Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
must be maintained in the classroom to produce useful citizens
2 / 50
Children learn more readily when teaching to their senses
3 / 50
Which of these is not an alternative type of examination _____
4 / 50
Which of these methods show students the correct use of science apparatus _______
5 / 50
Syllabus can be constructed by the school or imposed by some bodies
6 / 50
Questions help you get the most out of students if the questions do all but one of these ____
7 / 50
School exist to achieve the end product of _____
8 / 50
The lecture method is not _______
9 / 50
A good lesson plan is NOT written
10 / 50
10. Talented students can be identified through the use of _____
11 / 50
Which of these is not a method of teaching ______
12 / 50
On the school timetable time should be given to each subject
13 / 50
13. In teacher/child relationship, the teacher is like a _____
14 / 50
14. A good lesson note does not have ________
15 / 50
Most lessons are made up of these parts except ____
16 / 50
A flexible education system which allows learners learn at their own pace, place and time is known as ____
17 / 50
A students' intrnal self discipline is a result of influence of the following except _____
18 / 50
Which of these is important in imparting knowledge in the teaching/learning process _______
19 / 50
One of these is not a characteristic of good answers _____
20 / 50
The gifted learner can be identified by means of tests
21 / 50
The following are advantages of multiple choice questions except _____
22 / 50
Field trip is a kind of method
23 / 50
The teacher is trained in theory and of education
24 / 50
Deductive method is all of these except _____
25 / 50
25. is another name for grading
26 / 50
Children learn through strategy(ies)
27 / 50
Questions may be used in these ways except ____
28 / 50
The only university approved by the NUC to provide single mode open and distance learning in Nigeria is the
29 / 50
29. A teaching method where individual students are aloowed to make observation from experiments is _____
30 / 50
s judging class activities in relation to stated objectives
31 / 50
In the classroom situation, the teacher is a
32 / 50
Before the advent of western and Islamic education in Nigeria every adult memebr of society served as ____
33 / 50
The education system which is flexible and accessible irrespective of age,race, background is
34 / 50
Children with defromities likeblindness, deafness, lameness are _____
35 / 50
35. The following factors hinder learning in a child except _____
36 / 50
NOUN was resuscitated by President Obasanjo in the year
37 / 50
In order to be able to help student in teaching/learning, teacher must be able to identify _____
38 / 50
The basic visual aid in most government owned schools is the and
39 / 50
Governments in Nigeria gave Medicine more recognition than teaching because ______
40 / 50
Which of these learners have more learning difficulties in the classroom _____
41 / 50
Open education is synonymous with education
42 / 50
42. Specific objectives in a lesson note specify objectives to be achieved in the _____
43 / 50
43. Open education has these advantages except _____
44 / 50
students are of the teaching/learning process
45 / 50
45. Slow learners are all of these except that they _____
46 / 50
Normative grading produces consequences
47 / 50
A teacher can write lesson plans for different subjects in _____
48 / 50
Teacher's lay out of how to teach a subject in a given period is
49 / 50
question setting is a skilled job
50 / 50
A method where students find out solutions to scientific problems is the _____
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