Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The mind is a very essential instrument for doing
2 / 50
The teachings of Socrates aimed at solving the problems created in ………..
3 / 50
Philosophers look at theories, assumptions, postulations, statements and value judgments critically as to
4 / 50
The view that philosophy gives education the thought and education gives it an outlet in practice was propounded by …………………..
5 / 50
Being critical is a sign of being an Person
6 / 50
The branch of philosophy which is concerned with the theories of the nature of knowledge is called?
7 / 50
What happened when a person derives a lot of enjoyment from his trade?
8 / 50
Being critical is a sign of being an …………. person
9 / 50
Learning by remembering or recalling what they knew previously but had been stored up in the mind is known as ……
10 / 50
The educational process relies on curriculum for guidance while philosophy constitutes the base of
11 / 50
The two concepts would combine to form philosophy which is literally translated as
12 / 50
school of thought asserts that change is dynamic and belongs to the essence of reality.
13 / 50
Those that emphasise the use of the senses for acquiring knowledge or learning are called ………..
14 / 50
Socrates lived a humble, disciplined and
15 / 50
Traditional teachers usually ……... old lesson notes to teach new generation
16 / 50
philosophy of education gives the teacher the professional tool and provides high quality performance in educational activities
17 / 50
Being critical is a sign of being an
18 / 50
believed in the state control of the education system
19 / 50
The teachng that people come to know the truth by mere sense of feeling was done by ……..
20 / 50
Who was referred to as “the best of all of his time that we have known and more over the most wise and just”?
21 / 50
Education in its broadest and general sense can be described as the means through which the aims and of a group of people is sustained from one generation to the next
22 / 50
The teacher with the knowledge of philosophy engages in the following except ………
23 / 50
The system of education that enables a person to enjoy his leisure activities better is known as ……………. Education
24 / 50
before adopting a new educational or social policy in the country, one would expect that philosophers would be included in the
25 / 50
Which one is flase in Relativism?
26 / 50
Our teacher education programmes at different levels have started to emphasize the need to educate instead of
27 / 50
is of the view that education should be concluded with an excursion
28 / 50
Education has an intrinsic value, that is, it does not have to be seen as something that must always bring
29 / 50
Socrates was born about the year
30 / 50
But criticism is essential in a
31 / 50
The Spartans also prided themselves of being ………. people
32 / 50
The teachings of Socrates aimed at solving the problems created in
33 / 50
An argument may have many propositions and
34 / 50
The view that philosophy gives education the thought and education gives it an outlet in practice could be interpreted as …………………..
35 / 50
maintained that all education proceeds by the participation of the individual in the social consciousness of the race
36 / 50
The educational process is constantly inspired by
37 / 50
Knowledge derived from experience is known as knowledge
38 / 50
Which one is not among the proponents of pragmatism?
39 / 50
“virtue is knowledge” is one of the teaching of ……….
40 / 50
Which is not part of the main areas of the importance of logic?
41 / 50
Socrates was born about the year ……..
42 / 50
philosophy and are complementary disciplines
43 / 50
was of the opinion that without good physical health, mental achievements will not be enjoyed and without sound mind, physical health alone will amount to nothing.
44 / 50
Who taught that “virtue is knowledge”
45 / 50
45. Relativism is a form of
46 / 50
Which among these is not a Rationalist metaphysicians?
47 / 50
National Policy on Education was first revised in ………………..
48 / 50
48. Socrates father worked as
49 / 50
To a person who is brought up in a period of war, the good life may be the life of
50 / 50
The theory of knowledge asserts that knowledge is derived through concepts was by …...
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