Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The very first skill used by scientists in carrying out investigation of natural phenomena is known as _____
2 / 50
The process of designing and gathering data to test the hypothesis formulated is called _____
3 / 50
When a scientist is willing to share his findings with other scientists, it is known as _____
4 / 50
The ability of scientists to develop the spirit of appraising something is known as _____
5 / 50
Scientists should develop the spirit of presenting their findings as they are rather than manipulating. This is known as _____
6 / 50
was a famous mathematician who invented a complete system of geometry
7 / 50
Which of the following is not an attribute of scientific attitudes? _____
8 / 50
Other scientists that further proved and refined Lamark's theory were Charles Lyell, John Ray, Linneaus and
9 / 50
10 / 50
Knowing the size or extent of something especially in comparison within a known standard in science is known as _____
11 / 50
Scientists should not base their conclusion on heresay. This is known as _____
12 / 50
Sciestists should be coolheaded, and submissive especially to those above them. This is known as _____
13 / 50
Which of the following is concerned with knowing the size or extent of something? ___
14 / 50
The early medicine in ancient Mesopotamia manifested itself in a combined form of magic and
15 / 50
Examnes of Great Pyramid of Egypt include Great Pyramid of Giza and
16 / 50
An individual who tries to establish the laws of nature in his various activities is called a
17 / 50
The ability of a scientist to present his findings as they are rather than manipulating is called _____
18 / 50
Scientists should be curious about events and happenings in their environment. This is done through _____
19 / 50
20 / 50
Ability of scientists to endure all difficulties in the course of carrying out activities is known as ____
21 / 50
Scientists are supposed to share their findings with other scientists. This is known as _____
22 / 50
Which of the following suggests that science is knowledge yielding enterprise? _____
23 / 50
The remains of settlement belonging to Indus river valley has been found throughout the Indus River Valley in Western India and
24 / 50
Natural selection and Big Bang are examples of _____
25 / 50
The scientist that came up with a satisfactory explanation of circulatory system in the human body is
26 / 50
Rennaisance in science started in in 14th century and got to its peak in the 16th century.
27 / 50
The Arab mathematician Al-Khwarizmi introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals to Europe.
28 / 50
29 / 50
30 / 50
Mesopotamia is located in the present area of modern Iraq and
31 / 50
Scientists should be coolheaded and submissive especially to those above them. This is an attitude of science known as
32 / 50
developed precision instruments in form of sexant and qurants.
33 / 50
Ability of scientists to be coolheaded and submissive to those above him is called _____
34 / 50
The ancient Greek states is located on the coast and island of the Eastern
35 / 50
36 / 50
invented the first mechanical adding machine
37 / 50
38 / 50
39 / 50
The industrial revolution begain in
40 / 50
40. discovered radio activity.
41 / 50
Scientists should develop the spirit of humbleness. This is known as
42 / 50
The type of communication in science that occurs when scientists interact with one another in the course of their activities is called ______
43 / 50
The type of communication in science that involves writing, drawing and graphical representation is called _____
44 / 50
45 / 50
Which of the following is not a process of science? _____
46 / 50
The social process by which societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organisation is known as
47 / 50
Fundamental truth upon which other truths are founded is known as ____
48 / 50
Which of the following statement is not correct? _____
49 / 50
The outcome of observation and measurement that is recorded and kept for future use is known as
50 / 50
Behavioural components in science refers to _____
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