Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The word 'discipline' is derived from
2 / 50
A method of teaching drilling of shorthand otlines and manipulation of various office equipment is _____
3 / 50
Pick the odd item. The child needs _____
4 / 50
To be able to help children, a teacher must know their
5 / 50
Teacher's lay out of how to teach a subject in a given period is
6 / 50
6. In Nigeria, a person trained in education is known as _____
7 / 50
must be maintained in the classroom to produce useful citizens
8 / 50
Which of these is important in imparting knowledge in the teaching/learning process _______
9 / 50
A scheme of work is _______
10 / 50
10. A teaching method where individual students are aloowed to make observation from experiments is _____
11 / 50
11. A professional teacher should not take note of this when preparing a lesson _____
12 / 50
12. A teaching method based on the philosophy that knowledge arises within the students is _____
13 / 50
is the name of the list of topics to be covered within a given time
14 / 50
Preparatory activities preceding teaching is called
15 / 50
15. The name for the approach when knowledge is presented to students in more or less final form is _____
16 / 50
Children learn through strategy(ies)
17 / 50
In order to be able to help student in teaching/learning, teacher must be able to identify _____
18 / 50
Questions help you get the most out of students if the questions do all but one of these ____
19 / 50
In the classroom situation, the teacher is a
20 / 50
A method where students find out solutions to scientific problems is the _____
21 / 50
The basic visual aid in most government owned schools is the and
22 / 50
For successful teaching/learning, the teacher must understand the child and
23 / 50
A brief review by teacher of whole lesson is
24 / 50
A teacher can write lesson plans for different subjects in _____
25 / 50
Involving students in active careful analysis of a problem based on available information is called
26 / 50
Audiovisuals transmit information which help students modify all of these except _____
27 / 50
A trained teacher effectively performs his daily teaching based on _____
28 / 50
The following are advantages of multiple choice questions except _____
29 / 50
In a classroom, illustrating with objects, specimenand apparatus is ______
30 / 50
NOUN provides people with accessible, flexible and education
31 / 50
s responsible for goals accomplishment in an organisation
32 / 50
School exist to achieve the end product of _____
33 / 50
Term, week, topic,class activities are found in a
34 / 50
The days of the existence of grade 111 and 11 teachers' colleges are ___
35 / 50
Planning, organising, controlling resources are part of a work
36 / 50
Students who lag behind in virtually all they do are learners
37 / 50
One of these is not a characteristic of good answers _____
38 / 50
38. Pick the odd item. Pictorial illustrations must be _____
39 / 50
Which of these must be considered when drawing the school timetable _____
40 / 50
Pick out the odd item from the list _____
41 / 50
aids memory in respect of information retrieval from lessons/texts
42 / 50
A flexible education system which allows learners learn at their own pace, place and time is known as ____
43 / 50
The only university approved by the NUC to provide single mode open and distance learning in Nigeria is the
44 / 50
The principles and methods of teaching are guided by all except ______
45 / 50
In teacher-child relationship, the child is teacher's
46 / 50
The teaching method which takes learners on an excursion for observation is ______
47 / 50
Access and flexibility are advantages of
48 / 50
Children with defromities likeblindness, deafness, lameness are _____
49 / 50
Which of these is not an alternative type of examination _____
50 / 50
All of these support the fact that examinations are not true tests of knowledge _____
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