Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Children pick his first language from his mother through the following except
2 / 50
The reasons why breast feeding is regarded as necessary for the child include the following
3 / 50
Educated is one that has acquired some skills and able to use it to solve his/her day to day problems.
4 / 50
4. ______ refer to long term goals
5 / 50
What makes the difference between us and animals is ______________
6 / 50
The process of telling the child how and where to control their bladder and bowels is
7 / 50
Old techniques of teaching and learning are
8 / 50
The child learn more from the mother than any other person for the following reasons except
9 / 50
__________ cited five major techniques of traditional African education
10 / 50
Mother-tongue is the first language the child speaks
11 / 50
In early days, in order to let the children acquire a skill to take care of himself in future are introduce to him/he
12 / 50
Schofield says Education is similar to
13 / 50
Most of the teaching and learning that takes place in traditional education are based on ___________,____________ and superstition
14 / 50
Moral, character development and vocational training is
15 / 50
15. chastity refers to living a life of
16 / 50
Emotional behaviours often displayed by children is
17 / 50
_______________ form of education involves reading and writing
18 / 50
The way an individual or group of people behave or react to situations is
19 / 50
The process of giving the child adult food along with the breast milk till the baby stop breast milk is known as
20 / 50
Akinbote (2001), every adult member of the community is a to the child
21 / 50
The state of mind in which children usually react to some external factors which are not pleasant is
22 / 50
________ is a life long process
23 / 50
23. Education is received at
24 / 50
Deep thinking which relates to modern studies in philosophy & logic is taught in very simple but effective way is___________
25 / 50
___________, _____________ and training could be regarded as the pillar on which traditional education rests
26 / 50
All are responsibilities of the father over a family excepts
27 / 50
In Africa, major eason why people marry is to have their own
28 / 50
Traditional communities can be regarded as classrooms for traditional education
29 / 50
Traditional system of education gave proper attention to the _______________ of the child
30 / 50
United Nations Education, and Cultural Organization is the full meaning of UNESCO
31 / 50
The child should not be made to feel that it is a ___________ to be engaged in manual labour
32 / 50
Major vocatioanl areas for skill acquisition in traditional societies include
33 / 50
The ability to read and write will not further enhance cultural practices
34 / 50
Communication that differentiate us from other animals is
35 / 50
The idea of keeping is never allowed as it is even a strange thing to Africans
36 / 50
Form of education that took place in school and colleges is education
37 / 50
An example of problem identified to be associated with traditional African Education is
38 / 50
The group is an important agent of socialisation
39 / 50
A French philosopher named _____________________ was once quoted as saying that it is those who can read and write that will lead the world
40 / 50
we should not allow our desire for rapid development through formal education to encourage immorality
41 / 50
One of the chief aims of is to turn the soul in the right direction and save it from a life of self-deceit and delusion.
42 / 50
One of the reasons for early marriage in traditional societies is to prevent
43 / 50
An internal reaction or feeling which may be positive or negative is
44 / 50
_________ is the first, oldest and most natural way of learning.
45 / 50
Backwardness of some communities in Africa can be easily observed in people's mode of
46 / 50
The the most popular religions in Nigeria are
47 / 50
______ define education as a process of transmitting the people’s culture from one generation to the other
48 / 50
A person who has authority over everybody in his family is
49 / 50
The most popular form of education in this computer age is ________________
50 / 50
Our culture encourages that the should breastfeed as many times as the wants it.
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