31 / 50

31. An __________ is simply a statement that two numbers are not equal.

32 / 50

32. One of the following is not an advantage of sole proprietorship

33 / 50

33. Threats from external environmental factors can come from: _______

34 / 50

34. ________ event is an event that will never happen

35 / 50

35. The three levels of Regulation in Nigeria are Federal, State and _________

36 / 50

36. The entrepreneur can assess the internal environment of business by critically looking at the opportunities and threats.

37 / 50

37. One of the disadvantages of sole proprietorship _________

38 / 50

38. The entrepreneur can assess the internal environment of business by critically looking at the _________ and threats

39 / 50

39. ___________ is the reason for the organization's existence, a clear description of the activities of the organization

40 / 50

40. Establishing and maintaining companies" registry and offices in all the states of the Federation is a function of __________

41 / 50

41. The essence of scanning the external environment of business is in order to identify ________

42 / 50

42. An agency that is responsible for providing advice, educate to public on and against bribery and corruption is _________

43 / 50

43. A written business plan should have all the following except _____________

44 / 50

44. Ensuring that the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are limited to medical and scientific purpose is a function of ________

45 / 50

45. Establishing and maintaining companies" registry and offices in all the states of the Federation is a function of __________

46 / 50

46. The sinking fund was first used in Great Britain in the _______ th century

47 / 50

47. The organisation that is concerned with the registration of Business in Nigeria is ……………

48 / 50

48. ________ is the fee charged for the privilege of borrowing money.

49 / 50

49. Ensuring that the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are limited to medical and scientific purpose is a function of  _______

50 / 50

50. An advantage of sole proprietorship is ___________

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