Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
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1 / 50
_________________ are symbols that are derived from the abbreviation of some words hence they are in form of texts or letters They are used to indicate the locations of the features they represent
2 / 50
_________ refer to any visual display of information, particularly if it is abstract generalised or schematic
3 / 50
___________________ is one of the most important elements of a map
4 / 50
A map is not a __________ of the Earths surface
5 / 50
Every map is symbolised Symbols are the _____________ of the map maker
6 / 50
_________ refers to both the study of maps and the process of map making
7 / 50
A _______________ is an accurate representation of the spherical shape of the world
8 / 50
________ of longitude are arbitrary but conventional lines and together with the parallels based upon the naturally given equator constitute the globe grid
9 / 50
In map ________________ we can use the information displayed on the map to make some logical inferences or conclusions about some other facts not expressly shown on the map
10 / 50
A map shows a twodimensional representation of _____________ dimensional features
11 / 50
The term __________ map refers to the maps that are not actually produced and just exist in our minds
12 / 50
Every map is a reduced version of some aspects of_________
13 / 50
All but one is not a component of map ______________
14 / 50
Maps can be grouped into various classes or _________________
15 / 50
As a ___________ rule the higher the denominator the smaller the scale and vice versa
16 / 50
All but one is not a map analysis tasks __________________
17 / 50
_________________ has to do with showing the curved surface of the earth on a plane or flat sheet
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_________ shows the coordinate system in the form of parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude so that the area can be placed in its proper geographical location on the globe
19 / 50
___________ is an electronic or digital device used to record information on the latitude and longitude of any location on the surface of the earth
20 / 50
The map ____________ shows the symbols on a map and gives their meaning
21 / 50
Basically there are ____________ broad tasks involved in map analysis
22 / 50
Symbols are used to represent one-dimensional or linear features such as roads rivers railways pipelines and power or telecommunication cables _________
23 / 50
The ___________ of a map shows how much how the given area has been reduced to paper size and hence how much you would have to enlarge your map to get the actual size of the piece of land shown on the map
24 / 50
The course material ESM291 titled Map Analysis was written by _________________
25 / 50
Drainage here refers to ___________ and rivers
26 / 50
__________ tells the directions on a map using the cardinal points of North South East West and so on
27 / 50
A __________ is an isolated one family residence
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___________________ refers to outlining or placing boundaries round regions or areal units observed on the map
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___________________ maps are used in data analysis to make or test hypotheses such as the identification of cancer clusters examine the relationship between two distributions using simple transparent overlays identify suitable sites for a proposed project and so on
30 / 50
Another name for literal symbol is _________________
31 / 50
__________ states that Maps are valuable timeless objects that we would be lost without
32 / 50
All but one is not a type of map projection ________________
33 / 50
______________ is used to graphically display and disseminate geographical information
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Latitudes and longitudes as well as other geographical referencing systems are very useful in fixing the positions of features on a ___________
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____________ preserve distances to places from one or two point
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______________refers to listing or counting of discrete items visible on a map For example on a large scale map showing a portion of a city we can count or take a census of the number of individual houses boreholes bus stops or petrol stations in the area.
37 / 50
It is always good to provide a legend or key that explains what each ___________ on a map represents
38 / 50
______________ lines run north and south around the earths surface they intersect at the poles and measure distance east and west from the Prime Meridian
39 / 50
Today maps are commonly produced on computers using software such as _______________
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There are many different types of maps that attempt to represent specific ___________
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__________ is refered to as a reference tool showing the outlines of selected natural and man-made features of the earth often acts as a frame for other information
42 / 50
_____________ is the mathematical transformation of the spherical Earth unto a flat medium
43 / 50
The sources of data for map making can be grouped into ____________ broad categories
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___________ map shows physiographic features such as forests grassland woodland tundra grazing land ocean floors and ocean sediments could be included in this large grouping
45 / 50
A _____________ map is also called an economic map it shows and represents the natural resources and the economic activity of different regions of an area
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____________ defines a map as A representation usually on a plane surface of all or part of the earth or some other body showing a group of features in terms of their relative size and position
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A map scale can be expressed in __________ different ways
48 / 50
______________ maps that show climate, weather and wind are types of environmental maps
49 / 50
Maps have changed from basic expressions of ___________to works of art and extremely accurate scientific tool
50 / 50
Maps and map-making have undergone some notable _______________________ trend
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