Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
At every stage in our adult life we should be able to use not only our heads but our
2 / 50
Given that an aim of education emphasizes selfrealisation, teachers must not …….
3 / 50
The view that philosophy gives education the thought and education gives it an outlet in practice could be interpreted as …………………..
4 / 50
The teachng that people come to know the truth by mere sense of feeling was done by ……..
5 / 50
The word philosophy came from the Greek words
6 / 50
The philosophical orientation apparent in the idea of making men “critical” is to make the teacher or the educator to be …………..
7 / 50
The two concepts would combine to form philosophy which is literally translated as
8 / 50
The theory of knowledge asserts that knowledge is derived through concepts was by …...
9 / 50
The view that philosophy gives education the thought and education gives it an outlet in practice was propounded by …………………..
10 / 50
Which one is not among the proponents of pragmatism?
11 / 50
The statement that philosophy and education has a common mode of thought and action means that ……….
12 / 50
The branch of philosophy which is concerned with the theories of the nature of knowledge is called?
13 / 50
was of the opinion that without good physical health, mental achievements will not be enjoyed and without sound mind, physical health alone will amount to nothing.
14 / 50
14. Education is complete living
15 / 50
Which among these maintains that there is a hierarchy of value
16 / 50
recommended the play way method of learning to be used in classroom teaching.
17 / 50
The teacher with the knowledge of philosophy engages in the following except ………
18 / 50
If our aim is to make education less painful to our pupils, teachers in the system need to be more
19 / 50
If our aim is to make education less painful to our pupils, teachers in the system need to be more ……………..
20 / 50
For the parents, school is a painful experience that they must live with
21 / 50
school of thought beieve in this ideal "man should critically examine everything by the use of intelligence"
22 / 50
Traditional teachers usually ……... old lesson notes to teach new generation
23 / 50
In our educational system, suggested the appointment of a Director of Education, who is to be assisted by a committee of experts to advise him
24 / 50
The teachings of Socrates aimed at solving the problems created in
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Socrates lived a humble, disciplined and
26 / 50
26. Ethics is also called
27 / 50
National Policy on Education was first published in …….
28 / 50
Knowledge derived from experience is known as knowledge
29 / 50
What happened when a person derives a lot of enjoyment from his trade?
30 / 50
is of the view that education should be concluded with an excursion
31 / 50
Because of the dynamic nature of the society and its peculiar problem, emphasis should be laid on the development of ………. needed for tackling contemporary problems of education
32 / 50
Relativism is a form of …………….
33 / 50
……...lived between 428 to 348 BC
34 / 50
school of thought asserts that change is dynamic and belongs to the essence of reality.
35 / 50
Nigerian teachers' education programmes at different levels have started to emphasize the need to training instead of educating
36 / 50
The educational process is constantly inspired by
37 / 50
The application philosophical ideas to education might be difficult and sometime attracts …..
38 / 50
Who was of the opinion that the truly free man is the self-controlled man- one whose passions, impulses and desires are controlled by reason
39 / 50
While no one would quarrel over using acquired knowledge as a means to earning our living, quest for knowledge can be for its
40 / 50
To a person who is brought up in a period of war, the good life may be the life of
41 / 50
Every Nigerian before 1850 has died Nigerian are still dying therefore, All Nigerians are mortal. This is is example of…
42 / 50
The educational process relies on curriculum for guidance while philosophy constitutes the base of
43 / 50
Philosophy and education work for the harmonization of education policies, theories and ……….
44 / 50
philosophy of education gives the teacher the professional tool and provides high quality performance in educational activities
45 / 50
before adopting a new educational or social policy in the country, one would expect that philosophers would be included in the
46 / 50
Philosophy of education is seen as an to the teacher
47 / 50
Philosophy of education is referred to as the use of philosophical tools, theories, methods, and principles for the explanation and solutions of
48 / 50
Philosophers look at theories, assumptions, postulations, statements and value judgments critically as to
49 / 50
The traditional teacher sees himself as his right to mould and shape the child
50 / 50
asserts that values are obtained from nature
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