Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
2 / 50
When teacher training colleges were established, the first set of candifates for admission were
3 / 50
Apart from long period of training, a profession also requires
4 / 50
Intentions of government on what teacher education should be and how to go about it is referred to as
5 / 50
The National UPE programme was introduced in the year
6 / 50
Teaching that takes place outside the school is reffered to as
7 / 50
Teaching that takes place in the school is referred to as teaching
8 / 50
is the most important manpower, needed to develop other manpower
9 / 50
The lowering of admission requirements into the teachers colleges came as a result of
10 / 50
The method of teaching used by military and paramilitary is called
11 / 50
The major goal of teacher education is
12 / 50
The first set of teachers in the mission schools were
13 / 50
To provide teachers with the intellectual and background adequate for their assignment and make them adaptable to changing situations
14 / 50
This decade before and after independence was described as
15 / 50
Goals of Teacher Education in Nigeria includes
16 / 50
An occupation/vocation which involves some branch of learning and requires highly specialized skils is called
17 / 50
The Baptist Training College was established in 1897 in the town of
18 / 50
The minimum teaching qualification presently in Nigeria is
19 / 50
19. Teachers should serve as
20 / 50
The first attempt to both Christianity and Western education was in century
21 / 50
By 1948, the number of Teachers Training Colleges in Nigeria, assisted by the government has risen to
22 / 50
TRC was established by Act 31 of
23 / 50
Criteria for admission into the early teachers training college is
24 / 50
Wesley methodist mission established their own teacher training college in
25 / 50
Bachellor degrees i.e B.A/BSC/.Ed Education are offered by
26 / 50
Factors responsible for poor image of teachers in Nigeria include
27 / 50
27. _holds the key to the door
28 / 50
The first teachers college was established by
29 / 50
Baptist Training College was established in 1897 in
30 / 50
Which year was the first teachers college established
31 / 50
The colleges that produce teachers for the primary and junior secondary school levels are
32 / 50
The first teachers college known as Training Institution was established in the year
33 / 50
Education is regarded as the _that unlocks the door to modernization
34 / 50
The goals of teacher education in Nigeria include
35 / 50
Many of the first Nigeria teachers serve as
36 / 50
What was the total number of teachers training colleges in Nigerian assisted by Government in 1948
37 / 50
A person who conciously impacts knowledge, skills, attitude and values to learners is called a
38 / 50
Teaching is an activity that depends upon relationship or between two persons or parties
39 / 50
Free primary education was first introduced by the
40 / 50
Free primary education programme in the western, eastern and northern regions was rapid in which year
41 / 50
Which of he following are characteristics of a Profession
42 / 50
The planned programme for specialized education that produce teachers with skill and competence for teaching in schools and colleges is called
43 / 50
43. NUT means
44 / 50
opened the gate for the establishment of teachers college in Nigeria
45 / 50
The role of guiding, advising and directing was placed teachers in positions of
46 / 50
Members of a profession have to be united under one organisation known as
47 / 50
Four duties of TRC in Nigeria includes , __, and
48 / 50
The first teachers college was moved to Lagos in which year
49 / 50
Which of the following opened the gate for the establishment of teachers coolleges in nigeria
50 / 50
According to Akinpelu (1981) __is the conscious and delibrate effort by a mature or experienced person to impact information, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to an immature or less experienced person
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