Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
One of the following is not correct
2 / 50
follows the processes of observation and experimentation
3 / 50
When a survives many tests and becomes accepted as true, it becomes a
4 / 50
In history when was increasing demand for elementary science experienced?
5 / 50
The nature of science is described using the basic elements of science as process, products and
6 / 50
Science education project for Africa will not do one of the following
7 / 50
The acronym ESCP stands for
8 / 50
The contents of the materials produced for the BSNSS projects were divided into ______
9 / 50
The first Nigerian primary science curriculum project began at/in ____
10 / 50
A powerful, time-tested idea or group of ideas that makes useful and dependable predictions about our natural world is a
11 / 50
General Science was later changed to Int. Sc. In the year _______
12 / 50
The Nigerian Integrated science project has units of contents of material
13 / 50
A characteristic of Integrated science is that traditional subject are removed completely
14 / 50
At which mental process does a child begins to think about things?
15 / 50
LEMS' is an example of ______ of Integrated science.
16 / 50
When an event is logically explained based on facts, observations and or experimentation, it is an/a ______
17 / 50
The highest level of Gagne's learning heirarchy is
18 / 50
Ondo state primary school project drew its inspiration from the outcome of APSP'S
19 / 50
The successful introduction of integrated science into the junior forms resulted In a shift in the _____ as well as methods in science teaching
20 / 50
All concepts can be taught at any level depending on the teacher and the of those to be taught
21 / 50
The basic themes in Integrated science curriculum are , , and
22 / 50
That science teachers should encourage science students to make inituitive guesses more systematically, is an implication of ______
23 / 50
Which of the following is not true of Ife project?
24 / 50
The first science curriculum development project undertaken in Nigeria between 1963 and 67 at Ayetoro was
25 / 50
Scientists use gathered to propose explanations for observed events or phenomenon
26 / 50
Doing science the way the scientists do it", is the _____ of BSNSS
27 / 50
To begin to teach students what science is and how a scientist work is the ______ of integrated science
28 / 50
Which of the following is not true?
29 / 50
When an event is logically explained based on facts, observations and or experimentation, it is an/a
30 / 50
The Nigerian Integrated science project has ______ units of contents of material
31 / 50
The concept of learning by discovery is associated with ______
32 / 50
The African primary science project was launched in
33 / 50
The science curriculum has its contents arranged in a logical, developmental and order
34 / 50
The first Nigerian primary science curriculum project began at/in
35 / 50
In order to overcome the desire of farmer's children to leave the farm for city jobs, was introduced in schools between 1890 and 1920
36 / 50
A statement of what happens or will happen under certain given initial conditions is a
37 / 50
Which of the following best describes subsumer?
38 / 50
which of the following is not true?
39 / 50
The historical development of Integrated science focuses, globally on the development of specific science curricula, the nature study movement and
40 / 50
The main purpose of the "lexical committee" was _____
41 / 50
42 / 50
It is generally accepted that what a student already knows could aid or hinder new
43 / 50
The information processing system related to learning may not include this set ____
44 / 50
What follows the processes of observation and experimentation?
45 / 50
The poor state of the type of curriculum in the sciences was a cause for for STAN
46 / 50
The teaching of is one of the logical steps in educational development
47 / 50
A critical examination at integrated science requires a description of its unique aspects
48 / 50
Bajah (1981) proposed modules to achieve better integration of science
49 / 50
50 / 50
ABU Zaria initiated which of the following project?
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