Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
It may be fruitless to force a child acquire skill before the child is?
2 / 50
2. When do learning begin ?
3 / 50
outdoor play promotes children development of the skills of critical thinking and act of learning to solve divers problem better, because learners
4 / 50
4. At what stage of language development does a child responds by coding, gurgling, babbling ?
5 / 50
What is the main use of operant conditioning by psychologists ?
6 / 50
refers to those factors that lies within an organism or a person
7 / 50
Children's library area of the day care should not feature
8 / 50
The basic equipment needs of a centre should be those without
9 / 50
what is seen as a function of stimulus and response relationship ?
10 / 50
The level of learning at which children can apply or make use of their understanding of events, objects, people or concepts is regarded as
11 / 50
11. Children love to
12 / 50
During learning process when children played, what other things do they learn about ?
13 / 50
Growth and change that occur in children during the first nine years of life occur in all domains of development except
14 / 50
The child gradually develops __for handling new problems and situations
15 / 50
Montessori was committed to action and movement as the basis for
16 / 50
For the period of time that children spent at the Centre, the staff is a
17 / 50
Children express play in many ways and adults sometimes what play is in many different ways.
18 / 50
what refers to all conditions and influences, which shape human growth and development ?
19 / 50
What plays a very key role in the learning process ?
20 / 50
The _of the early childhood programme must be conducive to learning and healthy to overall development
21 / 50
A child absorbs _through the use of his/her senses of touch, eyes and ears
22 / 50
_strive for complete consistency in her approach to pedagogy.
23 / 50
Children have been observed to enjoy listening to, and telling
24 / 50
What refers toquantitative and qualitative changes occuring in the child over time ?
25 / 50
25. What is the natural spontaneous and creative activity which a child engages in and learn something in the process
26 / 50
Who opinionated that children are biologically prepared to learn about the world ?
27 / 50
What discourages a given behavior ?
28 / 50
What is the profession of Maria Montessori ?
29 / 50
Expensive materials are unnecessary in children's environment, because children are happy playing with simple
30 / 50
Another name for imitation is called
31 / 50
The following are the subtheories of cognitive theory except
32 / 50
Two basic concepts underlying human growth and developement are
33 / 50
Large muscle activity area should have
34 / 50
may be contained in shallow pots with cemented sides.
35 / 50
How many hours do children spend in the montessori house's central room for intellectual work in a day ?
36 / 50
Climbing helps children in managing different heights and control.
37 / 50
The water should be to drink just in case the children get thirsty.
38 / 50
The beginning of playful activity can be observed from which period?
39 / 50
Operant conditioning was first popularised by who?
40 / 50
which of the factors affecting learing is genotypic make up and has personality trait ?
41 / 50
To enhance learning, children's experiences should match the child's developing abilities and also challenges his/her what?
42 / 50
At what rate is development faster in any individual ?
43 / 50
is a term which describes those physical characteristics a child inherit from his parents.
44 / 50
44. _______ begins at birth.
45 / 50
The importance of is generally accepted.
46 / 50
The role of the _in fostering learning through children’s play cannot be overstressed.
47 / 50
The term that describes the child's desire or need to master a skill is called?
48 / 50
Organs for hearing is also refred to as the _senses.
49 / 50
Outdoor environment is one that is outside which of the following?
50 / 50
If a child has to learn that grass is green he should know the meaning of what?
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